Status: Finished

Drop The World

Miss Me

Tell Me, Whats Really Going Onn?

Drizzy Back Upp In This Thanqq

I'm Ready, Whats Happeninqq?

Gone Fromm Surqery, Buht Now Im Back Aqain!

I'm Bout Ma Paper Like A Mothafxckin Scratch & Win!

World Series Attitude, Champaqne Bottle Life

Nothinqq Ever Chanqes, Cuz Tomorrow Will Beh Like

Tomorrow Niqht. I Will Have A Model Wifee

Yo Bi+ch Is As Hot As Ice

Everyy Time Yuh See Meh, I Look Like I Hit Dha Lotto Twice

<>Drake ft Lil Wayne<> Sonqq: Miss Me

$-Rashad-$ & $-2 Days Later-$

Today's Friday, and it's also the last Friday I'll be here...with my love.

In since Roberto aoplogized, I thought I'd be able to stay. Dead wrong. But I couldn'tve stayed, even if I wanted too, because of the whole Slade thing.

These past 2 days, have went by in a flash. All I do is hang out with Carmen, and cuddle up with her. I'm seriously in love with this girl, & there's no way I can just leave her, and go all the way to some damn Puerto Rico.

My mom got me into this shi+ with Christian, so her ass better get me out, because I refuse to get this far away from Carmen. It's a damn shame how bad my mom can fxck everything up.

But anyway, I haven't seen my "stalker" Felicia, and I don't want too. For all I know she could be watching my ass right now, but I don't care. As long as I don't see Christian...I'm good.

Right now, it's 7 pm and Carmen and I are, geting ready to go to Zonique's party she's throwing for me.

I heard the whole damn school is going to be here for my ass! Damn, I ain't know I was that popular, lol.

I knew Carmen was going to be wearing red, so I threw on a red and black 'Black Label' outfit, & a pair of J'z to match. I grabbed a red hat, and a black bandanna, & stuck that in my back pocket.

By the time I was finished, Carmen buzzed my phone. I knew it was her, because I had 'Already Taken' as her ringtone.

Carmen: Bring yo slow ass outside so we can go! & don't be mad, but we gotta pick up Nicole...and Nico.


I stuck my phone in my pocket and walked out my bedroom, and downstairs. On my way out the front door, AnnaBelle called my name.

"Yeah?" I smirked, at her.

I mean, what the fxck could she possibly want?!

"Id just like to apologize-"

I cut her off by closing the door behind me, as I walked to the Escalade.

Shi+, I don't need her apology. It's a little bit too late for that! She had her chance when Roberto apologized.

I hopped in the driver seat, and pulled out the driveway.

"So where do" I asked. But my words slowed down, when I looked at Carmen.

She had on a tight red v-neck, and the cut went all the way to her belly button, exposing alot of cleavage, and her flat stomach. To match the long shirt, she was wearing a SHORT ruffled skirt, with red heels to match.

I was totally blown away.

Carmen laughed. "Damn Rashad! I know I look good, but you ain't gotta look at me like that!"

I closed my mouth, and wiped the drool that was about to form on my lip.

"Girl please, ain't nobody looking at you." I teased.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever, & you look good too bay...and I see you still like to jock my colors." She giggled.

I shook my head. "Shutup before I was distracted, where do they live?"

"Turn on this block, and it's that house right there." She said, pointing to a brick house.

When I pulled into their driveway, Carmen opened the door to get out.

"Oh hell naw babe! They got cell phones you better call them! I can't have you getting out the car, showing all that body to the world."

She rolled her eyes. "'re something else."

I smiled, and turned on the radio.

She started talking on her phone, and within seconds Nico & Nicole emerged from the house.

Nico was dressed up like me...ugh, & Nicole looked good. She was wearing a similar outfit to Carmen's, but her shirt was a tube top, and her outfit was blue.

"Oh my god Carmen! You look good!" Nicole grinned, getting in the car.

" sure do." Nico muttered, under his breath.

I gave him a glare through my rearview mirror, and he looked away.

I pulled out the driveway and began driving to Zonique's, which was on the other side of town. Not that far away, but it's a drive.

"So who all is supposed to be at this party?" Nicole asked.

"Everybody! But is Tori coming?" Carmen asked, with a snobby look on her face.

"You know she is...and why you say it like that Cam?" I teased.

She gave me a dirty look, & Nicole busted up laughing.

"Its okay Cam, Rashad will be by you the whole therefore she can't get to him." Nicole laughed.

I was about to agree until I heard Nico smirk to himself. What a fxcking lame...

Carmen laughed and turned on the radio. 'If Aint About Money' by Fat Joe & Trey Songz blasted through the speakers, and of course Carmen and Nicole just had to sing.

When we pulled in the driveway into Zonique's crib, and I could tell already that this party was going to be banging.

There were cars parked a mile down, and there were even people on the frontyard, dancing and drinking. Damn, all this for me?

When Carmen and I stepped out the car, it was like time had stopped.

It was like someone pressed the pause button, and everyone was looking at Carmen and I.

I looked around and all the guys were literally lost in a trance as the gazed at Carmen, as we walked past. I wrapped my arm around Carmen and we walked into the house, arriving to one of the biggest parties of our lives.

$-$-$-$-$-$-$-$ & $-Carmen-$

Rashad and I were bombarded with pictures and hugs, and when that was all over...we went straight to the dance floor. The place was PACKED, and it was ridiculous of how many people were here. I mean...there were kids from different schools here! So after mingling around for an hour or so...we decided to dance.

Rashad was on the wall, and him and I were juking. My back was to him, and his arms were around my waist. Sanquez & Sanchez were the DJ's.

Zonique, Lolo and Katiana were taking care of the drinks, Nicole was dancing with some dude, Jasmine was with some guy and...Tori and Nico were together.

I didn't mind that, but it was starting to get on my nerves of how Nico was looking at me, while he was dancing with her. As if it was to make me jealous! He needs to get over himself...

Suddenly, the lights went out and neon lights started shining, it was like a damn club! The whole crowd roared in approval, and Rashad turned me around and slammed his lips to mine. I kissed him back, and turned into nothing but pure lust. He backed into a corner, and lifted my leg around his waist. We started making out, and he slid his hands under my skirt, and began to grab my ass. I could literally FEEL two pairs of eyes boring into my back, and I'm pretty sure I know who they belonged too. Nico & Tori.

The more the kiss got deeper, the more my heart began to race and breathing began to quicken. Good thing the music was loud as fxck, because a couple of moans began to slip out of my mouth.

When we were both literally 3 seconds from taking eachother's clothes off, the neon lights stopped and the real lights came on.


Rashad pulled away, and he just held me in my arms. He was saying something, but I couldn't understand because my mind was stuck on what...we just did.

None of our 'sessions' have ever been like that!

"Carmen? I said I'm going to go talk to my boys." He repeated again.

"Oh! Oh! My bad...I was just..." I trailed off, as he smiled at me.

"I love you babe." He said, giving me a peck on the lips.

"I love you too." I said, still a little confused.

He laughed, and then walked away over to Sanchez & Sanquez (The Twins)

As soon as he disappeared from my side, Nicole, Katiana, and Zonique swarmed over to me.

"Damn Carmen! From what I saw, you guys were two seconds from making a baby!" Nicole beamed.

"Fo real! I know you two fxckinq!" Katiana laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Yo ass would be the one to say that." I giggled.

"Mhm! But besides that...Nico and Tori was watching you two like a movie!" Zonique grinned.

"Shi+...they mustve been watching hard, because I felt like somebody was. Anyway, where are they?" I asked, looking over to where I las seen them.

They all shrugged. "Who gives a fxck! I told him before you picked us up, to not act like that." Nicole smirked.

I laughed. "Well I'll be back, I'm gonna get a drink." I said.

They nodded, and I walked away, and into the kitchen. I walked over to the cooler, and grabbed me a pop. I turned around to go back to my girls, when I felt arms around me, and a body against my backside.

"Nico!" I exclaimed, pulling away from him.

Luckily, no one else was in here to see that.

"What?! I can't hug my bestfriend?!" He hissed back, throwing his hands up in an 'I Surrender' motion.

I crossed my arms, and darkened my attitude. "Hug me? Yes. But like that?No. Nico you are NOT my BOYFRIEND." I snapped.

He sighed and shook his head. "Whatever...but can I talk to you?"

My eyebrows rose. "You really didn't just ask me that, did you?" I asked, in disbelief.

"Stop being so difficult damn it! Look I'm sorry...come on let's take a walk." He said, walking towards the door.

"Really Nico? Were at a party!"

He smirked and then the old Nico came out...the one that didn't like me, and overly hated my boyfriend. "Girl come on!" He said, waving me over.

I took one glance at the party and everyone was too consumed into dancing, to notice anything. I looked at Rashad, and he was lost in a convo with The Twins and Jasmine. Hmm...well this will only take a be back before anyone notices.

"Fine..." I mumbled, following him out the door.

The night was still, where the wind wasn't even blowing. It wasn't hot or cold...and the only sounds were cars going by every now and then, and the nightlife chirping, buzzing, or flying.

For a moment it was just silent, until I spoke up when we were wandering a little too far away from the house, down the street.

"Nico you wanted to talk, so talk." I said, with a sigh.

"Why'd you say it like that Cam? You don't want to talk to me anymore? Why?" He asked.

"Because Rashad-"

"Oh don't even say anymore. I already know the whole story now. What'd he do? Command you to not talk to me anymore?" He scoffed.

I stopped walking and glared at him. "Excuse me?!" I barked.

"You heard me! Ever since you've been with that nigg3r, you act like you can't say 'hi' to me!" He yelled.

I raised my hand and slapped the shi+ out of him. "Thats it Nico! I could take the whining, smirks, and all that other bull shi+! But don't you dare ever call him that!" I screamed, pointing a finger in his face.

What's happened to him?! This is NOT the Nico I used to know...he would never say something like that! Well...I thought he wouldn't.

Now, I did lose some respect for Nico when Rashad and I started dating...but now? He's lost everything from me.

He held his face where I slapped him, and there were fire in his eyes. "Damn it Carmen! Why do you like him so much?! I've known you your damn whole life and you're gonna choose him over me! You've only known dude for 2 months!" He hissed.

"So what Nico! Are you listening to yourself?! Obviously if I like him and it's only been two months, that should tell you something! That I care about him!" I snapped.

"That some bull shi+! & the way you were kissing, I bet he's smashed you too! Am I right?!" He challenged.

That was it. That was my breaking point for me.

I shook my head. "Fxck you Nico. Get a life, a girl, and a new friend...cuz Ill never be that to you." I hissed.

I turned away from him, and began my way back to Zonique's house...back to Rashad's arms...cuz I seriously don't feel safe anymore.

"Carmen wait!" He growled.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled.

He grabbed my arm and spun me around to face him. When I tried to rip away from him, he grabbed me by my shoulders and tightened his hold.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I screamed.

"Will you shut the fxck up?! I'm not going to do anything! Keep screaming like that, someone is going to think something is wrong!" He hissed.

"Something IS wrong! Now let me go! Let me go!" I yelled.

"No! I am NOT going to let you go until you talk to me Carmen! Do you hear me?!" He snapped, shaking me full of anger.

I've never seen Nico like I was full of shock where I couldn't say anything. I was going to say: 'Who are you?' But I thought that was too...dramatic. But he's acting way too dramatic!

"Carmen...I love you. Ever since we've been little kids I've-"

I shook my head. "N-no Nico! No! I don't want to hear this!" I murmured, shaking my head.

"Just listen to me!"

"Nico...can you PLEASE let me go?" I whimpered.

His face was turning red, as the anger slowly took over his body...I could tell he was trying to fight it...but he was losing.

He shook his head and a sinister smile covered his lips. "Can you just answer one question for me Carmen? Please?" He asked, in a whisper.

I looked away, fighting the tears because no joke...this bi+ch could kill my ass right now! & he looks like he's 5 seconds from doing it!

"Why do you like him?" He growled.

"I-I d-don't like him Nico." I said, softly. I looked up at him. "I love him."

It was like I had put the icing on the cake...he lost it.

I honestly didn't think it was possible where a person could get that mad...but it is. His eye twitched, and his face got even more red by the second.

"What?! You can't sit here and possibly tell me that you love him!" He shrieked, tightening his hold on me.

"But I do! Now let me go!" I hollered.

He let me go, by pushing me away from him with force.

I stumbled backwards and I almost fell, but I caught my balance. Now...a regular girl wouldve ran away, and returned back to the party. But I was PISSED. Who the fxck does he think he is?! Dragging my ass out here like I'm his bi+ch or something!

I brushed myself off and glared at him, wiping away the tears.

"You have alot of nerve putting your hands on me like that Nico! I oughta go back in there and tell Rashad everything-"

"And what?! What's he going to do?!" Nico hissed getting in my face.

"Alot mothafxcker, if you don't back away from my girl." I heard Rashad hiss.

I whirled around and there was Rashad...standing there looking pissed. His hands were in his pocket, and he looked like he was...hurt?

"R-Rashad, h-how did you know-"

"Well, a song came on...and I wanted to dance with MY GIRL. But I couldn't find HER, and I looked everywhere for HER. I also noticed that I didn't see NICO anywhere also, so I put two and two together, and I figured you two were with eachother. So I walked outside and here we are now." He hissed coldly, glaring at me.

My heart dropped. "What? Rashad you seriously can't be mad at me! Let me-"

He held his hand up. "I don't want to hear anything else from you Carmen...don't worry, I know nothing happened because Ive heard enough but..." He grabbed my arm, and pulled me behind him. "The next time you EVER put your hands on her...I gurantee it will be your last." Rashad hissed, sizing Nico up.

Rashad was mad at me?! Uqh, how?! But whatever, I can't think of that right now! I can't let them fight!

"No stop Rashad! Please don't-"

"Get out of the way Carmen!" He hissed, pushing me away.

My mouth dropped, and hurt seared through my body. I felt like my heart had broken into 5. This felt worse than what Nico was doing to me! H-how could he treat me so coldly?!

The tears began to come and...I just don't know what to do!

"Now back to yo goofy ass. How many times do I have to tell you, to stay away from my girl huh? What the fxck do you not understand?!" Rashad roared, bumping Nico with his shoulder.

Nico smirked. "All I know is you better back the fxck up out my face homeboy, cuz I will personally give you an ATL ass whoopen." He snapped, towering over Rashad.

"Stop it!" I cried.

"Shut tha fxck up with that ATL shi+! Its getting old now bi+ch! Now, I'm leaving with my girl, and the girl yo dumbass is going to stay away from...if you want to live." Rashad growled.

"Well when your ass leave the ATL, she ain't gonna be your girl anymore! She already be sucking my d!ck like my bi+ch! So what you think she's gonna do when you're gone?" Nico grinned, evily.

I sware the blood rushed from out of my brain. Did he just say that...?

"Oh hell no! Rashad kick his ass!" I screamed, full of anger.

But I was a little late of yelling that, because before I could even open my mouth Nico was already being thrown to the ground.

$-$-$-$-$-$-$ & $-Claudia-$

"Youre his guardian?" The officer asked me, with raised eyebrows.

"Yes! How many times do we have to tell you?! She has the bond money, now can you please go get him?!" Carmen whined.

The officer gave her a sour look, and then walked away, disappearing from behind the desk.

"Where's he going mom? Is he going to go get Rashad?!" She asked, grabbing onto my shoulders.

What I really wanted to do, was cuss her out and demand an explanation for all of this...but I couldn't. Because I was in awe at how much...she loved him.

It was obvious! Her eyes...there was nothing in them but pure concern and care. Before my husband and I found out about them messing around, I kind of suspected it.

Everytime his name would pop up, or he would walk into the room it was like her whole mood had brightened up. She'd start smiling for nothing, and her eyes would light up. & the same thing would happen to him, when she'd walk into the room.

"Yes Carmen, he's going to get Rashad. But can you tell me what the hell happened and why I am at a police station, bailing Rashad out at 2 in the morning?!" I hissed, breaking out of my thoughts.

Carmen sighed and turned away from me, hiding her tear stained face. She called me sobbing, and I'm pretty sure she cried all the way until now. But I wish I had brought a jacket with me, because these old perverts in here are looking at my daughter like she's some plastic Barbie doll or something. In a way...she reminds me so much of myself in my old days. When I was younger, I was in love with a black man in my teenage days...but once my parents found out about it...they made sure that I would never see him again. & that was Christian.

So while I was married to Roberto...I would see Christian on the side. & doing just that lead me to having a baby by him, but let's not get into all of that.

"Carmen. I want you to talk to me...and talk to me NOW. I'm confused as fxck, I'm tired, and I want to get home before your father wakes up, & you know he barely likes Rashad, so imagine what he'll do if he hears about this." I said, with a sigh.

She turned around. "Alright! Well...for the past 2 months Nico and Rashad have been going at it. Nico likes me, and today at the party he lead me outside and we began to talk. He got mad and grabbed me by my shoulders-"

I put my hand up. "Hold on. He put your hands on you?!" I exclaimed, loudly.

All the police officers looked over, and started giving me that 'calm down' look. But fxck that! These cops don't know me! Shi+...some of these old ass cops has arrested my ass back when I was a teenager!

"Mom! Just listen to me!" Carmen said.

"No! If he put your hands on you help me god! Why isn't his ass back there in a cell?!" I snapped.

"Because Rashad kicked his ass so bad where he's in the hospital with a concussion!" She rushed out.

I smiled satisfied. "Good." I huffed, turning away from her.

I'll kill a bi+ch if they put my hands on my daughter! And I'm a lawyer? Oh yes, Nico will definitely be put on trial!

At that exact moment, the officer came back with Rashad in handcuffs. He mustve whooped Nico ass bad, because he ain't have a scratch on him.

"Rashad!" Carmen exclaimed, jumping on him.

He couldn't hug her back, becaause his hands were cuffed.

"Excuse me, can you take those off? You see her trying to hug him right?!" I hissed, coldly at the officer.

He rolled his eyes and took the handcuffs off of Rashad. Once they were off, Rashad wrapped his arms around Carmen.

Now...I have never seen them act initmate around eachother, but mow that I literally makes me want to cry.

I could FEEL the love they shared for eachother, & it made me think of Christian more. I guess I'm still in love with him...

"You two go to the car." I commanded, giving Rashad the keys.

"Thank you alot Claudia." Rashad thanked, still holding my daughter.

I nodded. "Your welcome, now go on..." I said, shooing them away.

They walked away, with Carmen kissing all over his face the whole way out the door. Oh my god...I have never seen my daughter so...happy!

When they disappeared out the station, I turned back to the officer with a scowl on my face. He was white, heavyset, and looked to be in his mid 50's. I didn't like him already, cuz he gave me attitude on the spot, so that's why I treated him so coldly.

"So I gave you the money you need. What now? Don't I have to sign something for him?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No ma''re free to go." He muttered.

I shook my head. "Excuse me, I'm in fact a very high experienced lawyer. Now, is there any information I have to obtain before I leave? Is there a court date? Are they pressing charges?" I asked.

He sighed. "I dont know miss, but we'll call you with the information."

"Oh hell no. You're going to tell me that right now, because the last time I heard that out of a cops mouth, I missed my courtdate." I snapped.

"I said, we'll call you with more information!" He barked, angrily.

I smacked my lips, and shook my head in a disapproving way. "I got something for you." I dug in my purse and pulled out a piece of paper and pen. "Sign here so just in case you're ass is setting me up by not telling me, you will lose you're job and everything that came with it. Signing this, tells me that you are aware that you HAVE NOT told me any info regarding this situation, and you have promised me that you're going to call me back with information." I grinned wickedly, sliding the paper over.

Having been in this situation many times, I had everything prepared.

His eyes widened and he looked surprised, but he signed anyway. "Uhm, here ya go."

I snatched the paper away from and walked out the police station, flipping off an officer who had the nerve to tell me, 'Have a nice day ma'am.'