Status: active

One Foot in the Grave

C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

“You put your elbows on the table again Kitten, and you really should not slouch so much.” Apophis came up behind my chair and pulled my shoulders back and swiped my elbows off the table in one swift motion.

I sighed in frustration, “is this really necessary?”

“Yes, appearances are everything in our world and knowing your manners comes first,” Apophis said calmly, “I had no idea how out of practice you were.” I shot him a dirty look for the snide comment but he just ignored it as he had ignored all of my other grievances.

“Isn’t Lucian the one to impress? You keep making in sound like Lucian is trying to impress someone else,” I said slowly, eyeing Apophis to see what his reaction would be. I was well aware I was not being told much around here.

As I had suspected, Apophis hesitated. After having had these lessons for the past week I had begun to notice that hesitating with words was not something Apophis frequently did.

“I have the right to know Apophis, you keep enough secrets from me already.”

Finally he sighed and sat down next to me and in one graceful movement crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair. “Yes, you do,” he said while looking straight at me, “The other master vampires of the other cities view Lucian as weak, especially after he was almost overthrown.”

“I thought that I was supposed to fix that?”


“You’re pretty much as powerful as a human right now Blondie, and Apophis seems to think it is a better idea to teach you manners than cultivate your power.”

I spun around at the sound of Leo’s voice. The werelion stood next to the double doors leading into the dinning hall, his bright eyes staring straight at me. And the look on his face made it clear that he was not the sarcastic joker he was at school. His eyes showed no emotion, his face blank of anything but a purpose, and I had a feeling that dealt with me.

“Leo, if I had known you would interrupt I would not have let you watch,” Apophis muttered.

“And if I had known that this was all you were teaching her I would have interrupted sooner,” Leo shot back, moving away from the wall and over to where Apophis and I sat.

“I was planning on teaching her that eventually, but I don’t think she is ready yet Leo,” Apophis said with a tone that clearly told Leo to stop talking. But Leo was not the best of listeners.

“Must I tell you the number of times she has almost shifted in public this past week Apophis? Or would you like to guess?” Leo spat. I was getting the impression that this was not the first time this topic had been brought up.

“I remember too vividly what can happen to a leopard if their power is forced out of them, what you propose could easily drive her insane or kill her,” Apophis shot back.

“Excuse me!” I shouted, standing up and slamming my hands on the table. A rush of heat surged through me and I felt my skin tingle with the threat of shifting. My knees seem to give out as my eyes closed and a shudder ran down my spine. Someone caught me and the scent of lion wrapped around me and seemed to suffocate my leopard, forcing it back to wherever it stayed. I took in a deep breath, leaning back against Leo. He had done that so many times over the past week; I had to wonder how exactly it worked. “What is going on with me?” I breathed, never had I come so close to shifting just because I got a little annoyed.

“Lucian’s marks on you have stirred up your power, and you don’t know how to control it, so it is controlling you,” Leo said, letting me go when I could stand again. “And it is just a matter of time before it consumes you.”

I looked at Apophis with wide eyes, “is this true?”

He nodded.

“I can teach her how to control it, you know I can,” Leo said calmly, obviously trying to convince Apophis.

“What has Lucian said about this?”

“He told me that if any harm comes to her, it would be unfortunate to be me,” Leo said, repeating the chilling threat as if it was almost funny, “he is pretty protective of you Blondie,” Leo said to me.

“And you really want to risk hurting her-”

“Apophis, honestly, if anyone is going to be able to help her it is me,” Leo said quickly, “I will not let some half-rate vampire overthrow Lucian.”

“You are right my friend, I just worry for you, Lucian has been very quick to anger lately,” Apophis warned.

“What are you talking about?” I finally said, crossing my arms defiantly.

“We have tomorrow for that, why don’t we got watch the circus? The dancers should be coming out soon.” Leo said, his smirk back on his lips. He had gone from stone cold to teasing at the flip of a coin, it was almost scary.

“I’d really rather you tell me-” but, of course, I was cut off by none other than Leo.

“Quit acting like and old woman and have some fun.”

“Excuse me?”

Leo just ignored me and slung an arm over my shoulder to lead me out of the dining room, leaving a worried wereserpent sitting at the dinning table.

Pretty much everywhere I went nowadays, Leo came with. I had tried evading him to get some time alone but it was like he could find me no matter how well I hid, he seemed to find it hilarious. He did a good job at not making it obvious that he was my bodyguard for lack of a better word. Every time we were in a crowd he would casually sling his arm over my shoulders or around my waist to keep me close. But tonight it was painfully obvious that he was here to protect me. Leo walked very close next to me but did not preoccupy his hands; they hung loose by his sides, ready to grab the gun I knew he had hidden under his open jacket. His lion like eyes darted around us, searching for any threats.

“Why so paranoid all of a sudden?” I asked as we continued to move through the crowd until we got to the circus ring and then we made our way up to a private area where Lucian sat to watch the show and look over the whole audience.

“Just doin’ my job Blondie, anyways, the ladies tell me they love my paranoia,” Leo joked, winking down at me as I rolled my eyes. Silly me, expecting a serious answer out of Leo. I could not help remembering his chilling demeanor just moments ago in the dinning room, perhaps he just chose not to be serious around me, or maybe this was all an act to put me at ease.


“I try.”

We sat down in Lucian’s private box; it had a few single chairs and a small, red couch. Leo flung himself down on the couch, obviously deeming the private area safe enough to not be attached to my hip. I glanced over at the double doors that led to Lucian’s room and frowned.

“He won’t be back for a few more days Blondie, the originals are not exactly the easiest people to get an audience with.” Leo was watching me with a deep frown, his eyes searching mine for something I did not even know they held.

Lucian had been gone for five days now, all he had told me was that he was going to speak with the originals- the very first vampires ever created. Just the thought of Lucian made the marks on my wrists tingle.

“Why did he have to go see them?” I asked, going over to the edge of the private box and leaning on the banister so that I could watch the current performance. I heard Leo sigh and shift into a sitting position on the couch.
“So that they won’t come see you, Lucian is trying to keep you private until everything is... under control.”

“You mean until I control my power?” I asked, remembering the argument from earlier.

“Yes, it would be bad for the originals to know you have not realized your power.”

“Why would that be bad?”

“You’re going to miss the show if you keep talking.”

“The dancers haven’t even come out yet.” I said as I turned around to face him.

Leo shot me a dirty look; obviously I was prying into some confidential information. “Do you ever take no as an answer?”

“Not very often.” I was leaning against the banister with my arms crossed when Leo suddenly disappeared from where he had been sitting on the couch and was suddenly in front of me, so close that his open jacket brushed up against my bare arms.

“Then you will just have to get used to it,” he said, a smug smirk on his lips as he looked straight into my eyes.

My heart rate picked up as he leaned closer and closer, forcing me to lean back farther and farther until I was half leaning out of the box. I had the feeling that if we touched something bad would happen. He rested his hands on the banister on either side of me and tilted his head to the side.

“Your heart is racing Sigrid, but your leopard seems to be staying quiet, why is that?” Leo mused.

“What are you doing?” I breathed, my voice shaking. I looked up into his amber colored eyes and watched as his pupils dilated. He was going to shift. “Leo! Stop it!” I demanded. I pushed against his chest to make him move away. Big mistake. His skin felt like it was on fire and the power radiating off him shot into me and stirred my leopard to life.

“It’s your power, it’s calling me. Something is amplifying it,” Leo growled, a shudder running down his spine, “it’s Lucian.” Then, before I could say anything else, his lips crashed down onto mine with a sudden fierceness that caught me off guard. Leo held my face between his hands tightly, keeping me from pulling away. I thought he was making me shift because all I could smell was his lion and my leopard and feel the heat of the sun burning my skin. But then I realized he was trying to stop us from shifting. It felt like he swallowed my urge to shift, taking the power into himself and shuddering at the sudden mixture. I no longer felt like I was going to shift, it was weird. Leo pulled his lips from mine and hung his head as I felt the power inside him calm down once more.

Something must have triggered a reaction in him because he suddenly whipped around and a ferocious growl ripped from his chest, one that sounded so much like that of his lion counterpart. I could not see who he was protecting me from because he had me stuck right behind him, but the marks on my wrists tingled with a cold power and I had a feeling I knew who it was.

“Good evening Leo, please move.” Lucian’s voice was chilling and it made me scared of him. I felt a spike in Lucian’s power and then Leo crumpled to the side and I dropped down to my knees next to him in worry. Two gashes appeared on his arms, deep ones.

“Lucian, what did you do!” I shouted, looking up at the seething vampire who almost seemed surprised.

“He stepped out of line mon chaton, let his guard down because he was almost over come by your power, he knows such an action is unforgivable,” Lucian said as he sunk down onto one of the couches, lying gracefully on his back.. He looked exhausted.

“Well, you didn’t have to do that Lucian-”

“No, he is right, I shouldn’t have been toying with you,” Leo interrupted, sitting up and taking his torn jacket off. I began to protest but his arms had already healed. “How long have you been able to strike with your power Lucian?” Leo asked, completely confusing me.

“Only when her power spikes,” Lucian said, rubbing his temples in what looked like frustration. “Mon chaton, please come here,” he said, holding his hand out to me.

I shook my head, “you can’t just expect me to be alright with you-” but the words were lost and so was any other thought other than Lucian when I met his midnight blue gaze. I saw his eyes flash silver before he spoke once more, “come here.”

I felt like I should have said no, but then again, why not? I got up and went over to him and sat on the couch, he wound an arm around my waist and pulled me against him so that I was still sitting upright but my back was pressed against his chest. My protest died on my lips as I looked down at Lucian and his eyes flashed silver once more.

“That is not going to work for much longer Lucian, you bring out her power. Once she fully comes into power only an original could compel her,” Leo said, but his words did not mean anything to me. I stared into Lucian’s silver eyes as he played with my hair and kissed my shoulder, it was like a whispered command surrounded me telling me to listen and obey, do not protest and do not pull away. So I didn’t.

“I know, and I fear what will happen without my compulsion in place, these past few days she has been fine without me hasn’t she?” Lucian asked.

“Yes, the first two days she kept asking about you, but today she was only curious about your absence,” Leo confirmed.

“Then my compulsion has already begun to wear away, I can feel her power Leo, it is a force I have never felt before and it refuses my tactic of compelling her to yearn for me. She is different, teaching her to control her power will be extremely difficult, are you certain in your abilities to teach her how?” Lucian asked, his voice as smooth as silk.


“Then you hold our fate in your hands, the second mark I bestowed upon her,” Lucian lifted my left wrist as he spoke, tracing the mark there and sending a shiver of his cold power up my arm that made me shudder, “it has bound our life forces, if she dies I fear I may be too weakened to keep my place as master of the city.”

“I will not fail you Lucian,” Leo said, his voice full of determination.

I watched as Lucian brought my wrist to his lips and kissed it before opening his mouth wider and trailing his fangs over the delicate skin there. His eyes left mine and closed softly as he prepared to bite me. The moment I was free of his gaze I was able to think again, the whispered words of obedience left my mind and I yanked my wrist away from him.

“What are you doing?” I snapped, quickly standing up from the couch and backing away from him, avoiding his gaze the whole time.

“I have not fed in days mon chaton, surely you did not think your role did not include any blood letting?” Lucian asked, his voice slightly annoyed.

“Well, that’s out of the question Lucian, go find someone else to manipulate,” I said angrily. I didn’t look at Lucian as I turned and left the private box, even though I could hear the dancer’s performance begin. I heard Lucian call for me but I didn’t turn around, I could not recall how I had gotten from Leo’s side to sitting by Lucian on the couch. What had happened? I could feel Leo’s presence behind me but he did not say anything, my own personal shadow.

I was lying on my bed when I heard my door open. “I can feel your power, I can’t describe it, but I just can,” I sat up and looked at Leo who was standing, emotionless, at my door, “I’ve never been able to sense someone’s power like that before.” Leo didn’t say anything, just looked around my room for a moment before entering my room and closing the door, “I suppose you’re here to check on me? You had me going, thinking you were my friend and all,” I muttered.

This got me an expression from Leo, he looked hurt, “I was not pretending Sigrid.”

“Then tell me what Lucian did to me? Why is the last thing I remember kneeling next to you, and then I find myself sitting next to Lucian with him about to sink his fangs into me?”

Leo looked away from me, “I can’t tell you that.”

“Thought so,” I muttered, getting out of my bed and going towards my bedroom door.

“Where are you going?” Leo asked, confusion slipping into his tone.

“I’m not staying here, no one tells me anything but I’m expected to throw everything away to be some ‘animal to call’ for Lucian, I can’t get a moment of peace, I’m expected to have absolute manners, all of a sudden I have the urge to shift all the time, and yet I have no idea why because everyone keeps me in the dark!” I shouted, turning away from him and reaching for the door knob.

“Sigrid, just talk to Lucian-”

“When! He never has the time to answer any of my questions and how many times have I been with him and because of what ever it was that he did tonight I don’t even remember!” The look on Leo’s face let me know that this had been done to me before.

I pulled my door open and left Leo in my room.

“Sigrid, wait,” he called out.

I turned on my heel so quick Leo had to cut his steps short to keep from running into me. “I just need a few moments alone, I’m safe down here so quit following me every where!” I shouted, turning back around and leaving him there. To my surprise, he didn’t follow.
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Check out the character page for Leo if you haven't already! <3

Hope you guys like it! Lucian is back! And he isn't in the best of moods :O Next chapter we will see a little trouble in paradise start to bloom ;)

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