Status: Finished

Drop The World


I Amm The Leather Jacket, Black Glasses, aLL American Bad Boy

I Own The Swaqqa Super Market, & Yuh, You Just A Baq Boy

Cuhz I Got Dhat Swaq Boy, Dhat Swaq You Never Had Boy

Hate & I'll Leave You're Chest The Color Of My Flaq Boy

Soo-Woo Bitxch, iLL Erase You, Like I Drew You Bitxch

And I Keep My Toaster, So You Can Come & Be My Spoon Bitxch

I'm So Uptown, And Mothafxcka If You Aint, Dont Qo Uptown

<>Drake ft Bun B and Lil Wayne<---his verse<> Sonqq: Uptown

$-Carmen-$ & $-The Next Day-$

"Oh no...Cameron she threw up again!" Tiny yelled.

She then came to my aid, and held my hair back as I puked all my insides out. Ugh, I feel DISGUSTING. Ever since last night, Ive been throwing all my food up nonstop, AND I missed my period about 2 days ago. Oh shixt...

Cameron rushed into the bathroom with papertowels, and can of gingerale. Today was Thursday, and the house was empty because Tommy & Carley were at school, and my parents were at work. I woke up late, and when I tried to get dressed for school...I threw up. I cleaned myself up and right when I was about to get in the shower...well this happened.

"Damn Carmen, have you been drinking or something?" Cameron asked.

I wiped my mouth with the napkin. "You wish..." I croaked.

Tiny crossed her arms, and gave me a suspicious look. "You don't think you're pregnant-"

"No!" Cameron and I both, yelled at the same time.

She threw her hands up in defense. "Okay, okay! Jeez my bad! Don't bite my head off but..." She trailed off.

"I probably have the flu or something! It's just a bug, okay? I am NOT pregnant." I said, assuring Cameron. Because if I am...Rashad will be on the run by two people.

Cameron studied me and then he spoke,"So you and Rashad..."

I exhaled deeply, "Yes."

Cameron's mouth dropped and Tiny squealed out of excitement. "Oh my god are you serious?! That's so-"

"WHEN?!" Cameron roared, his nostrils flaring, taking a step towards me.

I threw my hands up in defense, but Tiny jumped in front of him.

"No Cameron! Stop! Don't you dare get mad at her!" She snapped, grabbing his face...making him look at her.

As soon as their eyes connected, it was like all his anger had been swept away. You see...that's love. She calmed him down without really having to do anything!

Cameron sighed and then lightly pushed her out the way and turned to me. "When was 'it' Carmen?" He asked, softly.

I bit my lip. "The night before he left."

Tiny gasped and Cameron slapped his head. "Fxck! So that's what I was hearing?!" Cameron exclaimed.

Tiny shook her head."But's too early for her to be pregnant though!" Tiny exclaimed.

"He left Monday babe! It's Thursday!" Cameron snapped.

My mouth dropped. "S-so I'm pregnant?" I asked.

"Did you guys use protection?!" Cameron hissed.

Tiny gave him a warning glare, and then his face softened.

I thought back and I gasped of horror, when I remembered that...we didn't.

"Oh my god Cameron! I'm pregnant!" I cried.

"NO! You can't be!" He yelled.

"Just calm down! Both of you! Now the only thing that can determine is a doctor visit and a pregnancy test! Carmen, when is your period?" Tiny asked.

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I missed it 2 days ago."

Cameron's face went white. "Get dressed Carmen, were going to the doctor's...NOW." He growled.

I was about to agree until I found myself hunched over the toilet bowl, once again.


"Mom, where's Slade and Shonnie?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

There was breakfeast on the table, and my mom was sitting there reading a book.

"Oh, they went to the grocery store...they left a little while ago, are you hungry?" She asked.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaimed, sitting down across from her.

I haven't seen or talked to Shonnie since last night, and after what I might stay that way.

I started eating my food until I felt like I was being watched. I looked up and my mother was flat out staring at me, with a loving look on her face.

"Uhm mom...why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, with a mouthful of food.

She sighed and shook her head. "Nothing Rashad, I was just...thinking." She said, slowly, going back to her book.

"About what?" I questioned.

She laughed nervously, and swatted her hand. "Oh nothing really just-"

"Just tell me ma! What am I gonna do? Get mad?" I joked.

"I was thinking about Raven." She blurted out, burning her eyes into mine.

The smile immediately wiped off my face, and a wave of hate radiated throughout my body. The same hate I held for my mother, came back in an instant.

"I don't even wanna eat anymore..." I snapped, disgusted.

I stood up and prepared to throw away my food, when my moms sharp tone made me stop.

"Now wait just a minute Rashad!" She hissed.

I turned around and smirked at her. "What you gone do? Sell me

for your damn drugs and money that you owe, too? Whoops, too late! You've already done that except I'm paying the price with MY LIFE!" I screamed angrily, taking a step closer to her.

"How dare you say such a thing to me Rashad?! I know what I did and IM SORRY! I don't need to hear it from you!" She yelled, tearing up.

"Well good! Then how about I help you out with 'all you've done'! Because of YOU, my sister was taken away from us and god knows what happened to her! Because of YOU, dad left us! Because of YOU, my ass might be killed all because your whoring ass stole money from Christian! I mean, what the fxck were you thinking mom?! Huh?! WHAT THE FXCK POSSESED YOU TO DO THAT?! Because of life will NEVER be the same!" I hollered, throwing a vase to the floor.

I was so pissed and ANGRY, that I was actually crying. I felt like I was about to explode into pieces!

My mom covered her mouth and shook her head, as tears spilled down her cheeks. "Dont you ever...don't you ever speak to me again!" She cried, running past me.

Wow...that's the second girl I've sent crying to her room...can anything get worse? I checked the time and it read 11 in the morning. Damn...Carmen's in school...ugh.


I was tapping my foot and I was nervous as hell.

I mean...what if I AM pregnant?! Will Rashad be happy? Would he want to still be with me? Cuz I know girls that have gotten pregnant, and there "soulmate" was gone faster than they came.

Oh, who am I kidding? Rashad isn't like that!

We were at the doctors office, and Cameron was sitting next to me. He hasn't said two words to me since the scene in my bathroom, and if I am pregnant...I don't think he ever will. My brother used to be VERY protective if me around boys, because he was always afraid of something like THIS would happen. & now that he's finally backed we are! Ugh, not sayin he has anything to do with this.

Tiny however, is ECSTATIC about the whole situation. When Cameron wasn't paying attention, she says she's been wanting a baby by my broher for the longest, but he says they're not ready, and he's RIGHT. There only 19!

Finally, a white woman emerged from double doors in a doctors outfit.

"Carmen Valosquez?" She announced.

I sware my stomach dropped.

All three of us stood up and walked over to her.

"Im Mrs. Cunnings you're doctor! Now follow me..." She smiled, leading us through the doors.

We followed her into a room and she closed the door behind us.

I sat down on the bed, and Cameron sat down in a chair, with Tiny in his lap, even though there was an empty chair next to him.

"So you think you're pregnant?" Mrs. Cunning asked, washing her hands.

I cleared my throat. "Yes." I squeaked.

I heard Tiny stifle a laugh.

She sighed. "Alright! When is the last time you've been sexually active? break it down for you...when is the last time you've had s3x?" She asked.

"Well, I lost my virginity last Sunday." I admitted.

I heard Cameron groan.

"Last Sunday? Oh okay, and you've been showing signs already?" She asked.

I nodded. "Ive been throwing up ALOT, since last night."

"I see...when is your next menstrual?"

I bit my lip. "It was suspposed to come 2 days ago..." I said, slowly.

Her eyes widened. "Well then, I need you to urinate in this cup, okay?" She said.

I took the cup from her and walked into the bathroom. I did my business, and within minutes I was done. Please, please, don't let me be pregnant!

When I was finished, I washed my hands and handed the cup back to the doctor.

"I'll be back." She said, and walked out the room.

I sat down on the bed and it was quiet for a second.

"You know dad IS going to KILL you right? He already hates Rashad-"

"Oh shutup Cameron! Damn! You act like her being pregnant is a bad thing!" Tiny snapped, cutting him off.

"Shi+ it is! She's only 16 damn it!" He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes. "Well whatever okay? I don't care what dad says or how he feels. I love Rashad and that's about it..."

Cameron shook his head. "I can't believe you Carmen! What did I tell you about boys and s3x damn it?! I told you to at least be a virgin by 18!" He snapped.

I was about to say something back, but Tiny stepped in. "Cut it out Cameron! This is NO TIME, to start an arguement! Now if she's pregnant...she's pregnant, and then she'll have to tell Rashad, and if she's not...then she's not." Tiny compromised.

After 10 minutes passed, I found out indeed that I was most definitely going to be oweing Rashad a "phone call."


After that showdown with my mom, I stayed in my room ALL DAY. I was so pissed, I couldn't even call Carmen! I do KIND OF regret what I said to Shonnie, but my mom? Hell no.

I don't feel bad AT ALL. She DESERVED and DESERVES everything that I said to her. I could give a fxck less about her feelings now.

Every now and then, Slade would try to come in...but ehh fxck it.

It was going on 8:30 at night, and I don't know why but I was tired as fxck.

But I couldnt go to sleep without saying SOMETHING to Carmen...I'll just say goodnight then.

I picked my phone up, off of the nightstand and dialed Carmens number. She answered on the first ring.

"Hey baby...I haven't talked you all day." She greeted.

Just hearing her voice calmed me down, but not completely.

I sighed. "Yeah...sorry." I grumbled.

I heard the phone being moved around. " something wrong? What happened?" She asked, all concerned.

I exhaled deeply and closed my eyes, so the tears wouldn't fall. "Everythings wrong Carmen...I can't do this." I whispered.

"Rashad? What are you talking about?" She asked.

So I told her...everything. From what happened with Shonnie last night, into what happened now. When I finished...the line was silent for a second.

She groaned. "Im so sorry Rashad! Oh my god, I wish I could see you!" She whined.

I smiled. "Me too....I miss you like crazy! Don't worry babe...just 4 more days and I can be with you, iight? Just wait for me."

She giggled. "You know I will. I love you so much Rashad."

"I love you too."

We continued to talk and I ended up talking to her on the phone, until we both fell asleep.