Status: Working On it, but slowly

Hey Arizona

The Mall; Don't want to see you like this.

Hope continued to pull my through the busy mall and the crowd of adoring fans that stood outside of Hot Topic. When I said crowd I mean a huge crowd. I guess alot of people love The Maine.

"Ooooo! Look at that!" Yells Hope as we stop in front of a dress that sat in the display window at Forever 21.

"Yeah. It's cute" I reply

She doesn't even reply she just grabs my hand once more and drags me into the store. She drags me around as grabs random outfits off the racks.

"Here" she says giving me the pile of clothes "Go try these on"

"I-" she cuts me off by shoving me to the dressing rooms.

One by one I go out showing here each outfit she picked out for me. I have to addmit the girls got style. The outfits are stuff I'd never pick out but I was willing to try on stuff to make her happy.

"That's the one!" shouts Hope as I come out in a light pink tank top with a whitish grey cardigan.
I spun around a couple times. I wasn't gonna lie, It was simply adorable.

"Stay here" says Hope as she gets up and leaves the dressing room.

She returns moments later with an armful of skirts, jeans, and shorts. This girl totally had a shopping problem.

"Go try these on with the shirt you have on now"

I did as told. I tried on everyone of those pants she thru at me. She finally decided on the very last thing. A simple light jean skirt. She said the outfit was simply adorable and I guess I had to agree. It was.

We stood at the check out counter with the new outfit I was being forced to buy and along with Hope buying herself a new outfit.

"Oooo look!" Oh god what now?! "This necklace is so cute, You're gonna get it" It was a peace necklace, it was cute but to be honest I didn't really have that much money to begin with. I'm surprised that I'll have enough to buy this outfit.

She through it onto the counter anyway.

"Here" she says grabbing the outfit out of my arms. "I'll buy it for you"

"No, You don't-" she cutts my off.

"I want to"

I wasn't gonna argue so I let her. The total of my new outfit and hers the total cost was $125.99. Hope must be taking too much of an advantage of this dating a rock star thing.

We leave the store with hanging bags from our arms. We must have spent 2 hours in that store and I was starting to get rather hungry.

"I'm starting to get hungry" I admit.

"Me too" agrees Hope. "Food court?"

"Sure" I reply.

We make our way through the mall only to stop when Hope spotted a pair of flip flops that she said would make my outfit better. Before I could argue she drug me in and coming back out with me a pair and her a pair of shores.

We finally make it to the food court. We stand there looking over the different food stores. We decided on Chinese.

After ordering and getting our food we stand looking over the tables until we spotted a empty one. We hurry and snatch it up before someone else did.

"So you on college break?" asks Hope.

"No" I say taking a sip of water "Kinda dropped out"

Hope took another bite of noodles. "Oh man, Bet your parents wasn't too happy"

"Yeah they weren't, kinda why I'm here"

Hope gave me a confused look as she took a drink of her drink. "Do explain"

I take a deep breathe. "Well you see I left Arizona four yeas ago to go off with my parents when my dad found a new job in Indiana. I was there until I graduated and I decided to just go to college there and I went for a couple months and started thinking maybe college wasn't the thing for me, so I decided to drop out. My parents were not happy. My mom was more understanding but my dad, my dad honestly hates me. He really does. I figured if I came back to Arizona I could forget."

I saw as Hope's eyes grew wider. "Wow, that sucks. I'm sorry"

"Yeah well I think living in Arizona will help, Maybe not alot but maybe a little"

Hope shakes her head in understandment. "So you knew John and them before you left to Indiana?"

"Yeah, They've changed....alot" I reply continueing to eat.

"Oh really? How so?" Asks Hope.

"To be honest, Everyone has changed, I mean they were all younger 4 years ago but I'm a little taken back about how things can change so much in just four years"

Hope gave me a look as in if she wanted more details so I took a sip of water to dry my throat to continue more explaining.

"Like John, He, no offense, Was one of the biggest man whores I've ever seen"

"Oh really?" Asks Hope.

"Yeah, but he seems to have changed, so Don't worry about it. And Then there's Pat, He was the friend of Jared's that I wasn't too close to but he always made me laugh my ass off. Then there's Kennedy, We weren't really friends but I was always over at his house, not because of him but because I was best friends with his sister, Holly. I haven't seen her in four years. She probably don't remember me. Then there's Garrett, Garrett and me use to be like this" I cross my two fingers to indicate the closeness.

"Really?" asks Hope.

"Yeah I mean I know I was 14 and He was 17 but we were pretty good friends. Actually besides Holly, i guess u could say Garrett was my best friend. He did always pick on me, non stop and he pissed me off sooooooo much but at the end of the day we were always best friends again."

Hope gave me a slight smile. "What happened? You guys don't seem like best friends"

"Like I said alot can happen in four years" It was sad but it was the truth.

Hope bit her bottom lip and looked down nodding her head. "Yeah, unfortunely"

"I'm surrprised Jared didn't mind you being friends with his friends" Laughs Hope.

"Well he didn't exactly have a choice, You see, I was home schooled and didn't have much friends so ya see kinda made friends with his friends because they were always around" I explain.

"Makes sense" smiles Hope.

"Farrah! Baby! Please Stop!" Shouts Garrett chasing after Farrah as she storms out of the mall.

Hope and I stop what we're doing and look at eachother. This couldn't be good. Hope stands up and takes her trey over to the trash can dumping it in. I do the same. I follow Hope back to Hot Topic where we saw the guys loading back up.

"So uh what just happened?" asks Hope.

"Garrett and Farrah just got into another arguement" Replys Pat loading up a speaker into the hard black box.

"Why?" Asks Hope.

"Because Farrah's a jealous little slut" replys John.

"That doesn't explain anything" I cut in
"She saw Garrett talking to some fan girl and flipped out" Replys Kennedy.

"Oh" I reply.

"Hey Danni?" asks Jared.


"Can you take this out to the bus?" asks Jared nudging his head toward the cart full of boxes.


I push the heavey cart throughout the mall. I finally get it out the door when I glance over to see Garrett sitting on the sidewalk. I walk towards him.

"Hey You okay?" I ask letting go of the cart and going over and sitting beside of him.

"Yeah" He says leaning up and wiping the tears from his face "Everythings okay"

"You always were a horrible lair" I smile.

He smiles slightly. "Why does she do this shit?"

I wrap my arm around his shoulder. "I don't know her enough to know why"

I hear him sniffle a couple times. "I do everything she wants me to and she does this shit"

"Maybe she's-" I cut myself off "Nevermind"

"No tell me"

"Like I said I don't know her but maybe she's I don't know...A little unappreciative"

Garrett looked up at me with tear stained eyes. "You got that right"

I give him a simpithetic smile. I hated to see Garrett this upset. I mean we did use to be best friends. I stand up brushing my clothes down. I hold my hand out to help Garrett up. He looks at it. "It's just a hand, Let me help you up"

He smiles and lets me pull him to his feet. He glances over the parking lot. "Fuck! I forgot! She took off with me car" He says putting his hands behind his head.

"We-" I got cutt off by the guys and Hope coming out of the mall.

"We ready?" asks Jared.

"Yeah. But I think Garrett needs a ride home" I look over to Garrett who had a smile on his face.
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Awh(: I'm working on the whole Garrett and Dannika thing, promise (:
Probably another update tomorrow? (: