Status: Finished

Drop The World


Yeah, iThinkk Its Time Tew Move On

Yuh Shouldd Dump That Dude

So You Can Sit On The Throne

& Imma Treat Yuh Like Dha Queen Yuh Are

You Are Dha Best Ive Ever Had, By Farr

& Come and Chill With A Star

<>Lil Twist ft Bowwow<> Sonqq: Secret


"Carmen you don't have to go see him!" I whined.

"But I have too! Otherwise they're going to go press charges on you!" She said, with a sigh.

We were in her room and she was putting her shoes on, preparing to leave. I heard everything that went on outside, and it took all my strength not to go out there and cuss Nicole out myself.

"Who cares?! I'll be out of this state anyway!" I said.

"So?! The police will get you out there too! Rashad, I don't want to do this either...but I can't let you go to jail."

"Ive been to jail plenty of times! And believe me...I'd rather be in jail than have Christian on my ass!" I sneered.

She sighed. "You say that now but...I can't let this happen to you. And I don't see what the big deal is about all of this! She's pretty much blackmailing my ass into talking to him!"

"Thats cuz it is blackmail!" I snapped.

She sighed. "Its not the end of the world Rashad! Im only talking to him, and it's not like he can try anything because you broke his arm, some of his ribs, and tore something in his leg."

I was stunned. "I-I did all that?"

"Mhm! And supposedly you ruined his 'football career', bull shi+. it wasn't like the boy was that good anyway." Carmen said, rolling her eyes.

I laughed. "That was bogus Carmen but damn...I broke his ribs? But I was hitting him in his face."

She shrugged. "Well, it doesn't matter now, because you did it. Why don't you just take Tommy out somewhere and I'll meet up with you, when I'm done." She suggested, sitting on my lap.

"Why don't we say fxck this, and forget about it?"

She kissed my cheek and laughed. "Rashad it's not even that bad! Take Tommy out somewhere...and I'll be with you before you know it."

"Yeah whatever. How long are you going to be talking to this fool anyway?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I want to give him 30 seconds...but I know he'll piss me off beforehand, so I'll leave when that happens."

I gave her a peck on her lips. "Thats my girl."


"So where you wanna go Tommy?" I asked, getting in the Escalade.

Carmen got a ride with Nicole to the hospital, and I guess Nicole was going to drop her off.

"Robbie's. All my friends are over there right now." He said, putting his seat belt on.

I pulled out the drievway & began to drive. "Robbies by Target?"


"iiGht, well what is it?" I asked.

"An ATL version of Dave&Busters. But what happened with Carmen and Nicole? I heard yelling when they went out there..."

I shook my head. "None of your concern."

He sighed and turned on the radio, and we listened to that all the way to 'Robbie's'.

When we went in, Tommy was swarmed with girls and guys, and they literally carried him off to somewhere. Damn...!

A waitress smiled at me, and then lead me to a table. "I'll be right back to take your order, okay?" She grinned.


She walked away and I was left alone...for a split second.

The person that sat down across from me, with an evil grin on her face was no other than 'Ferocious Felicia'.


"Does he know Im coming?" I asked.

"Kinda. He thinks I just went to talk to you so, it'll be a surprise." She said.

My mouth dropped. "Are you serious?! Then who's sick idea was this?!" I snapped.

"My idea wasn't sick Carmen! acting like I'm taking you to your death or something!"

"You are..." I mumbled, looking out the window.

She shook her head, and the rest of the ride was silent.

When we pulled into the hospital parking lot, I wanted nothing else but to turn right around, and go back home. I mean, what am I doing here?! I'm only doing this to help out Rashad! I mean, it's not like I'm going to hang with Nico OR Nicole when this is over. I'm dropping both of their asses!

We both got out the car, and I followed Nicole into the hospital and onto the elevator. Nicole pressed a button, and it began to move.

"A-are you mad at me Carmen?" Nicole asked, with worry all over her face.

Thankfully, the elevator doors opened...because it seriously saved her from getting cussed out.

We both stepped off and I followed her down the hall. We approached a door, and it was halfway open. I was about to walk straight in, but Nicole grabbed my arm.

"What?!" I hissed.

She sighed. "Do you want me to make sure he wants to see you?"

"Oh trust me, he wants to see me. & if he doesn't, thank god." I said, rolling my eyes.

She shook her head in a disapproving way, but do you really think I care?

I turned back around to open the door, when all of a sudden it swung open. I came face to face with...their mother.

I could tell she she had been crying, because her eyes were red, and there were dark bags under her eyes. No doubt, she looked hideous.

Usually, I wouldve been greeted with a warm smile and a 'How are you?'. But now I was greeted with a dark glare, and an evil look.

"Oh, it's you." She said, with no emotion.

"Uhm hello Mrs. Rodriguez..."

She rolled her eyes. "Are you here to do more damage to my son?" She snapped.

Damn! I wasn't expecting this!

"Uhm no. And it wasn't even my fault! Nico-"

"I don't want you here! Nicole, why is she here?!" Mrs. Rodriguez hissed at Nicole.

"N-Nico wanted to talk to her." Nicole stuttered, nervously.

"To her?! The same girl that got him into this place? That might ruin his career?!"

"Mrs. Rodriguez, no disrespect but...your son got his ownself into this place, nobody else." I snapped.

She stared at me long and hard. "Well, he doesn't want to see you."

"Madre por favor! All she wants to do is apologize so the charges will be dropped!" Nicole pleaded.

"Apologize? I wouldn't care if she bought a yacht with our name on it! There will be charges!" Mrs. Rodriguez sneered.

"M-Mom? Wh-who are you yelling at?" A voice from inside the room, croaked.


Mrs. Rodriguez's face softened, and she turned away from us. "No one sweetie, it's just-"

"Its me Nico!" I exclaimed, interrupting her.

Trust me, I would gladly take Mrs. Rodriguez's offer of leaving, but I can't let them press charges! So I will gladly be walking out of this place, without a lawsuit coming up behind me.

"C-Carmen? Is that you? Come in!" He exclaimed.

His mom sighed, and then finally allowed me entrance. Shi+...if his mom was this mad, thank god I didn't see his father!

When I saw Nico in the hospital bed...I got guitly as fxck.

No wonder his mother was so mad at me!

Nico looked like he had been bit by a train, car, and ran over by a bus a couple of times. Okay, maybe he didn't look THAT bad but...he looked pretty banged up.

His skin wasn't even a brown shade anymore. It was purple and black, and there was a bandaid above his right eye. His arm was in a cast, and there were alot of wires hooked up to him and to a machine. There's no way in hell Rashad did all of THIS to him.

"We'll be back." Nicole said, dragging her mom out the room. Nicole closed the door behind them, drowning out her mother's protest.

"Oh my god Nico!" I exclaimed, rushing to his side, cradling his face with my hands.

"Ow Carmen!" He winced in pain, jerking away from me.

"Oh sorry! I'm sorry! Damn Nico..." I said, looking him over.

& then the realization hit me. Fxck! I'm supposed to be mad at him! Ugh...I can't keep a grudge for nothing.

He smirked. "Oh're not sorry."

I sighed and crossed my arms. "You're damn right I'm not sorry! It's just damn look TERRIBLE." I said.

"Thank you Carmen...I really appreciate the love." He scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "So do you know why I'm here?" I asked.

"No. I'm quite surprised."

I pulled up a chair and sat down in it with a sigh. "Well, your ever so nice sister, decided the only way for your mothe to drop the charges on if I talk to you." I excplained.

He frowned and shook his head, with a pissed off expression. "Seriously? So you're not here to talk to me Carmen, you're here to save him? That's bogus really is." He sneered.

"Well think of it switched around Nico! Pretend you had a girl, & I kept stalking you-"

"Stalking?! I did not stalk you!" He yelled outraged.

"Yes you did Nico! You were a S-TA-L-K-E-R, STALKER! You bothered me night and day, and whenever I talked to you, it was always about leaving Rashad, bashing him, or trying to get with you! You haven't left me alone for a long period of time, until now! And this wasn't even a full day!" I yelled.

"Yeah whatever Carmen! All I know is, I wasn't no damn stalker!" He snapped.

I didn't say anything to that, I just played with my fingers....praying to god I could leave in a little bit.

"So where is he?" He asked.

I looked up at him. "You really wanna know?"

"No. I just knew talking about HIM, would make you want to talk." He growled.

I glared at him. "To answer your question, him and Tommy went out to 'Robbie's' together. After I'm done dealing with you, I'm going to go meet up with him." I said.

He nodded. "Thought so. And what you mean 'dealing' with me? You weren't forced to come here." He scoffed.

"Correction. I was blackmailed."

He shook his head. "You'll do anything for him, won't you?"

"Damn right. I love him & he loves me." I said, rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean you love him Cam? You haven't even known him for-"

"Uhm I believe what youre starting right now, is the same reason you're in here right now, Nico. So you need to tell your mom that it's YOUR FAULT & not to blame me." I hissed.

"How is all of this my fault?! He hit me first!"

I stood up. "But you put your hands on me first, called him a nigg3r, and called me your bi+ch! If a guy did that to your girl, wouldn't you want to beat their ass?!" I hollered.

"You know what?! Fxck you Carmen! I don't want to even see you anymore! Get the fxck out and you can believe there will be charges!" He yelled.

My eyes widened, and all the anger I had flew right out of me, and was replaced with...fear and determination. "No! No Nico! Please don't press charges!" I begged, grabbing his hands.

He ripped his hands out of mine. "Dont touch me! Now get out!" He yelled, pointing at the door.

"But you can't press charges Nico! He'll go to jail! Please don't do this!" I whined.

Literally, I was two seconds from crying. & I know I look so desperate and stupid but...I'll do anything to keep Rashad from goin to jail!

"Please don't do this?! Carmen are you serious right now?!"

"Yes! Nico I can't and will NOT let you do this! Look, I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for everything!"

"Its too late for apologies now Carmen." He growled.

I got on my knees and intertwined our fingers together. "Nico...I'll do anything! Please don't do this! I'm begging you!" I cried.

I know you're surprised that I just did that...but Im just as shocked too!

His eyebrows raised. "Anything? You'll do anything?" He whispered.

The way he said that, sent chills down my spine. Why the fxck was he looking at me like that?

"Uh-uhm...yeah." I answered, sheepily.

He nodded, and then motioned for me to get closer to him.

"What are you doing Nico?" I asked, now nervous.

"Just come here!"

I sighed and leaned in, and he cupped his hands to my ear, and began to whisper...

The next thing I know, he's holding his face in pain and Im mad as hell.

"How dare you ask me that?! I will NEVER have s3x with you! Not even for Rashad! I can't believe you even had the balls to ask me that!" I screamed.

"Okay! Damn! I'm sorry!" He cried, in pain.

I shook my head. "I oughta break your other arm for saying that! You know what? Fxck all of this! I'm out of here!" I hissed, grabbing my purse.

"N-no! Wait!" He yelled, reaching out for me.

"What the fxck else could you possibly want Nico?! You just pretty much called me a hoe!" I hissed.

He sighed. "Im sorry Cam it's just...well can you blame me?! Damn! Carmen...I...I love you okay? I really really do, & I knew the only way I'll EVER get to do anything with you, is if it has to deal with Rashad. Carmen-"

"Enough. I don't want to hear anything about you and I, anymore." I snapped, cutting him off.

"Well that's too damn bad Carmen, because you ARE. I've loved you from day one! I was only 12 and you were 10, when we first met. & I told myself from that day, that when we got older...I would make sure you were MINE. But as we got older, I couldn't make a move, because there was always another guy in the way! & you only looked at me as a I had to play like I was your friend, when I really wanted to be more than friends. & whenever you were single...I couldn't find the way to tell you! I was nervous!

So the day I actually worked the nerve to tell you...he comes , & ruins EVERYTHING. Can you imagine someone just butting into your life and taking what's yours, when they haven't even been there this long?"

I was so surprised and...touched...I could barely speak. He...he can't be serious!

When I didn't say anything, he continued. "Well that's how I feel Carmen. In only 2 months this dude has got you wrapped around his finger, & you got him wrapped around yours. When I first saw you two together, I lost my mind. I have never cared for another girl like you, and I don't think I ever will. You don't know how much you mean to me." He said, staring into my eyes.

Slowly, I sat back down in the chair and returned the look he was giving me. I felt numb and...weirded out. I couldn't love Nico like he loved me! I ONLY saw him as a friend! Well...a frenemy (friend-enemy). So how could I even register all of this?

"I-I don't know what to say Nico." I whispered.

He smirked. "Y-you don't have to say anything Carmen, just leave. Go on and go back to him...I'll drop the charges." He said, softly.

Now usually, I wouldve ran my ass out the room without saying a 'goodbye' or a 'thank you' but...after what he just said. Would have you have ran?

If you said're a terrible person!

"Really?" I asked, with a grin on my face.

He nodded and didn't say anything.

"Thank you Nico...seriously."

"No problem...anything to make you happy." He said, with a smile.

I laughed and so did he.

"Well...I guess I better go, he might be looking for me." I said, standing up.

"Alright. Tell him I said sorry, for everything."

I nodded. "Will do. Thanks again Nico, I'm sorry all of this had to happen to you."

"Its cool, & you were right. I deserved this...but Carmen?"


"If things don't ever work out with Rashad, I'll be-"

"Nico shutup!" I grinned, busting up laughing.

He joined with me, and all I could think at that moment was...damn, I just got my best friend back.


My first thought, was to jump across this table and put her in a choke hold, and strangle her to death...but there were way too many people around here. (In case you forgot 'Ferocious Felicia' is the woman that works for Christian, and she was paid to watch Rashad)

"What are you doing here?" I growled.

She smiled. "We can discuss those issues later Rashad. So...where's the little cute Mexican girl you're always with?" She grinned.

"Who are you and what the fxck you following me for?" I hissed.

She frowned. "Oh no...are you getting testy with me? You see these nails boo? They don't call me 'Ferocious Felicia' for nothing." She laughed, exposing her long fake fingernails.

I shook my head. "I don't give a fxck what they call you. Now, what are you doing here?"

Felicia actually reminded me of Keri Hilson, and the outfit she was wearing was the same one Keri was wearing in the 'Got Your Back' video with TIP.

She sighed and ruffled her hair. "Im here to warn you."

"Warn me? Shouldn't your presence be enough of a warning? Christian sent yo ass." I scoffed.

She clocked her tongue. "Look, Im going to need you to stop talking to me like that, becaus I WILL set it off in here! Trust me, what I'm doing right now, could kill me." She sneered.

I smirked. "Yeah right. Ain't no way in hell a girl like you, would risk their life for a dude they barely know." I snapped.

She rolled her eyes. "Look boy, I'm doing yo ass a favor. So are you going to listen to what I have to say or play stupid?"

I crossed my arms. "Speak."

"Well! Christian as you know...wants to take you out in order to payback for the money your dumbass momma stole-"

I glared at her.

"Okay sorry! But you know it's true! Anyway...! Christian has decided that he wants you to meet up with him face to face. He knows you're coming home Monday morning so...that's when he wants you to come." She said.

My mouth dropped. "So basically...he wants for me to walk to my own death?"

"Nah...I wouldn't say that now. Who knows? Maybe he'll let you go...if you say the right things." She said, with a shrug.

I sighed. "Like that'll ever happen. But why is he coming after ME? I'm not the one who stole his money!"

"Beats me. Maybe because he knows beating your mom's ass won't do anything to her. He thinks that you're all she's if he takes you out, what else does she have?" She said.

I sighed. "Smartass basterd..." I mumbled.

She nodded her head in agreement. "I know right? Christian knows everything! But damn...yo momma the real definition of a thug, on the real. I don't know one person who has made it out alive, after stealing a shi+load of Christian's money.

Maybe because no one was crazy enough to try it!" She laughed.

I shook my head. "Yeah okay...but Ima need you to cut down on talking about my mom, on the real. She the reason of why I'm in this shi+." I scoffed.

She nodded. "True that! So...that girl you're always with, she your girl? Well obviously...but is she?" She asked.

"Why you wanna know?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know! I just want too....but you guys look so cute together! Too bad you're gonna die..."

I gave her a look, and shook my head. This girl seriously had some issues.

"Sorry, that slipped. you love her?" She asked.

I smirked. Why in the hell she asking me all these questions? Man fxck it...I might as well answer them. Nothings going to happen anyway.

"Yeah I do." I said, coldly.

She nodded. "I can tell. You've only been down here for 2 months right? Well it would be going on three if you wouldn't of fxcked up with her daddy."

"What? How you know-"

"I know alot of things Rashad. & don't wanna know how I find out these type of things." She said, with a evil grin.

I shook my head. "You got that right."

"Mhm! So...when'd you guys get together? Like...declare your love for eachother." She asked.

"The second day I got here."

"Damn! You move quick son! I didn't expect for you to ditch Shonnie like that!" She laughed.

Okay, this bi+ch is really tempting me to give her an ass whoopen.

"Oops my bad. I didn't mean too-"

"Yeah whatver." I huffed, looking away.

"No Im serious I-"

"Can you leave? Please? I really don't wanna talk to you anymore." I snapped.

She smirked. "Be that way then. But you better watch your back...cuz Im always waiting to stab it. See ya later Rashad." She grinned, putting her sunglasses on.

I watched her walk away in awe.

$-Carmen-$ & $-6 hours later-$

Rashad just got done telling me of what happened to him, while I was gone to the hospital. Right now, were in his room and it's 9:30 at night.

Cameron and Tiny in his room, Carley's asleep, Tommy at a friends house, and you already know my parents aint home.

The reason why were just now talking about it, is because we hung with Tommy the whole day, and we didn't want to talk then. I already told him about Nico, well except his 'rant' about how much he loves me, and his sick request. But it's all good.

"Sh-she said you were gonna die?" I asked, my voice cracking.

He sighed and pulled me into his arms. "Dont even get worried Cam...nothing is going to happen to me." He breathed.

"What if something DOES happen to you? This Felicia girl obviously isn't a joke." I hissed.

"I know that babe...but don't worry about me...don't worry about us. Cuz in the end, we WILL end up together."

I smiled and gave him a kiss. "But what if...what if-"

"I don't want to hear anymore what if's. What we need to worry about is what are we gonna do tomorrow...for my last day."

My throat instantly went dry. "I don't want you to go."

"Me neither, but even if I could stay...I couldn't."

I sighed. "Well...why can't this Christian guy just leave you alone?! What if I talked to him-"

"Talk to him? There is no negotiating, compromising, bargaining, or begging, when it comes to Christian. It's either you have his money or you don't. No excuses."

"But it's not even your fault! Rashaaaaaad." I whined.

He laughed and lied down with me on top. "I love you so much." He whispered.

"I love you too."

Then he leaned down and kissed me, and I instantly kissed him back. It was automatic.

Anyway, the 'kiss' immediately took a twist and went beyond the 'passionate, makeout stage' was truly full of lust, pure lust.

He rolled us over so he was on top, and I could feel his...rising in between in my legs. Were we like this when I was drunk?!

He wrapped his around me and slid his hands down my back into my pants, cupping my ass. I grabbed his face, pulling him more closer to me, not wanting this moment to end.

"Carmen..." He moaned, pulling away from my lips.

But I NEEDED him, and I didn't want any talking interrupting us, so I attacked his lips with mine, and things got even more deeper.

We started rolling around on the bed, his hands tangled in my hair, and my hormones were RAGING. No one has ever made me feel like this!

If we didn't stop what we were doing, then this was definitely going to lead on to something else...but were we ready for this?! Is it going to happen?!

I remember us having a convo about it but...

Then out of nowhere, I felt like something was controlling me and I had been posessed. My hands traveled to the bottom of his shirt, and began pulling it upwards. We were both to caught up in the moment to realize what was happening, and we were damn sure far away from stopping it.

He pulled away and took off his shirt, throwing it to the floor beside us, and went back to me. He started pulling my pants down...and I could hardly contain myself anymore! I have never been this-"

"My shawty always on some bull shixt like Chicago, so I flip that middle finger and the index finger follow..."

Damn. It was my phone.

Rashad pulled away and for a moment we just stared at eachother, and let my phone play. Oh fxck...we were just about too...

"U-uhm it's m-my mom." I croaked, unable to speak.

He didn't say anything he just looked away.

I sighed and picked up my phone off of his nighstand. Whatever she's calling for, it better be important!

"Hello?" I answered.

"Carmen? Oh, can you tell Cameron to pick up Tommy from his friends house? I tried calling his phone and the house phone, but no one was answering." She said.

I bit my lip to keep from yelling. "U-uhm sure mom. Is that all you wanted?"

"Yeah! Why?"

"No reason...I'll see you when I get home." I said, with a sigh.

She called me just to say that?! What the fxck?!

She hung up and I set my phone down.

It was dead quiet in the room, neither of us knowing what to say...

Minutes passed and neither of us bothered to make a move or a sound.

Rashad was sitting at the end of my bed, his shirt still of and he was lookig a the wall. I was sitting at the top of my bed, feeling stupid.

Finally he turned and looked at me, with a smile on his face. "Are you nervous?" He asked.

I blushed. "Kind of..." I mumbled.

He laughed. "It was my fault Cam...I'm-"

I leaned over and kissed him, interrupting his 'apology'.

"Who says that I didn't want it to happen?" I giggled.