I Crave Love,They Crave Brains

Chapter 2

"How the hell did you trip down the stairs?" Myleah laughed at Arin as he was being wheeled off stage. Oh great here they go again. I can already tell those two are going to be bickering for the rest of the night. They’re worst then a married couple. Yes, I said it. Actually, let me rephrase that; an old married couple. If Myleah found out I said that, I can kiss my ass goodbye. Why do those two bicker, you ask? Well, you’re asking the wrong person. You see they could never get along ever since they met but this has been going on since high school. Her hatred for Arin was created back when we were in high school. I showed her a picture of him.....let's just stop right there. Maybe she's jealous that Arin is better looking then Syn. We may never know.

"Sorry but I couldn't see it. There isn't any lights back there so I tripped.” he replied, still holding his hand over his side. Blood stained his pale hand as he tried his best to stop the bleeding. "Why is there so much blood?" I could hear a slight hint of fear in his voice. Reaching over, I grabbed his hand tightly. A small, cute smile appeared on his face and he squeezed my hand.

"You'll be fine. The paramedics are taking you to the hospital and they'll sew you up. By tomorrow morning, you’ll be back on your feet.” I chirped. Arin chuckled, his chocolate orbs looking up at me. I heard a loud cough from behind only to find out it was my boyfriend, Johnny.

"I talked to the other paramedic, and they said two people could fit in the ambulance.” he said, staring at Arin's and I hands. I pulled my hand away, blushing. Why do I have to be like this around Arin? I love Johnny. Fuck. "You and Myleah can go. I'll stay behind and help pa-----"

"Oh hell no! He won't even make it to the hospital alive. I'll kill him before he can even get there.” Myleah warned. Johnny’s eyes nearly popped out the sockets. I’m surprised she hasn't hired a hit man on Arin. I find it funny that Arin doesn't realize how much she hates him. He thinks it’s a joke but it isn't but the fighting needs to stop. They're going to have to get along one day. A life threatening situation could happen and one of them has to save the other's ass.

"How about you and I go? While we're with Arin, everyone can put the equipment away and meet us there.” I suggested. Johnny seemed to agree with my idea but Arin looked disappointed. I bet he just wanted me to go. As the stretcher exited the building Zacky ran over to us.

"I'll meet you guys there. The Berry's are packing up the equipment now and Hannah just told the audience that the concert was cancelled. Once all our stuff is put away, the Berry's will drive Myleah and whoever is left to the hospital.” he explained.

"Oh okay. So we'll see you in a few." I said, boarding the ambulance along with Johnny. Zacky nodded. "Okay. Bye Zacky, see you in a few." I watched as Zacky ran off to the tour bus. I could see Matt sitting in the drivers seat, waving. Fans started to scream and shout Arin's name when they exited the building. Barriers were put up quickly from allowing them to get close to the ambulance. Arin waved to the fans that were in his view," I'll be fine guys. I'm really sorry that the concert was cancelled." He is such a sweetheart.....adorable too.

"Get well Arin! We love you!" one girl shouted, blowing kisses at him. The girl couldn't see it but I was glaring at her from my seat. Once I realized what I was doing, I immediately stopped. I'm not dating Arin; Johnny is who I'm dating. He is single and can date whoever he wants. He can't date me. I have a boyfriend and this will all just pass. I repeated those words in my head over and over until we got to the hospital. Johnny noticed the upset look planted on my face. While the paramedic cleaned up the gash on Arin's side, Johnny pulled me in a hug.

"What's wrong?” he whispered, kissing me on the check. I fell into his embrace, nuzzling my head into his neck. His arms tighten around me, "Is it because your show was cancelled?" I shook my head. "Then what?"

Sighing, I just shook my head. I couldn't tell Johnny about Arin. I mean, Arin and I haven't done anything but this flirting needs to stop. It’s like one of those cheesy soap operas. It starts out with flirting and then sneaking around by having dinner or something then BAM in the bed having sex. I would never cheat on Johnny. So that's why Arin needs to stop flirting and I need to stop going with it.

The ambulance pulled up to the hospital and the doors were swung open. A lady in a white lab coat with a clip board in her hand began asking questions. "What do we have?"

"Twenty-three year old, Arin Ilejay, fell on something at his band's show and it left a nice size gash on his lower side of his torso. He's lost some blood but not a lot.” the paramedic explained, loading Arin out as he spoke.

"Stitches needed?" Arin's face went pale when the word stitches were said. The doctor didn't even wait for a response; her bony fingers were already pulling the bloody gauze off his side. "Yes, he does. I estimate about fifteen. Take him inside to room 215. I'll call Dr.Ross and he'll fix him up." Johnny and I followed Arin's stretcher inside to his room. Johnny gently helped him transfer to a new bed and the stretcher was wheeled away.

"Fuck, it hurts like a bitch.” he chuckled, closing his eyes tightly. Johnny took the only chair in the room and pulled me on his lap. "Whatever I fell on did a good job of tearing me up. I feel like my entire left side is cut." I sat up a little to observe his stained shirt.

"Left it up. The doctor said it wasn't that bad but you need stitches." I said. Arin groaned. The cut seemed to be about an inch long but deep. "It looks deep but not that bad. You’ll survive it."I leaned back against Johnny, cuddling. Soon Matt, Zacky and Brian entered the room. Followed by Hannah but Myleah stood by the door.

"Troll still alive, damnit.” she cursed. Arin stuck his tongue out at her. "Do it again and I'll cut it off." she smiled. Knowing her, she would do that.

"He'll live. The doctor said he just needs about fifteen stitches and then he can go.” Johnny explained. Every one nodded. "So where are we staying at for the night? Are there any hotels near by we can crash at?" Brian took out his Iphone and began typing away, searching for the nearest hotel.

"Or since both bands are in a tour together, they can crash onto ours." Matt suggested, hugging Hannah tightly.

"Oh great, I get the see the troll more." Matt looked over at Myleah. "What? He is a troll. I mean just look at him." All Matt could do was shake his head. "Oh shut up, dimples."

"Hey!! Only I can call him that. Dimples is off limits to everyone except me. Got that?" Hannah shouted. Aw how cute, she gave him a nickname. I was aiming for horsecock as his nickname. There was a light knock on the door then the clearing of someone's throat. It had gotten all of ours attention. A tall man with blonder hair in a lab coat, smiled at us.

"Um good evening everyone. And might I ask why there are so many people in one room. Mr.Ilejay is a big boy and can handle a few stitches by himself.” he chuckled, setting down a tray on the counter behind Johnny and I.

"He's not a boy...he's a tro---" I coughed loudly and then gave her a dirty look. How does he even look like a troll? I will never know the reasoning for that.

"Sssshh." I whispered, trying to hear what Dr.Ross was trying to tell us. Myleah flipped me off and laughed. "You're testing me aren't you? Do you wanna go! Huh?" Both of us tried to hold a straight face but it wasn't working.

"Yeah I wanna go! Let's take this outside." she smirked, trying her best to hold in the laugh. Johnny groaned and shook his head. Myleah and I do this pretty much everyday but it’s a fake fight so no feelings hurt. "How about this, I take all my monster back! Yeah how you like that?" Ouch! That hurt big time. "No more monster for Terry. What now! They're all mi-----"

"Ahhhhhhhh" Everyone in the room froze after that piercing scream filled the room. It was unlike any scream I've heard before. Almost like it wasn't human but it indeed belong to a human.

"We need help in room 207. Now!" a nurse yelled. About three doctors ran pass our room and the loud crashing was heard coming from down the hall. What was going on? Did someone die? Maybe they were badly injured from a horrible accident. Brian walked over to the door and peeked down the hall. You could see his facial change.

"Dr.Ross....what is wrong with that patient. He’s so discolored; purple and green bruises cover his face and arms. Did he get into a fight?” he asked, looking worried. Dr.Ross cleared his throat and told Brian to close the door.

"His name is Kyle. He just came here about a week ago due to an animal bite but a few days later we began to notice things. His skin began turning colors. Kyle’s eyes are turning a filmy color and he's having respiratory problems. None of the doctors know what's wrong with him. We’ve never seen anything like this before.” he explained. All of us were speechless. Is it safe for us to be here?

"Is it contagious? Maybe we should take Arin somewhere else?” Matt suggested. Arin got up from the bed, obviously agreeing with Matt. I think its best we leave now. None of us should be here.

"Not at all. It seems he's got it from whatever bit him. It’s perfectly safe here so Arin hop back on the bed and we'll get you stitched up." We decided to trust the doctor and stay. Johnny and I were allowed to stay in the room with Arin while he got the stitches but everyone else decided to head on over to the hotel about twenty minutes away. Dr.Ross gave Johnny and I permission to spend the night at the hospital because they wanted to make sure Arin didn't get an infection. Myleah had forgot to tell us she found a rusted bloody nail on the floor where Arin fell.

We were offered a bigger chair to sleep in so I slept sitting on Johnny's lap. Once morning hits we can hit the road and head onto our next show but for now Arin needs his rest.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Myleah: Why you got to be so mean to him!?!?!? D: Be nice to Arin woman.He has a beautiful face to look at.Don't be dissing the face. xD

Anyway,I hope you like it :)

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