Clear Conscience

Chapter 7

I spent half the day trying to decide what to wear tonight, and the other half trying to figure out why I was so worried about it. It's not like I had to impress him or anything. He was the one who had to make an impression, and a good one at that.

Finally, I decided at 7:55 to throw on some skinny jeans and a polka dotted shirt. I quickly brushed my hair and turned off all the lights in my house. I walked outside just as Frank was pulling up.

He shifted the car in park and got out of the car and met me at the steps. He took my hand lead me to the passenger side door. He kissed the back of my hand and opened the door for me.

I stepped in the car and Frank shut the door behind me. My heart started racing a mile a minute, knowing that it would be so easy to forgive him. But should I forgive so quickly?

Frank climbed in the car and reversed out of my driveway. We rode in silence for a while before Frank finally reached over and grabbed my hand.

"I really think you're going to like this tonight." He said before kissing it again.

I only smiled at him, unsure of what to say. I chose to keep the silence between us, watching the road signs whirl by. We got off on an exit and traveled for a bit longer until I noticed we were nearing the coast line.

"Frank, where are we going exactly?"

"Somewhere I think you'll like." Frank smiled at me. We parked close the beach. Frank and I got out of the car and took our shoes off and rolled our pants up. We walked hand in hand down the beach and it took all my will to keep from wrapping myself around Frank.

We walked in silence together for about five minutes and then I noticed that we had walked upon a small beach front restaurant. I started for the front stairs, but Frank pulled me towards the small dock connected.

"Here you go, Jessie." Frank said as he took me to the small table and pulled my chair out for me. I sat down and Frank went to the facing chair and sat down.

"Frank, how in the world did you find this place? This is not the most visited area of the beach."

"It's actually where, well, I'll explain to you after," He started, but then trailed off. "Soon enough."

We ate some different seafood and a nice dessert before leaving once again. We didn't walk back to the car, just around on the beach a bit. Frank stopped walking, and just looked across the dark horizon.

"So, you going to tell me how you found this place?" I asked, smiling at him.

"Well, this place sort of holds a special place in my family's hearts." Frank smiled at me, then looked back towards the ocean. "You see this is where my father brought my grandmother and proposed to her. My father to my mother."

He looked back at me and smiled, not saying anything else. I felt my heart start racing, just thinking about what more he would say. His hands joined mine, and he pulled me closer to him.

"And maybe, I can keep the tradition going by asking you here." He said quietly. "Jessie, I love you. Please, marry me?"

I smiled and turned my eyes to the dark night sky, trying to fight the tears back. Not able to form words, I only nodded my head. Frank pulled the ring out of his pocket and slipped it onto my finger.

"I love you Jessie."

"I love you too Frank." I said softly. He placed his hand under my chin and brought me closer to him. He gave me a soft kiss and pulled away. He took my hand and lead the way back to the car.
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wow, you should see this story from when i first wrote it. talk about awful grammar and the most boring plot ever. i know this isn't a huge improvement plot wise, but still. it's just a little bit better.