Status: active

One Foot in the Grave

P r o l o g u e

What if there was a world where vampirism and lycanthropy were no different then being white, Hispanic, or African American? That’s how this planet is run now. In this new world vampires and lycanthrope live alongside humans in peace.

Most of the time.

There is still predjudice against their races, no one can ever dispel racism for ever after all.

Vampires are restricted by the sun, only able to go out in the night. Lycanthrope face civilization viewing them as carriers of an infectious disease. Most of them keep their lycanthropy a secret but its hard to hide what you are. I know this because I am a lycanthrope.

I am a wereleopard, the last of my kind after we were hunted to near extinction a decade ago, before there were laws to protect us from crazy hunters. It was believed that wereleopards held a strain of lycanthrope that was extremely contagious after a wereleopard working as a doctor infected patients with the lycanthropy strain. Too bad the authorities wouldn’t believe us when we tried to get them to understand that the wereleopard who had committed those deeds was an absolute nut job. Back then we were treated like wild animals, and still to this day any wereleopard is fair ground to kill. Now I live in fear that one day someone is going to see past my herbs and charms and figure out I’m not just any old human.

The creatures that used to just plague the big screen and nightmares have now been ousted for what they are. Call me a pessimist, but I’m not too happy about the attention.
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So, what do you think?

I have so many different ways I want this story to play out, I hope this spikes your interest.

Comment and tell me if you would read it!