I Crave Love,They Crave Brains

Chapter 3

I carefully watched the doctor’s hesitant expression as he spoke of the patient. He was joking, right? Who the hell would act like that after an animal bite? Then again, watching the man’s face gave you the impression that the entire situation was true. Could something this bizarre be true? Kyle had let out a scream that no human could produce. I glanced around the room at everyone’s cautious expression. Okay, everyone accept for Hannah, who seemed more so afraid than cautious. Hannah seemed as if she had just seen a ghost as she hugged herself into Matt’s frame. Of course it would be her to look like the deer caught in headlights.

I sighed gently as I continued to absently stare at the doctor. You know what I noticed, he had really pretty eyes. Like incredibly pretty eyes. Actually, he was pretty hot. Wait, don’t tell Brian about this. That would be a really awkward conversation. “Myleah??” Hannah whispered. I blinked back into the present and just looked at her. “Stop checking out the doctor, Brian is starting to notice.” I looked up at Brian, who looked back at me with an arched eyebrow. “Chill, it’s not like I’m doing anything.” Both Matt and Hannah simply shook their heads at me. Why does everyone do that?! It seemed like every time I would say something, there would be at least one person to shake their head. As we left the hospital, I took one last glance at the doctor. Hey, looking never hurt anyone, right? Wait…don’t answer that.

Everyone soon began to pile into my pride and joy, the love of my life, my baby; the bright yellow Chevy Camaro with black racing stripes that I named Bumblebee. The muscle car looked exactly like the one in the Transformers movies, who ever since I’d seen in high school, I knew would be mine. And everyone knew they would go through hell if they messed up the car at all. Terry and Hannah would always joke, saying that I loved that car more than I loved Brian. The difference was I loved Bumblebee like he was my son, while I loved Brian like a boyfriend. It was two completely different types of love. I wiggled around in the driver’s seat for a few seconds before I was comfortable. “Alright, the hotel down the street, right?” I looked over at Brian who just shrugged and then back at Matt who nodded calmly.

The drive there wasn’t as long as I expected it to be. When they had said it was down the street, they weren’t kidding. I let everyone out by the doors so Brian and I could search for a parking spot. “What do you think is wrong with the guy at the hospital?” I asked as I parked the car and got out, locking it when Brian was out. “Why? You scared??” Brian teased as he came up behind me and slipped his arms around my waist. I took a few moments to sink into his strong embrace before walking towards the hotel. “No! I’m just curious!”
“Yeah, okay Myleah.” I playfully glared up at him, causing a smile to spread across his lips. He winked down at me, but before he could kiss me I slipped from his grasp and jogged towards the entrance. “You’re gonna need to try a bit harder than that!” Brian narrowed his eyes just slightly before running after me.

We both ran into the hotel laughing, which caused us to get multiple strange looks. He finally got close enough and squeezed my sides. I let out a soft scream and instantly tried to get away. “Stop!!” I laughed, wiggling around to try and keep him from tickling me even more. However he continued to tickle me until I was laying on one of the couches, gasping desperately for air. He laughed gently, helped me back to my feet, and led me over to the front desk. “What room is Mr. Sanders and company staying in?” He asked, keeping his hands against my hips. “Room 203, sir.” The man responded. Brian thanked him before leading me to the elevator. “Carry me.” I joked. However, Brian stepped in front of me and allowed me to jump onto his back. I certainly wasn’t going to say anything. I mean, I would get to be carried to the room.

When we got to our room Brian knocked on the door loudly. “Who is it?” Hannah teased.
“Room service,” Brian responded. Hannah pouted when she opened the door to see Brian and I. I hopped from his back and walked inside. I quickly noticed everyone’s relaxed expression. Obviously the stupid troll was still doing fine….damn. Personally, I would have been much happier if that nail had caused some serious internal damage, but then again I just hate Arin. With a long sigh I plopped onto the slim couch. “Like you did anything,” Brian teased with a wink.
“Oh shut up,” I responded playfully.


“This is Terry’s, right?” I asked, picking up the slim iPhone and twirling it around in my hand. Brian groaned as he slowly woke up and stared at me with tired eyes. He rubbed his face slowly in an attempt to further pull himself from his tired state. “Brian, is this Terry’s phone?” I asked again. Finally it seemed he was awake enough to actually respond. “I think…” Okay, so that was a total waste of time. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes to look at the phone. Well, he might have but he didn’t open them very wide. “Yeah, thanks a lot.” I shook my head and turned around, phone in hand. “Looks like I’m going by myself.”

Brian came jogging up behind me before I could get out of the door. “Took you long enough,” I smirked. Come on, what good boyfriend would let their girl go out in the middle of the night all alone? It was a given that Brian would end up coming with me.

When we left the hotel I was hesitant to move. For one, my eyes hadn’t adjusted to the low lighting so I was completely blind. I took a step back, only to run into Brian. When he placed his hand on my shoulder I jumped slightly, causing him to laugh at me. Yeah, way to be an ass Brian. I narrowed my eyes at him before trudging forward. Luckily my car was bright yellow so even in the dark it was easy to find; okay, easier to find than most cars. We got into the car and were soon on our way to the hospital.

We got there a lot faster, just because I was speeding. Luckily, I didn’t see any cops…more importantly, no cops saw me. I walked inside with Brian trailing close behind me. “Why do hospitals seem so creepy when it’s at night?” I always did wonder that, but I didn’t expect Brian to even answer me.

“Because everything is creepier at night.” he responded as if it was common knowledge. I looked up at him with an annoyed stare. “Just saying,” he said. With a huff I walked even faster, just so I was no longer next to him. Just as we came in the doctor was talking to one of the nurses stationed at the front desk. “Oh hello there. Here to see Arin, I’m guessing.” The doctor said with a welcoming smile.

“No, but we do need to go to his room. My friend forgot something and she needs it.” I responded, stopping to stand a few feet in front of the doctor.
“She needs it so badly that you have to come out here at…3 in the morning?”
“Yup!” I said with a quick nod.
“Well they’re i-“ the doctor began only to be cut off by a blood chilling scream. I blinked but soon began to run in the direction of the sound. You know, after I started running it seemed like a really bad idea. It was like in a horror movie; you never go towards the screaming. But here I was, breaking that rather important rule. I could hear Brian and the doctor close behind me, but being my competitive self, I sped up. I really needed to stop being so competitive. The simplest things would turn into some huge competition with me.
I almost ran past Arin’s room, but managed to grab a hold of the door before I passed it. “Smooth,” Brian laughed as I quickly went into the room. We all came to a halt as we saw the scene taking place; too shocked to really believe it. “Help!” Terry snapped at the three of us as we stood there in shock. This whole situation was so strange. Kyle was growling and attempting to get to Arin. Usually, I would say some smart comment like ‘take him, we don’t need him’ or something, but this was far too serious. “Security!” The doctor screeched as he helped Brian in protecting Arin, all the while trying not to get bit himself. “Don’t let him bite you! We’re still not sure if this….thing is contagious and we don’t want another case of it.” Brian nodded in response and dodged Kyle’s animal-like attacks.

Yet again I was pushed out of the way by security. They charged into the room, grabbed Kyle, and roughly dragged him from the room. While he was being dragged, Kyle was letting out growls and groans as he tried to bite the two security guards. I quickly ran over to Terry, grabbing her shoulder. “Are you okay? What’s going on?? What happened?!” All these questions were going through my head and they all managed to come out in a fast phrase. The entire time I was waiting for an answer I was looking over Terry for any sign of damage. Let’s just say hell would have broken loose if anything happened to her. “I-I don’t even know….we were asleep…….then it all just kinda happened.” It was easy to tell that the girl was shaken. I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug, trying to calm her down. “Arin, what just happened?” I demanded.

Arin slowly removed his trembling hand from his heart as he attempted to catch his breath. Really, it seemed like everyone was trying to do that right about now. His eyes were still wide as he stared down at the bed. Okay, maybe right now wasn’t the right time to try and get answers. “Is everyone okay? Arin?” the doctor asked, closing the door to the room. I continued to watch Arin as he slowly nodded his head, followed by everyone else. “Alright, good.” The doctor said with a long sigh. “We still don’t know what’s wrong him. We’ve run every single test in the book, and we just….don’t know.” He ran his hands slowly down his face as he spoke. “I don’t think it’s safe for you guys to be here any longer. I don’t know if he will have another…episode, or whatever you want to call it. Arin is good enough to leave.” He took a deep breath and walked over to Arin, pulling the IVs out of his arm.

I sighed and walked close beside Terry as we all left the hospital. “Oh, I came here to give you this.” She stopped and stared at me in confusion as I went into my pocket. “Wait, wrong pocket. Okay, give me a sec.” I searched through each one of my pockets but couldn’t find the stupid phone. When I searched a second time I found it; it was in the pocket with my phone in it as well, that’s why I couldn’t find it. I snatched the phone from my pocket and gave it to Terry who smiled slightly and put the phone in her own pocket. After all of that we all began to walk again.

We managed to get back to the hotel in no time at all, again because I was speeding. But, anyway, that’s not the point. We went into the room and I just plopped into one of the chairs. Terry, Johnny, and Arin all sat on one couch while Brian sat by himself on the other. Aw, why was he all alone? I pouted slightly and got to my feet, changing seats so I was now sitting next to him. “Okay, is everyone a bit calmer?” I began, leaning forward. Terry looked over at Johnny and simply nodded. “Great. Okay, so can anyone tell me what the fuck happened?!”

“Well we were all asleep and out of nowhere Kyle just came into the room and started…..attacking me. I mean, at first I thought it was just some really strange dream but then I figured out that it wasn’t. He was trying to bite me and shit so I started screaming. Obviously that woke Terry and Johnny up, and I guess it startled Kyle enough for him to back off of me for a few seconds. Johnny helped me out long enough for you, Brian, and the doctor to come in. It was like he was some kind of……animal.” Arin explained slowly. As he spoke I stared at him with wrinkled eyebrows, not exactly knowing what to think. He was obviously telling the truth, I mean, we had walked right in on everything. That and the fact that he looked seriously terrified for his life, told me this was all true. I looked over at Brian who was just staring off lost in thought. He was probably thinking the same thing I was, ‘what the fuck.’ My eyes strayed over to Terry’s nervous expression, then over to Johnny’s thoughtful stare. I watched the two of them just for a few seconds before looking at Arin again. “Why does this sound like some kind of horror movie?!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, only to wake up Hannah, Matt, and Zacky.

They walked from their rooms and came into the living room, staring down at me with either a tired or confused expression. “Don’t ask.” I mumbled under my breath.
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Oh no!!!!