Status: Finished

Drop The World

Last Time

I'm Livinqq Two Different Lives

Onee Girl In Dha Day, Yuh In Niqhtt

And Evenn Thouqhh This Aint Riqhtt

I Just Cant Get Enouqh

Of The Way Yuh Put It Down

Yuh Reallyy Got Me Trippinqq

Hold Up, BabyGirl

Don't Talkk Just Listenn

<>Trey Sonqz<> Sonqq : Last Time


I cried myself to sleep, and I cried when I woke up. I can't believe last night really happened! First off, my dad hates me, & I hate him. I now hold NO RESPECT for him, and I'm going to call him by his first name 'Roberto', now. Seriously.

Second off, Rashad doesn't love me.

He hesitated when I pretty much threw myself out there, to save his ass! To save us! If he doesn't love me, he couldve at least said it, just to say it!

Thirdly, my brother is my half brother. How could my mother cheat on my dad? Well, after experiencing the other side of him, I don't blame her! But it's mindblowing to know that...he thinks Roberto is his real father. They shouldn't of kept that from us! Tommy deserves to know, at least!

Anyway, its 9 in the morning and Rashad keeps texting my phone begging me to come to his room, or open my door. But I don't want to speak to him right now. Why couldn't he say he loved me? I love him.

I really really do, & I know that's so stupid, considering I've only known him for 2 months but...I can't help it. You can't fight you're feelings...

I don't know if my parents are gone yet, or if anyone's home...I hope no one is.

Then, all of a sudden my door busts open, and in walks my parents. They're both dressed in their work clothes, and I knew they had been arguing. My mother's cheeks were red, and she wouldn't even look at me, she had been doing some crying. I looked over at Roberto, and he had that 'no bullshi+' look on his face. They stood at the foot of my bed, and I glared at them, not saying a word.

"Carmen...I know you're not happy with what happened last night, but-"

"Get to the point so you can get out of my room." I hissed, cutting Roberto off.

"Carmen." My mom hissed.

I just looked away, fighting the tears, that I had worked so hard on, to stop coming.

"Anyway. Rashad will be leaving next week and you two will never speak to eachother again, end of discussion."

"What?!" I exclaimed.

I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. No!They can't do this to me! No!

"You guys can't do that! Mom please!" I begged.

"Im so sorry Carmen..." My mom whispered,shaking her head,tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Please don't do this! I'll stop talking to him! I won't even look at him! Just please don't make him leave!" I begged.

"Good. Glad to see were on the same page then. Now let's go Claudia." My dad said, calmly, leading my mother to the door.


He turned around.

"I hate you so much. I do. I never knew you could be this twisted and...degrating in my life. I hate you and...god would be doing me a HUGE favor if he took you away today. But then don't belong with him."

I hissed, through clenched teeth.

My moms mouth dropped and the tears started to come harder. For a second, I saw pain in his eyes, but he quickly got rid of it, the second it came.

"You shouldn't say things like that Carmen...because it could come true." He said.

He walked out, with my mom behind him, and slowly closed the door.

"AND I HOPE IT DOES! I HATE YOU!" I screamed, throwing a pillow at the door.

I then buried myself under the covers, into another fit of sobs.


It was settled. I was going back home Next Monday, and I was leaving here. But I don't want to leave. I finally have a family! Kind of...

They talked to Slade and everything, and it was all set up for me to come home. I can't believe this is happening...not only am I jeopardizing my life by going back home...but I'm leaving Carmen. And I don't want that to happen.

When I talked to Slade, he said he had a house right outside Chicago, and that's where him and my mom were hiding out.'s gonna suck going back to the hood, after living like a king...but whatever.

Right now it's 11 in the afternoon, and I've been blowing up Carmen's phone begging her to come out her room, or at least let me come in hers...but she keeps replying with the same text:

'Leave Me Alone'

I asked what I did, but I get the same:

'Leave Me Alone'

Well, in since I only have a week left with her, we have got to do something together...and after last night, we both gotta get out of this house.

I was only wearing basketball shorts, and I knew she'd give in if she saw me without a shirt on.

I rolled out of bed and walked outside my door. When I walked out, I saw Tommy, with a bag of chips coming up the stairs.

"Wassup Rashad?" He asked.

I looked in his face...and I sware I saw Christian. Oh my god...

I gave him a head nod, and right when he was about to disappear into his room, I thought of something.

"Tommy, can you do me a favor?" I asmed.

He turned around, and stuffed some chips in his mouth. "Yeah sure, what?" He asked, with a mouthful.

I glanced at Carmen's door, and then back at him. I walked over to him.

"Is there a key to unlock doors?"

"Uhh yeah, why?"

I sighed. "Your sister's mad at me, and won't open the door." I confessed.

His eyes widened. "Awh dude! You're smashing my sister?! Awh that's gross!" He exclaimed, with a wicked grin.

I laughed. "No Tommy, it ain't even like that."

He shook his head and pointed me. "You funny Rashad! I can't believe you with my sister! Since when?" He grinned.

I shook my head. "No Tommy it's-"

"Rashad. I'm 14 years old, I think I know wassup." He said, with a wink.

I laughed. "Okay fine. I'm with your sister but-"

"What?! Oh come on Rashad! My sister?!" He exclaimed.

"Shhh! Boy don't let the whole world know!" I said, in a hushed tone.

He laughed. "I got you playa. Come with me..."

I followed him into his room and there were videogames and posters of rappers everywhere. I know he gone be a 'mac' when he gets older, if he ain't already.

He walked over to his bed, and snatched a metal object from under the mattress.

"Here ya go. So how long have you been banging my sister?" He asked, handing me the key.

"Tommy. For the last damn time, I AM NOT banging your sister!"

He shook his head. "Fine! You're not...but you should be. I mean, I always thought it would be Nico, but looks like Rashad wasn't lettin' that happen." He joked, plopping down on his bed.

"Damn right, and thanks man." I said, walking towards his door.

"Its cool, & please...don't have makeup s3x."

I flipped him off before walking out his room, and I closed the door behind me to block out his laughs. That kid is...truly something.

But can he be Christian's?!

I made my way over to Carmen's room, & lightly knocked on the door.

"Go away Rashad." She croaked.

"How you know it was me?" I asked.

She coughed. "I just go away...I don't wanna see you!" She snapped.

I sighed. "What did I do Carmen? Why are you so mad at me?"

A long silence. "You should know why." She sniffled.

"Carmen please! Open the door and let's talk...because I'm clueless." I said.

"Then you're going to stand out there, until you figure it out Rashad!" She hissed.

"Carmen, Ima give you 5 seconds to open this door, or I'm coming in." I threatened.

"Oh please, Id like to see you try." She scoffed.

I stuck the key in the lock, & the door opened. I walked in and closed the door behind me, and set the key on the table, that was next to the door.

She was sitting in her bed, in a tanktop and booty shorts looking...delicious.

Even with a red nose from crying, and puffy cheeks, she was just as beautiful.

"Im gonna kill Tommy!" She snapped, looking away from me.

I laughed and walked over to the bed, plopping down next to her. She scooted away from me.

I sighed. "Carmen, whats wrong?"

She looked over at me. "Think about it Rashad, think hard."

"I don't know what to think, because you're not talking! We found out a whole lotta' shi+ yesterday, and I'm still confused! Baby talk to me!" I pleaded.

"Why don't you love me?" She whispered, looking down.

The question was so random, and so off topic...that I froze. I felt like someone had punched me in my stomach.

Carmen smirked. "See! Th-this is exactly what I'm talking about Rashad! This! Whenever I talk about 'love' you get this look on your face, like you're confused or something! What's up with that?!" She yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

I was still stunned, about the question so I didn't say anything to that, and it wasn't like she was finished either.

"Rashad...I put my ass on the line, to save yours! I know we've only known eachother for 2 months, but damn! You could've at least lied! I told my parents that I loved you, and you didn't have the respect to at least say..."

As she continued on...I spaced out.

I did love Carmen. I. Love. Carmen.

I do.

But I can't.

If there wasn't so much bull shi+ going on in my life, than I wouldve been told her ass, that I loved her. It's just...that I couldn't! I'm not good for her...

I interrupted Carmen's rant, with a kiss, and I shoved my tongue into her mouth before she could pull away.

At first she didn't kiss back, but in the next 15 minutes or so, she was lying on top of me, both of us breathless.

I slid her next to me and with a smile I said, "Get dressed babe, it's all me and you for tonight."