Status: Working On it, but slowly

Hey Arizona

C'mon Nickelsen

I watch as Garrett runs out the back door hiding behind the bushes until he had no sight of Jared. The front door handle jiggled and soon open to a pissed of Jared staring at me with rage. I swallowed the large lump that sat in the middle of my throat before I talked.

“Jared, look-“

Jared’s rage broke through my thoughts. “Dannika Monaco! What the fuck were you thinking!?”

“I’m sorry Jared, It’s just-“

“And It’s just what!?” he snaps

“I didn’t want to see him after, you know” I sheepishly reply on the verge of tears.

“That’s not excuse Danni! Now Tessa thinks you hate her! You’re so irresponsible! And another thing-“Jared yelling seemed to subside when he noticed a tear running down my face. His facial expression suddenly became calm.

“I-I’m sorry” I pleaded. “I’ll never do i-it again”

Jared wraps his arms around me pulling me into a hug. “I’m sorry kiddo, truly, I shouldn’t of blown up on you like that, sorry for yelling”

Jared’s apology was sincere. He never did like yelling at me. “Thanks Jared, but I’m still sorry for skipping out on you, Just I didn’t want to see Joel and you can call Tessa and reschedule a date”

Jared lets go still grasping my shoulders. “That sounds good now go get ready for bed”

“But it’s early” I reply. “Why do I have to go to bed right now?”

“We have band practice in the morning, plus we have to get ready for tour”” he replies “On a scale to 1 to 10, how awkward do you think Garrett will feel with me there?”

I was taken back. “H-how did you know he was here?”

“Danni, I’m not stupid, I saw his yellow car sitting in the driveway” he laughs.

Damn. I never thought of that. “Oh. I don’t know. Maybe a 9”

“I guess will see, I should probably thank him for getting you home safely” jokes Jared.
“Yeah, cause that’ll really help his awkwardness” I laugh.


We pull up into Kennedy’s driveway around nine a.m, I didn’t even do my hair nor did I do my make-up. The sound of loud music flooded the driveway and probably the whole entire town….city, country, hell maybe even earth.

“Well, the guys started without me” says Jared as we get out of the car.

“Obviously” I chuckle

The noise became louder as we got inside the house and even louder as we go into the basement. John was perfectly standing in front of the microphone; Pat was sat behind his drums banging away. Kennedy was strumming his guitar singing his backups. Garrett wasn’t there yet. He was usually one of the first ones there. Weird.

“Hold hold hold” shouts John in the middle of their song “Monaco! Glad you could show up!”

“Yeah, it’s unlike you to show up late” says Kennedy slinging his guitar off his shoulder and setting it down. “Now Garrett, yeah that’s no surprise”

“Sorry guys, it was hard to get Danni up this morning” Laughs Jared.

He lies; I wasn’t too hard to get up this morning.

“Has anyone heard from Garrett?” Asks Pat, taking a rag to his forehead.

Everyone replied with a ‘No’. Garrett not showing up for band practice must be a common thing anymore.

“Do you think it’s because…..” trails off Kennedy.

“That cold blooded, heart sucking bitch he’s with” scoffs John.

“Well I was going to leave it at bitch but that works too” chuckles Kennedy. “But seriously, ever since she came into the picture he hasn’t been his self.”

Suddenly the room was taken over by the sound of footsteps running down the steps. “You guys want pizza?” The female figure standing at the steps was Hope, and not far from behind her was Holi…..GREAT!

Hope spots me and runs over pulling me into a hug. “I missed you!” she squeals.

“I missed you too” I reply giving John a small wink.

“Honey” says John grabbing Hopes shoulder “Maybe you shouldn’t suffocate her”

Hope soon lets go of me and turns to the guys. I mouth a ‘thank you’ to John. He replies with a thumbs up and a smile.

“Yeah, Get like 4 large pizzas” replies Kennedy. “What do you guys want on it?”

“Cheese!” yells Pat.

“Pepperoni and mushrooms!” yells John

“Fine just get one pizza with just cheese, one with pepperoni and mushrooms, and one with just cheese and pepperoni.” Says Kennedy “Jared what do you want?”

“Pepperoni is good.” He replies. “Danni what do you want?”

“I’ll just eat whatever” I reply.

“Okay two pizzas with just cheese and pepperoni” says Kennedy handing Hope a 20. “If it’s anymore, come get more money”

The glare I was receiving from Holi was piercing. I tried to keep my stare away from her general location and pretend to be interested in the song John and them had begun to play.

“You want to come up stairs and watch movies with me and Holi?” asks Hope.

“Nah” I quickly reply “I’ll stay down here and watch the guys”

“Okay” smiles Hope “We’re up here if you change your mind”

I surely won’t change my mind.

“Okay” I smile converting my attention back to the guys.

“Hey guys!” shouts Garrett coming down the steps “Sorry I’m late!”

The guys stop playing to look at Garrett rushing over and slinging his bass over his shoulders.

“What song we on?” asks Garrett.

“Garrett you being late is starting to be an everyday thing” says John obviously bothered.
“I know” sighs Garrett “And I’m sorry, just Farrah…”

“Farrah Farrah Farrah. It’s always Farrah” snaps John “Dude she’s ruining you!”

“Excuse me?” says a taken back Garrett “Who are you to say that!”

“Garrett you’re never on time and when you are the only thing you do is complain about how Farrah controls you!” shouts John. “and to be honest I’m sick of it, you either start caring about the band or get out”

Garrett stood in silence. The veins in his head throbbing. The whole band waits for his answer. Garrett’s facial expressions soon come to ease as he calms down. “I think I’m going to go home to think this over.”

The guys looked dumbfounded. “If that’s what you need then so be it” says John. “But if you choose her over the band, then I feel sorry for you Garrett. I hope you do the right thing”.

Garrett sets his bass down and walks towards the steps turning to look at me. A frown spread across his face, he gave me a slight smile before disappearing up the steps. The band stands there in silence for a couple minutes before anyone decided to speak.

“I think we’re done for the day” says John “Let’s just go eat pizza”

Part of me wanted to run after Garrett and talk some sense into him but the other part of me knew this was something he’d have to do for himself.

I just pray he makes the right decision….
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah yeah It's been too long, but I can promise a chapter next weekend on this because I'll be camping and bored so yeah, i will have another update next weekend, but until then ponder on what Garrett is going to doooo (: