Status: Complete, please comment.



Gerard stumbled through his apartment and walked through the hallway to where his brothers’ room was. He hadn’t step foot in it sense the murder and he never wanted to return to it. His finger gripped the handle and slowly push the door open. His ears picked up some light snoring.

“Mikey?” he asked, his eyes landed on the bed by the desk, and body was submerge under the covers, “Mikey?”

The body stirred, and Gerard ran to the bedside table. He gripped the covers, and yanked the off the body. A thin, lightly tan man laid under them. His dirty blond hair was sticking up, and he was slightly drooling. Gerard placed his palm on the body, feeling the warm flesh under his skin.

“Mikey?” tears pooled in his green eyes, and a lump formed in his throat. He shook the body slightly, and hazel eyes appeared from under the eyelids. Gerard broke down and fell on his knees. He sobbed into the sheets, his face buried the sweet smelling sheets of his brother.

“Gee? What’s wrong?” he asked, rubbing his eyes. The man before him was sobbing uncontrollability.

He lifted his head up, and wrapped his arms around his thin brother, “Y-y-your…alive!”

Mikey nodded, and patted his brothers back, “Yea. I guess I am.”

The older brother looked up and grinned, “M-my b-baby brother… is b-back ho-home!”

Mikey nodded, and wrapped his arms around Gerard, “Calm down. You need to go find Frank now..”

Gerard stared up, “You know?”

“I was dead on Earth. I watched you, and you met Frank. Frank loves you. I might be your only family member left, but Frank needs you more than I do. I thank you very much for giving me a second chance to be on Earth. I know your going to die soon, and I promise that I’m Frank would rather want to spend your last moments with you.” Mikey explained.

He ran his thumb under the older Ways eye, “I’m sorry for what I put myself through just to see you live again. I will find Frank. I think I know where he is.”

Mikey pulled Gerard in closer, “Good, now go.”

Gerard nodded, and stood up slowly from the floor. He studied his brother for one last time before leaving his apartment. For good.


Frank walked over to a café next to the bookshop and slipped into a booth in the back. They had released Frank, because they got has much information needed from him. They figured out he was just hanging around the murderer instead of helping him. They decide not to press any charges on him, and just let him go.

He sighed, and sipped his coffee forcing tears back. He wanted to hear the rasp voice, and feel the soft raven hair again. He regretted leaving him, but he knew Gerard would never come back to northeast. He was heading south.

The door ding, and heard someone walk in. He didn’t pay attention since his eyes were on the table. He heard footstep coming over to him, but they were probably going to the back room or the restrooms.


He slowly looked up to see the last person he thought he be seeing. He rubbed his eyes for a moment thinking that this was all a dream.

Gerard slipped into the booth, “He’s alive. I did.”

Frank nodded slowly, “Why are you--”

“Back? When I killed the thousand soul, nothing happened. I figured I had to come back up here to see if it was true. When I came back this morning, I saw Mikey. He told me to find you. He wants me to put you before family.” he explained, he stared at the sugar packets.

“You drove from South Carolina… to here. Gerard, you need to--” he was cut off.

“No. I’m staying. I figure I should turn myself in. I can’t live with myself and what I’ve done. I got my brother back. I found my soul mate. I need to accept that I did what God wanted me to do, and start a new life in another world.” he grabbed the younger mans hand.

Frank shook his hand, “No… Gerard. I want you to live. You can get therapy for it and…”

Gerard shook his head and chuckled, “I’m the number one most wanted criminal in the U.S. I couldn’t do anything without getting caught.”

He nodded, “We… can….”

“I love you Frank and promise me one thing.” he cupped Franks cheek, “Live your life better than I lived mine.” he pulled out a cell phone, and turned it on.’

Franks eyes widen with tears, “Please…”

Gerard dialed nine-one-one, and put the phone to his ear, “I’m Gerard Way, and I’m in a coffee shop on 17th street, and Brooklyn AVE. Yea, I’m turning myself in.”

Gerard stood up, when Frank jumped up and attacked the older mans lips. He felt the warmth coming off the older mans lips, and how sweet they tasted like coffee and cigarettes. He licked his tongue on his bottom lip, and Gerard opened his mouth up for the younger man. He placed a hand in the younger mans hair, and they other on his lower back. He explored the shorter mans mouth, and tasted the bitterness from the coffee. He enjoyed it so much.

Hands grabbed Gerard’s hand, and slowly pulled his away. Frank slowly opened his eyes up, and cup Gerard’s cheek. He watched has the FBI were handcuffing his soul mate. His mouth went dry, and tears stained his cheeks.

“Your under arrest Gerard Way!” an officer yelled.

“Wait!” Frank yelled.

The officer turned around with Gerard, “What do you want?” he asked.

Gerard grinned, “Frankie, don’t cry.”

“I fucking love you Gerard. I promise you I will live a better life than you did.” he said, his hand clutching his chest.

Gerard grinned, “I love you and always will Frank Iero. If you ever see Mikey, hang with him. He’s an awesome kid.” Frank nodded has he watch his soul mate being dragged away from him and into the back of a black SUV.

True love is a curse and can turn your hourglass the around way.
♠ ♠ ♠
The End.