Status: Planning a sequel to this story already.

Would you, want to, feel the way that I do?

I Couldn't Imagine Anyone Else

“You ready babe?” Ben yelled up the stairs. I slipped on my white billabong flip flops and went downstairs. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
“You look beautiful.” He smiled as we walked out to his car.
“Thank you.” I grinned. We got in his car and he went to the first destination. After 20 minutes, Ben parked at the park downtown. We got out and he pulled a picnic basket and a blanket out of the trunk.
“A picnic? How romantic Ben.” I said smiling. He spread out the blanket and we ate. He packed two sandwiches, a couple waters, and some grapes. After eating and talking, we packed up and went for a walk on the beach.
“Hi, can you take a picture of us?” I asked an old woman who was here with her husband and dog. She smiled and took the camera.
“Sure.” She said. Ben and I smiled with the ocean in the background.
“You kids make a beautiful couple.” The old woman smiled.
“Thank you ma'am.” I smiled.
We talked to the old woman and her husband and they've been together for 57 years! They were still in love so much too.
“You two have fun. Don't let this one go young man. She's a keeper.” She smiled at Ben.
“Oh I won't. I wouldn't be able to." The old woman smiled and we said our goodbyes, getting in the car.
“They were so sweet.” I said.
“Yeah. That's us in the future.” He laughed. I smiled and held his hand.
(Three hours later)
“I have something very special planned for later.” Ben told me. I looked at him and smiled.
“What's that?”
“You know I cant say.” He said. I huffed. He chuckled.
“Just wait til later.” He said.
(Two hours later)
“You ready?” Ben smiled.
I nodded and followed him out to the car. We drove for about 20 minutes until Ben pulled up to an old hot wing gaming place.
“This is where we had our first date.” I said staring out the window.
“Yeah.” He smiled, parking.
We got out and he took my hand as we went inside and sat ourselves. We ordered some wings and coke and talked about our first date and how Ben was just the most caring and nicest guy ever. And he still is. After eating, we played some games just like on our first date, then went home.
We went straight upstairs and got into bed. Ben cuddled up to me, then kissed me so passionately fireworks could have struck right in the room and I wouldn't of noticed. He just smiled after, knowing what he had done.
“It's always so cold in here.” I said, not knowing what else to say. He smiled and hugged me tighter.
“That's why you have me to keep you warm throughout the night.” He said.
“I love you.” I said, snuggling my head into his chest. His cologne was the best smell ever. He always got the same kind because I love it so much.
“So, you're going on tour with Three Days Grace soon?” I asked.
“Yeah. In about two weeks.” He said.
“Think I can get autographs?” I giggled.
“How about meet them and get pictures. We're all going to Olive Garden the day before tour to catch up. Come with me.” Ben said.
“I'll stand out.” I said.
“No you wont. Aaron is bringing his wife and his son. And chad is bringing his wife.” He said.
“Well, ok.” I said.
“Let's get some sleep.” Ben said, closing his eyes. I closed mine and we both fell into dream land.