Status: Finished

Drop The World

Love All Over Me

Before You Love, Baby I Was Muddyy

So Deep With Pain, Till You Took It From Me

You Showered Me With A New Beqinninqq

Now Im Clean

Took Me By Surprise When You Ran Up On Me

I Came To Life Baby In That Moment

You Put Your Hands On My Heart Baby, Now It Beats

<>Monica<> Sonqq: Love All Over Me

$-Carmen-$ I'm pregnant. Wow. I'm going to be a mom. Wow. My parents are going to fxcking kill me. Wow. And I still haven't told Rashad. Shi+!

I had ALL last night to tell him, but....after he told me what he was going through down there, I didn't want to upset him in any way. My god, I'd do anything to see him! It's 10 in the morning, and I'm not going to school. I told my parents last night that I was pregnant and my father went off. He cussed me out, called me all types of names and at one point he tried to hit me, but my mom and Cameron stopped him. After that, he got in his car and left.

Tommy & Carley watched the whole thing in confusion, and my mother watched horror strickened. She wouldn't even look at me. She too retreated off somewhere, and that 'somewhere' was her room. I think Im driving my mother insane. I told her about Rashad and she stopped talking me, and now I'm pregnant...uqh. But thank god today is Friday.

Now that there's a baby in me...I'd have to say that I'm ALOT happier than usual. I think I might even go to school on Monday, like no joke. I talk more, and of course I eat more. I do however talk to Katiana, and right now she's my ONLY friend. But I still haven't told her that I'm pregnant, she doesn't need to know that much. Anyway, Katiana tells me that all they talk abou is me, and how stupid I am for the way I'm acting. Wow...some 'friends' I have.

I got a text and when I looked it was Katiana.

Katiana: I ditched school today, wanna chill?

Me: Might as well. I'll pick you up in about 30

I set my phone down and went into my bathroom to take a shower. Once I got in the shower, I began to fantasize about having a little boy or a little girl, I hope we have a girl:).


I woke up around noon and then I hopped in the shower. Once I got out, I wrapped a towel around my waist, and then walked back into my room.

I lotioned up so I wouldn't be ashy, and then I threw on a white tee, with cargo pants, and white forces to match. I have got to get out of this house, even if it consists of risking my life! I feel like a damn prisoner in this shixthole.

I opened up my room door and walked out, and downstairs into the family room. Slade, my mom, and Shonnie were on the couch watching TV.

"Where you think you going boy?" Slade asked.

I sighed. "Out. I'm sick of being cooped up in this house all day."

Slade stood up. "Well I'm sorry that you're 'sick of being cooped up in this house all day', but it's the only thing that's keeping you alive right now." He said.

I smirked. "So? It's not like anyone wants me here anyway! Look, I'll be back in an hour okay? I just need to get out of this place." I snapped.

I heard a gasp escape my mothers lips.

"No Rashad! You're not going anywhere." Slade growled, getting in my face.

"And who is you?! You ain't my damn daddy! If I want to leave than I will! Now get the fxck up out my face Slade!" I yelled, pushing him.

He fell into a lamp, and then it fell and shattered to the floor.

And then the next thing that happened was a blur.

Slade charged at me full of anger and easily tackled me to he ground. I tried to fight him back but he overpowered me, by pinning my arms down. My mom and Shonnie hopped and started yelling, trying to make us calm down.

"Oh so you think you big bad and tough now?! Huh?! You think you got the balls to fight me?! If it wasn't for my ass, all of y'all would be dead right now!" Slade screamed.

Shame and embarrassment seared through my veins, and I felt like a fool. I pretty much just got man handled by a fxckinq 60 year old!

"Nawh man just get off me! Get off me!" I snapped.

"Get off you?! You wasn't thinking that a couple seconds ago when you pushed me!" He roared.

"Man let me go!" I yelled, trying to flip him off of me.

"Slade get off my son!" My mother yelled.

"Oh, now you can call him your son, after what he told you yesterday?! You seriously going to defend him?!" Slade hissed.

"Because he was right and he's MY son!" My mom sobbed.

"Slade get off him!" Shonnie pleaded.

Slade smirked and slowly climbed from on top of me.

I wiped my face and I felt something wet on my hands...I was crying.

"Rashad, are you okay?" Shonnie asked, helping me to my feet.

"Man fxck all of you!" I roared, pushing her away from me.

Next thing I know, I zoomed out the house, slamming the door behind me.


Katiana and I were chilling in the food court, at the mall, when all of a sudden my phone rings. In since it was around 3:30 in the afternoon, I assumed it was Rashad, because he usually calls around this time, so I answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hello?" I smiled.

" sound a little too happy to be in the type of situation you're in." A deep, husky voice whispered.

I frowned. "Uhm, who is this?"

Katiana stopped eating and looked up at me.

"Nobody." The voice answered.

Fear started to overcome my body. "What?"

The voice chuckled. "I suggest you soak up as much time as you can with Rashad, because he dies this weekend." The voice said.

My eyes widened. "What?! Who the fxck is this?!" I snapped, scared.

The voice busted up laughing. "Carmen, Carmen, Carmen...are you afraid? Don't worry darling, we'll be meeting this weekend too! & then you can see Rashad, one last time."

"H-how do you know my name?! What do you mean by that?!" I exclaimed, frantically looking around.

"Exactly how it sounds. Goodbye Carmen."

"What?! No! You-"

The line went dead, and I looked up at Katiana with a horrified expression.

"What? Girl what's wrong? You look like you got a death wish or something!" Katiana joked.

A lump formed in my throat because...I just did!

"K-Katiana! H-hold on! I'll be right back!" I exclaimed, hopping up from the table.

"Wh-what?! But Carmen-"

I didn't hear the rest, because I made a mad dash to the bathroom. Once I got in I wiped the tears that were about to form. Who was that?! And Rashad's gonna die?! WHAT?! NO.

I started hyperventilating, but I was under control.

Once I calmed down, I checked ever single stall before I called up Rashad. I was about to check the last one, when my phone rang.

I sighed with relief when I saw it was Rashad.

"Rashad! You won't believe what just-"

"Carmen where are you?! Are you at home?!" He yelled, over me.

He sounded urgent and scared, and that frightened me even more.

"Uhm n-no! Why?!"

He sighed, and he sounded like he was driving. "Fxck! Carmen I need you to get home NOW! Get home Carmen! Oh my god baby...I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed.

My heart dropped. "What?! Rashad what do you mean?!" I cried.

"He means this."

I turned around and a tall black male, snatched my phone out of my hand. I could hear Rashad's frantic voice, "Carmen?! Carmen?!"

Before I could even scream, he gave me a clean combo in my mouth. Everything went black.