Status: Working On it, but slowly

Hey Arizona

You're Over Reacting

I walk into the house with dripping wett clothes. I really didn't think about me being at the coffee shop and having no way home, and the fact that the rain didn't quit. I had to walk 5 miles back home in the rain.

"Woah, A little wett?" Chuckles Jared as he walks into view.

"Pssh nah, what makes you think that?" I sarcastically reply hanging my soak and wett coat up on the coat rack.

"I think it's about time to go get you a car"

"Or maybe it's about time you just let me have yours" I grin. Jared didn't look amused "I'm Kidding"

"Maybe it's time you get a job?" Suggest Jared.

I slip off my wett shoes and walk to the kitchen. Jared followed me. "Maybe" I reply opening up the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. I go over and take a seat on the island's stool.

Jared leans on the island across from me. "It'll help you with buying that car" He watches me as I play with the hole in my jeans, right at the knee. "Get a job at the coffee shop"

"Nooo thanks" I reply looking up at him "I mean I love coffee but too many people go there and I just don't like it"

"That's life kid" Chuckles Jared. I hated when he was right, made me feel stupid.

"You're Right"

"How about you sell Merch for us?" Suggest Jared.

"Isn't that Vito's job?" I ask.

"Yeah, but he could always use the help, You know carrying in boxes and shit"

I think this offer over. "Would the others mind?"

"Are you kidding?" He chuckles "The fuckers don't care'

I pause for a minute, picking at the rip in my jeans. "Hmm I guess I could try it"

Jared smiles "Good" He makes his way towards the other room.

"I have a date!" I shout loudly making Jared stop in his tracks. I hear his foot steps as he walks over towards me.

"With who?" He asks going right back over to where he once was. He gave me the stare down obviously waiting for an answer.


"Joel!? From This Century?!" Asks Jared.

I give a half smile. "Yeah" I see Jared make a tsk noise and shake his head. "What?" i ask. Just then a hear a slam of the door and see Kennedy walk in.

"Sup Guys!?" He shouts coming over to where me and Jared were.

"Hey Kennedy" Says Jared still kinda smiling.

"Sup?" He asks.

"What ya know about Joel Kanitz?" Asks Jared. I look over to Kennedy that has a smirk on his face.

"Ohhhh Joel, from This Century?" I watch as Jared nods his head. "Oh yeah, he's pretty nice, too bad he can't keep a relationship, i blame hormones, but yeah why you ask?"

Jared looked back over to me with a smirk "Because Miss Danika here has a date with him tonight"

Kennedy looks over at me with a shit eating grin "Ohhh really now?"

"I don't know if you'd call it a date, he just invited me to his show tonight-"

Kennedy cutt me off "It's a date kid" He chuckles.

"A date that you shouldn't go on" adds Jared.

"Well too bad" I reply jumping down off the stool and walking towards the steps.

"Where you going?" Asks Jared.

"To go get ready for my "date"!" I shout back as I disapear upstairs......

Why does Jared and Kennedy have to be so...ugh. They obviously don't know what they're talking about. I plop myself onto my bed looking up at the ceiling when I feel my phone vibrate. It was Joel...

*Hey meet me at Coffee shop in 10*

I reply with a quick *K* and start to get ready....

What do I have to worry about? Jared's over reacting.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh danni, what do we do with you? D:
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