I Crave Love,They Crave Brains

Chapter 4

The lack of lightening in the room made me nervous and cautious of my surroundings. The fact that I couldn’t see anything in front of me including my own hand I was holding out in front of me was creating those feelings. Where was I? Is anyone here with me? How did I end up here? So many questions were rushing through my mind. My heart was pounding against my chest and it was like I could hear it; the loud thumping sound of my own heart beating.. I could point out another reason why I felt nervous. Not being able to see my surroundings made me feel like I was closed in. It felt like I was in a small area and being claustrophobic didn’t help one bit. I began to panic and it became hard for me to breathe.

Digging my nails into my own flesh, I counted slowly in my head. It was nothing to be afraid of. Yes, the lights were off but the room could be huge for all I know. All I needed to do was stop thinking about and find a light switch or a door. Hoping I had my cell phone with me, I reached in my pocket and sighed in relief when my fingers bumped into my phone. Thank god I thought as I pulled out my I-phone. I could use this as light and find my way around here. Pressing a random button, the light from my phone lit up about two feet in front of me and that’s all I needed. Just having a part of the room lit up made me feel a little less nervous.

From what was lit, I still couldn’t figure out where I was but the floors were disgusting. It was covered in dirt and something else that I couldn’t identify which stained the tiled floors black and brown. You didn’t have to be a genius to figure out no one has been here in years. I had to be in some sort abandon building. It was like I was in a Saw movie minus the traps and jigsaw. I hope I didn’t get locked up by some crazy serial killer and got put in a weird trap.

Pushing those silly thoughts from my head, I head up my phone in front of me and began to take small steps forward. “If I walk along the walls, I should be able to find a door leading out this room. Maybe even a light switch perhaps. That would help out a lot because that gives me a view of the entire room but then again the door leads me out of here. Hopefully, whatever is beyond the door I hope I can handle it. My hand shook slightly as I slide it across the wall slowly in search for metal knob.

After two minutes of wondering around the room, my hand bumped into a door knob. I sighed in relief. “Turn it. Everything will be okay. All you have to do is turn it.” I told myself multiple times. For all I know this door could lead me straight outside. I took a deep breath, and quickly turned the door knob. The door let out a creaking sound and lights from the hallway blinded me momentarily. I groaned as I covered my eyes with my arm. At least I could see where I was going.

Soon my eyes began to adjust to the bright lights in the room and I adventured into the dull looking hallway. It was a total mess I’ll tell you that. The floors were just like the ones back in the room only worse. There were chairs and tables laying all around; broken on the floor. Even the lights above were hanging by wires. This was like something you would see in a horror movie and the serial killer is lurking in the shadows. Great, if that were to even happen I don’t have weapon. Just great. I’m going to die alone in this disgusting building. Will my body even be found? Wait, are my friends looking for me?

I slapped myself in the face. All this time I’ve been thinking about if I will be found, I didn’t realize that I have a phone I can use to call for help. Pressing a random button on my phone again, I quickly dialed in my boyfriend‘s, Johnny, number but soon realized I couldn’t get a signal. Shit. I shoved my phone back in my pocket and huffed. Well rather then standing here and waiting for something to happen I might as well look for a way out. For all I know, my friends could actually be here. They could just be in another part of the building.

Making my way down the cluttered hallway, I tried my best to stay silent and avoid knocking into things so I wouldn’t make as much noise. I didn’t want to attraction unwanted people to me so staying quiet was my number one priority. As I climbed over a chair I could hear a faint noise of some sort coming from around the corner. What was it I thought. Maybe an animal? I came to a complete stop and stood there in silence trying to figure out what the noise could be. Straining my ears, I heard it again but this time it was louder. It seemed to be a faint whimper from a human. Someone else was here with me and hurt I might add.

“H-Help.” the person croaked. I let out a loud gasp. Too loud in my opinion. I quickly covered my mouth to stop the sound from escaping my mouth. It was a person, a guy to be exact, and from the way the whimper sounded, he maybe injured. Should I find out who it is? What if it’s a trap though? If there is a killer, he could be using the guy as bait to lure me out in the open and then he can strike. Should I take the chance to try and save him or should I run for it?

Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed another hallway. If I go though there then I could avoid the trap but then it’ll take me even longer to find a way out. I argued with myself for a moment until I decided to head the other way. When I get out of this shitty place, I can call for help and they can come get the guy. It works all out but I hope he’s still alive when the ambulance gets here. So I slowly began to back away from the corner and started to venture in the other direction until the guy said something I wouldn’t expect him to say. It had me speechless and stunned.

“Terry.” the guy croaked. My eyes grew wide as I realized that he knew my name. How could he know my name? “P-Please.” he begged. The guy was calling me for help but how did he know I was here. I’m still trying to figure out how he knew my name but for some reason something in my mind told me to go to the guy. I don’t know what made me think that but I had this gut feeling. Since people are always saying to follow you gut, sometimes your gut could be wrong, I followed it anyway.

I slowly came from behind the corner and little by little, I got closer to see a small body laying on the floor covered in blood. It was the most horrid scene I’ve ever seen in my life. Blood covered his clothes, his hands and even the floor around him and from what it looked like, blood was gushing from his neck. Something had bit him and it got him good. From where I was standing, it looked like he was mauled by an animal. The clothes he was wearing were shredded to pieces. I continued to examine the guy from where I was standing. He had his hair in a mohawk which looked quite familiar. It almost looked like the way Johnny had his hair but it couldn’t be him. My eyes wandered down to his neck and that’s when I cried out.

“Johnny.” I whispered. Tears threatened to fall from my eyes as I watched my boyfriend lay there in pain. Who could have done this to him? I didn’t care if this was a trap; my boyfriend was laying on the floor, probably dying. I had to go to him. Running to his side, I dropped to my knees. “Oh Johnny” I sobbed, tears finally streaming down my face as I got a closer look at his wounds.

“Y-You found me.” he stammered. I sniffled, grabbing a hold of his hand. “Hey, don’t cry. Everything will be okay.” I almost laughed. How is everything going to be okay? The way his wounds look he won’t make it. My boyfriend is probably going to die right in front of me and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“No, it won’t.” I shook my head. “Look at you…..what did this to you?” Johnny tried to sit up but I guess the pain was too much to handle. He fell back to the floor as he closed his eyes and breathed heavily. Pain was written all over his face and I wish I could help him. “I wish I could make the pain disappear.” I whispered. A small smile appeared on Johnny’s face as he placed his free hand on top of mine.

“It’ll be okay. I promise you.” I shook my head again. “Listen to me Terry. It will be.” Johnny opened up his eyes to reveal those brown eyes I’ve always got lost in. I’ve always love him since high school. Being able to call him my boyfriend….for him to call me his girlfriend was the best thing that ever happened to me. “You know I love you, right?” I nodded. “You will always be my girl and we will always be together you know that.


“Good….” The tears continued to spill down my face. I knew it. He’s going to die but I can’t lose him. I love him too much.

“Don’t you die on me, Jonathan Seward.” He smiled. I always used his whole name when I was serious about something and it was the same the other way around. “Don’t you dare leave me alone.” Pulling his hand away from my grasp, he gently placed it on my face, slowly rubbing his bloody thumb across my cheek.

“I’ll always be with you. Whenever you need me just call my name and I’ll be there. I love you so much and don’t you forget that.” he sobbed softly.

“No!” I exclaimed. Johnny’s hand slowly fell to the ground and his breathing became faint. “Please don’t leave me.”

“I’m sor----”

“Johnny!” I screamed, gripping his shoulders tightly. His eyes slowly began to close and his faint breathing slowly came to a stop. I’ve never cried so hard in my entire life. My boyfriend just die in my arms….right in front of me and I have no clue what did this to him. I buried my head in his chest, crying my heart out. “Don’t leave me.” I sobbed. “I need you.” That’s when I heard the growling noises coming from in front of me. Still devastated by the face that I just lost the love of my life, I didn’t bother by looking up. I didn’t want to be bothered by anything not even Johnny’s killer.
“You killed him.” I whispered. When I got another growl as a respond. I couldn’t take it anymore. “You fucking killed my boyfri-----”

When I looked up, my eyes widen. Kyle, the guy from the hospital, was standing in front of me with blood covering his face. I gasped. Before I could even respond, he charged at me. His hands going for my throat which caused me to fall back, hitting my head on the tilted floor. Soon everything went black….

I woke up startled with tears dripping down my face. My heart was beating fast and I had been crying in my sleep. Reality soon hit me when I realized all of it was just a dream. No of it was real and it never happened. But why did it seem so real. Everything. The surroundings, the blood, and Johnny’s death seemed real. Instantly, when Johnny’s name popped in my head, I glanced over and sighed in relief. Johnny, with his arm draped over my waist, was out cold. He seemed okay but I just had to make sure.

Reaching over, I tilted his head to the side to get a good look at his neck. There were no bite marks and no blood either. He was fine but it was still too much for me. I needed some air to clear my mind, to get those awful scenes out my head. Carefully pushing Johnny’s arm off of me, I quietly climbed out of bed and slipped on my slippers and grabbed my hoodie from the dresser.

Before I left the room, I walked to the other side of the bed and kissed him on the forehead. “I love you, Johnny.” I whispered. I watched as he stirred in his sleep, rolling over on his side. I kissed him once more and headed down to the lobby. For this hotel to be very popular, it seemed abandoned at night. I thought people would at least be up, partying in the bar but I was wrong.

The dream seemed to be haunting my mind. Scenes of Johnny dying kept reappearing which made me sick to the stomach. What did it all mean? Why did Kyle bit Johnny? It was like he was some type of blood thirty animal. The incident at the hospital was also something I couldn’t stop thinking about. The thought of Johnny or Arin getting infected by Kyle gave me chills. The doctors even said they couldn’t find a cure for Kyle so what if he was successful and but one of them. Just the thought of losing them made my eyes water.

Okay, Terry just stop thinking about it. Everything is okay. Johnny and Arin are just fine I thought. When I realized Starbuck’s was still open, I decided to buy myself a coffee, hoping that would help me calm down a bit since I didn’t want to sleep. I was afraid I’d get the dream again but this time it would be worse. I couldn’t bare to see Johnny die in my arms again.

Rushing inside, I made my way to the counter and put my order in. “You couldn’t sleep either.” a familiar voice said, startling me. I spun around to see Arin sitting at a table, sipping at his coffee.

“Y-Yeah. You?” I asked, taking a seat.

“Yeah. Actually, I haven’t slept at all. There’s much going on in my mind to let me sleep.” he replied. I nodded. I wasn’t really in the talking mood and I knew Arin knew that as well. We both just sat in silence while I waited for my coffee.

“Miss, here’s your coffee.” the old lady shouted. Before I could get up, Arin was already at the counter paying for my coffee.

“Oh, no Arin. I could have paid for it.” I said. Arin just smiled.

“No, its okay. You seemed like you had a rough night as it. Plus, I’m pretty sure you forgot your wallet back at the room along with your key.” Once those words came out his mouth, I cursed mentally. I knew I had forgotten something back in the room. “It’s okay. I have the key to tour bus. If you want me could go there and hang for a bit until everyone gets up. It’s only four so we have about three hours to ourselves.”

“Yeah, thanks Arin.”

“No problem.” Arin wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we left the hotel. I feel more into his embrace as we walked across the parking lot. “You okay?” he asked.

“Yes. I just need some time to think that’s all.” I know Arin was just trying to be a good friend but I seriously wasn’t in the mood to talk.

“Okay.” We made it to the A7X tour bus and luckily no one was on it. I guess the Berry’s got their own room too which was a good thing.

Arin took his and my coffee and sat it on the table before leading me to the couch in the back of the bus. I sat down, staring out in front of me. So many thoughts were now running through my head. The dream had to mean something. Unless I was still shaken up by the incident at the hospital. Maybe I was just over exaggerating and the dream really meant nothing.

The dream had me so deep in thought that I didn’t even see Arin’s hand slowly slide across my thigh in between my legs. “Terry.” he whispered.

“Hmm?” I still didn’t look up at him. My eyes were glued to the floor as I continued to think.

“Hey.” Arin hooked his fingers under my chin and turned my face towards him. “What’s wrong, babe.” My eyes widen and soon reality hit me.

“W-What? Arin, what are you doing?” I exclaimed, pushing away his hands. To be he seemed hurt by my reaction but I had the right to act that way. His hand was almost in my pants and the way it was looking he was about to kiss me. “Don’t do that. You know I’m dating Johnny!” He smirked as his hands went back to where they were; in between my legs. I pushed it away again. “Arin, stop it. I mean it. We can’t do this. I have a boyfriend. If he finds out about this, he’ll be crushed.”

“Who is? There’s no one here. I promise you Terry, no one is going to find out.” he said. Should I trust him? For all I know, he could try to blackmail me. But then again he is my closet friend out of the guys. I stared into his eyes as he got closer. “Trust me. Plus it will help you relax.” he said seductively. Arin pulled me onto his lap as he pressed his lips to my neck, nibbling at my skin. I threw my head back a little and let out a moan. “That’s right.” he whispered, letting his hands roam all over my body. I soon could feel his hands slowly going up my shirt and that’s when I realized.

“A-Arin…I can’t.” I pushed myself off the surprised boy. “I’m sorry. I can’t do this to Johnny and I’m not going to allow you to ruin my relationship nor yours with him. I’m going back to the hotel. I’ll see you later.” Arin sat there on the couch, surprised.


“No, Arin. We can’t do this. Goodbye.” I didn’t bother by giving him another chance. I ran off the bus and back to my room only to realize I didn’t have the key. I slammed my fist against the wall. This is the second time Arin tried to pull the move on me. Can’t he see that I’m in love with Johnny? He’s only making this hard on me. It’s like he wants me to choose between him and Johnny. Obviously, I’m going to choose Johnny but something just keeps pulling to Arin. I sighed. I wish he would stop.

I sat out in the hallway, for I don’t know how long, until Johnny found me sitting on the floor. I explained to him that I couldn’t sleep so I decided to walk around the lobby only to leave out the Arin part. After we both took showers, packed our things and headed down to the lobby to meet up with everyone. Our next stop was going to be Denver, Colorado and then in two weeks we were heading to Las Vegas. I really wasn’t excited for. Everyone was probably go out to party and being the one doesn’t really like partying, I would be left behind. This would then give Arin the opportunity to strike.

Half way to Denver, Hannah received a call from our managers explaining that some sort of illness broke out in Denver making us head to Las Vegas two weeks earlier. “What you mean there’s some sort of virus going around?” Myleah asked. Hannah shrugged.

“All he said was not to go to Denver. Over a hundred people in the town we were suppose to perform in were sent to the hospital this week. Doctors don’t know what it is so to be on the safe side, he wants us to go to Las Vegas now.” she explained. I sighed. Could this week get any worse?

“What’s wrong?” Johnny asked me. I shook my head. “Sure?”

“Yeah. I’m just tired.” I replied, laying my head against his chest. Johnny wrapped his arms around me, pulling close to his body. “I love you.” I whispered.

“I love you too.” He leaned down and pecked me on the lips. Out the corner of my eye, I could see Arin staring at us. I hope he doesn’t start any trouble. I love him to death as a friend but it’s putting stress on me when he does those kind of things. Not wanting to look at Arin any longer, I buried my face in Johnny chest and soon dosed off to sleep.
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Been awhile I guess you can say. Wasn't expecting this chapter to be long but I kind of got carried away. Hope you like it and maybe you could comment. I know there's like nine of you and we'd appreciate it if at least one of you would comment and tell us what you think.

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