Anarchy in NYC


The year is 1979. Sid Vicious is dead, and true punk is on it’s last legs. Yet, somehow, through all the fights and drugs, here we stand. Alive

For the time being, at least.

The music was blasting, the fists were flying. This was music at it’s best, raw and violent. This was real. I snapped back to reality when a fist collided with my temple. I retaliated, spinning around quickly, throwing a punch to the first person I saw, screaming along with the band the whole time. James decided to handle this in his own way, and jumped the unsuspecting fan to the ground. Soon blood was mixing with the sweat on the floor, and still the band played on. I laughed and joined the pulsing crowd in the chorus. That’s just the way things are done around here. This is punk.

* * *

“Got a light?” Johnny was standing with me and James outside the venue. I handed him a match.

“Hot great was that?” James had the beginning of a black eye, and a sizable scratch on his check, still he managed to grin ear to ear.

I nodded and took a drag from my cigarette. “Where were you anyway, man?” Johnny was supposed to meet us, but never showed. He took a long drag, and carefully adjusted his blazer.

“Just had some stuff to take care of, you know?”

“You ditched us to fuck some broad?” James said laughingly.

Johnny laughed along and punched him in the arm. “Yeah, and she goes by the name of your mother!” I ducked out of the way as Johnny’s mohawked head butted James’ chest.

“Hey man, you want a fix?” James and Johnny broke their tussle as a familiar face approached. Unaware of his true name, we affectionately called him Heroin Steve, as he sold us decent smack for cheap. He always seemed to be around when we needed him, but always disappeared in a jam. For this reason, James never fully trusted him.

“You kidding me? How much?” James and Steve made the exchange, Steve looking around warily the whole time. “You gotta relax sometime. Here, try some.” James sat on the curb, and rolled up his sleeve.

“The fuck are you doing?!” Steve grabbed the needle out of James’ hand. “Are you fucking crazy? You can’t do that stuff here! C’mon, I got a place we can go, if you’re that desperate.” James laughed, but stood up compliantly.

“You’re coming, right Debbie?” Who was he kidding? I hadn’t had a hit in nearly two days. The fact that I didn’t have my own needle wasn’t going to stop me. “How bout you, Johnny boy?”

“Nah, that shit’ll kill you.” Johnny stated as he killed his cigarette.

James shrugged. “Have it your way.”

“Can we get going?” Heroin Steve was always known to be a touch paranoid. James grinned and put his arm around me. Anyone who might have the misfortune to walk in this part of town at night would surely have crossed to the other side of the street. To them, we were just a group of junkies throwing away our lives. But to us, we were young, free, and in love.

And we owned this fucking night.
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New story!
Many thanks for Josh for helping with ideas,
Erryone should give me love and comment and subscribe.