Status: Something new. Trying a new writing style. Hope It works out the way I want too!

Feel The Sun On Your Face, and the Sand In Your Toes

Addie McBeth and Jaydrian Stevenson are best friends. Addie's more out there and Jaydrian the good girl of the friendship. But the new bad boy River Hemington came and interrupted the perfect peace of Malibu Heights. Where you can feel the sun on your face, and the warm sun kissed sand between your toes. River, has a secret. He seems like the typical bad boy status with a secret that just appeared, with his dark hair and brooding eyes. But he doesn't fool Jaydrian. She knows. She knows his secret and she tries to get close to him to make sure that what she knows is true. Will Hemington tell her the truth? Or will he hide behind his lies like he's done in every new city that he moved too?