Status: Finished

Drop The World

Got Your Back

This Is For The Women, Who Men Cauqht A Sentence

Who Gonee Bee There For A Minutee

Buht Didnt Keep Their Distance

They Stayed Home, Waitinqq On The Phone

& On Visit Day

Show Upp Lookinqq Good, Smellinqq Better, Playinqq Kissy Face

Justt Wanna Let Yuhh Knoww, We Appreciate

<>T.I. ft Keri Hilson<> Sonqq: Got Your Back


When her father apologized...I was shocked. But seriously, what made him do that? But whatever, I know something's behind that.

Anyway, Carley and I are waiting in the Escalade for Carmen to come out of the house. When she told me how much she loved me, earlier this my mind away. Not even Shonnie has told me some shi+ like that.

"If this girl don't come on, you're gonna be late!" I said, with a sigh.

Carley groaned. "What she doing Rashad? You're her boyfriend! Go tell her to come on!" She whined.

I frowned and turned around. "Wh-what?"

The only ones who knew about Carmen & I...was pretty much everyone but Carley. How'd she find out?

"Oh don't give me that look! Just cuz I'm 8 years old, doesn't mean I don't know anything." She said, rolling her eyes.

I laughed. This girl was way too sassy to be this age. "Whatever Carley..."

"Do you love her?" She asked.

At that moment, Carmen came out the house, in a white v-neck, and tight black skinny jeans, and black flats to match. Her hair was in a nice ponytail, and there was a long bang on the side of her face. She was wearing big hoop earrings, and she was just...beautiful.

"Of course I do." I smiled, watching Carmen walk over to the car.

Right when Carmen was about to get in, I pressed the button that locked the door.

Carley busted up laughing, and Carmen put a scowl on her face.

"Rashad, if you don't open this damn door!" She hissed.

"Alright babe." I unlocked the door, and when she reached for the handle, I locked it again.


I busted up laughing, and unlocked the doors. She got in, and once she did...she popped me upside my head.

"Do that again, and Ima whoop yo ass Rashad." She threatened.

I smirked. "Carmen...don't get too carried away here. You wouldn't like for me to slam you in front of your sister, right?" I teased.

She rolled her eyes. "Ugh, whatever!" She exclaimed, turning on the radio.

I laughed and shook my head. Sometimes Carmen, can be the BIGGEST baby of all time, which you know already.


After Carley's ballet practice, she wanted to go out to eat at IHOP. So that's exactly where were at now.

Were sitting in the booth, laughing and having a good time, when an elderly couple approaches our table.

We all stopped laughing to see what they wanted.

"Excuse me, but is this your daughter?" The elderly woman, asked Carmen and I.

Carmen blushed, and Carley busted up laughing.

"Oh no ma'am, this is her sister...I'm just the boyfriend." I said, with a smile.

"Really? Well you guys look like a picture perfect family...don't cha think Frank?" The woman asked.

The old man nodded. "They look just like us Maple. Well sorry to bother you guys." He smiled.

"Its okay...see ya later." Carmen laughed.

The couple walked away, and we were all looking at eachother confused.

Carmen looked over at me, and I smiled.

Damn, people already thinking that we got kids? Wow.

"Do you guys want anything else? Desert?" Our waitress asked, walking up to our table.

Her name was Felicia, & no doubt she wanted me. Her and Carmen have been going at it, this whole time we've been here.

"I want desert!" Carley smiled.

"Nawhh Lil Bit! Let's go home...I'm tired." I said, with a yawn.

"Can you bring us the bill?" Carmen asked, with attitude.

Felicia rolled her eyes, & then walked away.

Carley busted up laughing, and I gave Carmen a look. "Now why did you do that?"

"Cuz she deserved it. Now let's go." Carmen said, standing up.

We walked to the cash register, and Felicia was standing there with the bill.

I paid and as I was taking the change, Felicia slipped a piece of paper in my hand. I turned to see if Carmen saw this, but she was too busy trying to make Carley tie her shoe.

I looked back at Felicia. "Girl you got some serious problems." I said, sliding the paper back.

She winked. "I don't think I'm the only one." She smiled, sliding it back.

And with that she walked away.

I opened up the note and I almost had a heart attack, when I read what it wrote.

In neat cursive handwriting it said: "Christian Will Always Be Watching"

Rashad, are you coming?" Carmen asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"U-uhm y-yeah. H-here I come." I stuttered, carefully sliding the note and the leftover money into my pocket.

Not wanting to start a fight, Carmen gave me a weird look and didn't say anything, and proceeded to walk out the door.

I followed behind them, feeling numb. How the fxck she know Christian, and what the hell does this note mean?! Does this mean Christian knows where I am?! Oh naw...Ima have to come back here and see where this girl at.

We got in the car, and I started driving back home, when my phone rings.

I almost shi+ my pants. I glanced at Carmen and she was too busy into her phone, and I looked back at Carley and she was flat out asleep.

I took a deep breath and answered.

I didn't say 'Hello?' or anything...I wanted for whoever was calling, to speak first, so I can make sure I know them.

"Rashad? Rashad! Boy you there?!" Slade's deep husky voice, snapped.

"Yeam I'm here. Whas wrong?" I asked.

"Everythings wrong damn it! That fxcking Shonnie girl of yours, was running her damn mouth too much, & somehow Christian knows where you at! Rashad you gotta get home, and home now!" He yelled.

I was blown away. Oh fxck! "Woah, woah, woah. Slade slow down. What the fxck you mean he know where I'm at?!" I snapped.

Carmen looked over at me, and I could see the panic in her face.

"Just like it sounds Rashad. Look, I'm just as confused as you are! Today, I got some package from Christian and there were pictures of you and some girl together. Pictures of pretty much everything that you've done, or been! And ay, you aint tell me you had a girlfriend." He said.

I sighed. "Fxck! That explains everything man! This girl at the diner I'm leaving now, gave me some note saying: 'Christian is always watching'. Damn it Slade! What do I do?!" I hissed, getting scared.

"She did what?!" Carmen exclaimed.

"Its fine Rashad. You're fine, alright? Just don't ever be alone, iight?! Never! Christian just has a tag along on you to make sure you're not doing anything....I think I'll have to have someone come down there and takeout the bi+ch that's watching you, as you're leaving. That way your mother, you, and I can make a clean getaway to Puerto Rico." He suggested.

"Puerto Rico?! No Slade...I can't leave-"

"Well you are Rashad! Now, do you know the name of this girl that's following you?" He asked.

I sighed. "Her name's Felicia. She looks to be around her early 20's, long brown hair, and black eyes. She's black and-"

"Nose and lip piercing?" He interrupted.

I thought about it. "Yeah! Exactly that, why? You know her?"

He groaned. "Awh shi+. That's Ferocious Felicia, we in trouble now...just stay away from that girl, and let my boys handle her, iight? Everything will be fine."

"What do you mean by that?! If she's stalking me, than she knows where I lay my head Slade!"

"Shes just a tag along Rashad, she ain't gonna do anything unless yu do something stupid. So don't do anything stupid! Act like you don't even know she's there, iight?"

I sighed. "Yeah whatever, bye."

"Rashad...were going to get you out of this. I'll talk to you more when you get here."


He sighed heavily, and then he hung up.

"Rashad, what are you talking about? Who is stalking us?!" Carmen asked.

I looked at her, and her face was twisted in anger and worry. I love this girl so much...

"I'll tell you later Carmen..." I mumbled, fighting the nausea.


"Please Carmen...I really don't want to talk about it." I hissed.

She looked away, and didn't say anything else.

What have I done? This is stupid! Coming to live with another family was the dumbest idea, ever created! Now I've put everyone in danger!

Finally, we pulled in the driveway, and it was 10 pm. Cameron's ferari was here, so I knew he was home.

Carmen got out the car, and went inside the house without saying a word. I know her ass ain't mad!

I sighed, and then picked up Carley into my arms.

Damn, people actually thought she was my kid.

My. Kid.

I shook my head and walked into the house.

Tommy, Cameron, Tiny and some girl were in the family room watching a movie.

"Wassup Rashad? What happened to Carmen?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah. She came in all mad." Tiny added.

They all looked at me expectantly.

"Nothing, we just got into a little arguement...she's fine." I lied.

They all nodded and went back to the movie. They were watching some movie called 'Nothing But Unconditional Love' (Checkout Booski's books)

I carried Carley into her room and lied her down in her bed, giving her a kiss goodnight. Man...I thought I'd never do that, in my life.

I walked out her bedroom, closing the door behind me, and over to Carmen's room.

I tried to open it, but it was locked. I sighed, and knocked on the door.

She opened the door, and walked away leaving me standing there. I closed the door behind me, and plopped down next to her.

She was in my basketball shorts and one of my beaters. Tsk, tsk, always taking my clothes.

"Im in deep shi+ Cam." I said.

She lied her head on my chest. "Just tell me what's going on." She mumbled.

"Long story short...Christian found me because of Shonnie, and that waitress Felicia is working for him. She's been stalking me for...I don't know how long, but she knows alot." I explained.

Her eyes widened with horror and shock. "What?! What if she kill us-"

I covered her mouth with my hand. "Will you be quiet?! & it's all good Cam, shes not gonna hurt us." I said.

"What do you mean 'it's all good'?! There's a bi+ch stalking our ass, and the nigg@h know where you live! Rashad it's not just yo life on the line now, it's me and my whole family!" She hissed.

"Dont you think I know that?! Damn! You acting like I'm new to all this shi+!" I scoffed.

She rolled her eyes. "Well don't get mad at me Rashad! You're the one who's in this mess!" She snapped.

I bit my lip to keep myself from saying anything else to her, because a fight between us two, is the last thing we need.

It got quiet, until her phone rang making her jump.

"Hello?" She answered, a little annoyed.

Once I heard 'Nico's' name, I zoned out. I walked over to her dresser and pulled out a pair of basketball shorts, my boxers, and beaters.

I wasn't joking when I told you that Carmen be taking all my stuff.

I turned around and smiled at her. "Wanna take a shower with me?"

She waved her hand at me, and I laughed, & walked into her bathroom.

I stripped out of my clothes, and hopped into the shower.

It was then that I realized, I had told her everything but the part where I might have to leave to Puerto Rico.