Status: Finished

Drop The World

Juss A Lil Introduction

Juss A Lil Introduction: :


(Ruh-shaw-d) Thats how you pronounce my name. Have you seen the movie ATL? Well yeah, my name is the same name as TIP's.

Anyway, I'm 17 years old & a junior in highschool. I'm fully blooded black and black only! But I look like I'm mixed with mexican. I live in Chicago, with my crackhead and hoein momma. I love her to death, but I can't deal with her bull shi+, so I mostly stay with my girlfriend Shonnie at her crib.

Shonnie and I have been going together for 3 years now, and we ain't never stopped loving eachother. Sure, we get into petty little fights and arguements...but I love the girl to death, and I really think she is the one.

I have two best friends, and they have most deff earned the title of my 'ride or die homies'! They're names are Doe Boi, and Myron, and were like the black version of the 'Three Musketeers'. Lol.

Well, that's pretty much it...I just try to live the life of Rashad Jamal Willmington, everyday.


Okay, my name is Carmen and Im 16 years old...light skinned with light brown eyes. I'm full blooded mexican, and I live on the nice side of Atlanta, kinda around where Lil Wayne condo is...but not really.

Anyway! I have 2 brothers and one sister. Carlos is the oldest he's 19 and goes with this girl that everyone calls Tiny, then it's me, then it's my younger brother Tommy who is 14, and then it's the baby of the family who is spoiled rotten. Carley, and she's 8.

My parents are both lawyers and they're rarely home, so we all pretty much raise ourselves. But when they are home, it feels like a real family.

I have two best friends, one of them is a dude and his name is Nico. And then my other best friend is Nicole, which is his sister. I have a ton of other friends but those right there, are my ride or die nigg@hs! Nico is a senior, and Nicole and I are sophomores.

Hmm, well that's pretty much it, I just live as Carmen Giovanni Valosquez everyday.