Condemned at Twenty-One

If You Must Know

C puts a jar wrapped in cloth into his messenger bag. He walks over and picks up his shirt.

“Damn bastard ripped my shirt.” C says tossing it aside.

“Damned.” A voice says. C turns around and sees a man standing behind him. “Hey, Names Chaste. I’m Twenty-one.” C looks at this random guy’s short brown hair, brown eyes, and a few scares on his face. The two have the same built but C has to slightly look up to look into Chaste’s eyes.

“Celestial. But I prefer C. Also Twenty-one.”

“So tell me C,” Chaste says crossing his arms. “Why have you been damned?” C stares at Chaste and smiles an evil grin.

“If you must know,” C starts. “When I was seven, I watched as someone murdered my parents before my young innocent eyes. After that I mattered to no one. I was the worthless free loader who had no purpose in life. How I hated everyone. I wanted revenge on everyone who made my life a living hell. When I turned fifteen, I was given that chance. That’s when I made a bet with a demon. It was amazing. Nothing could kill me, or so I thought.
Eventually I had met the person who killed my parents. It was an angel. Apparently my parents were such sinners that the man in charge said to have them slayed. I wanted to find that angel again to destroy them but I died at only sixteen. For some reason I ended up at the gates of heaven, but there was no one there. So I hopped the gate. It was pretty quiet there and I didn’t see anyone, but I did see a giant, glowing mansion which is where I went and I easily got in. That’s when I saw it. A massive white and gold book sitting on a pedestal. I thought it was a dictionary or something so I opened it and started reading it. Inside was the name of every person ever born or going to be born, it also contained their cause of death, when they would die, and whether they were going to heaven or hell.
All the information was stored into my brain for some reason, that’s when he walked in. I was seized, whipped, beaten, and finally branded.” C says nothing else as hatred boils in him.

“Put this on.”Chaste says tossing C a sleeveless jacket. C looks around in surprise, not realizing they had been walking to the city while he told his story. “What about him?” Chaste asks point at a guy who walks past him. C looks at him confused.

“What about him?”

“His death.” C glances back at the man as he walks out of sight.

“Cecil Ashford. He will die in five years three day twenty-four minutes and two point three five second. Instant death from being hit by a cement truck.”

“And her?” They stare at a high school girl as she walks by.

“Chelsea Wilkins. She’ll die from date rape in ten hours, twenty minutes, and fifteen and a half seconds.”

“Are you going to help those people?” Chaste asks seriously.

“Why should I? It's their fault if they are stupid and weak.” Chaste smiles at C’s response.

“What about me?” C and Chaste stare at each other and C smirks.

“You’re already dead.”