Status: Finished

Drop The World

I'm At War

I'm At War

Fiqhtinqq For The One That I Love & The One That I Trulyy Need

I'm At War

Shawtyy I Take A Bullet For You Girl Cause You Mean The World To Me

I'm At War

<>Sean Kingston ft Lil Wayne<> Sonqq: I'm At War


Three hours have passed and Rashad still hasn't come back. Fxck!

Phatty (his mom) is losing her mind, and Shonnie is crying herself to an oblivion in her room. They acting like this shixt is my fault! The boy shouldn't have been acting smart! I'm 58 years old! A grown ass man! I wish a little boy would come at me like that!

"Damn it Slade! It's been three hours and he still hasn't come back! Oh my god, what if somethings happened to him?!" Phatty cried.

I sighed. "Nothing's happened to him Phatty! Damn! He can handle on his own!" I snapped, even though I was just as concerned.

She shook her head. "I can't believe you're not even at least a little worried! You know what Christian is capable of doing! Huh?! Something couldve happened to him damn it! He's not even answering his phone!" She exclaimed.

"Well if you know what Christian is capable of doing, then why the fxck did you take his money Phatty?!" I hollered, standing up.

Hurt seared across her face, and for a second she looked like she was about to burst into tears.

Just then, the front door busted open and in came a shaken up Rashad. There was sweat dripping down the side of his forehead, and he was breathing hard. At the sight of him, Phatty instantly switched over to her 'motherly ways'.

"Rashad! Oh my god Rashad! Are you okay?!" She exclaimed, running to his side.

At the sound of his name, Shonnie came running in the room. Her eyes nearly popped out of her socket when she saw him. "Rashad!" She screeched, running over to him.

I on the other hand, just took my seat and folded my hands together, and calmly watched them. I knew something was wrong...I could FEEL it. I watched for a couple minutes as Shonnie and Phatty tended to Rashad.

"Get him some water Phatty. He has to tell us something." I barked.

Phatty ran into the kitchen and then quickly came back with a glass of water.

"Th-thank y-you." He panted, taking the glass from her.

As he was drinking his water, Phatty was giving me one of those 'looks'.

"Calm down Phat, I know what I'm doing." I said.

Rashad set his cup down on the table, and continued to catch his breath.

"Damn boy! What happened, you was running or something?!" I asked.

He nodded his head anxiously, breathing hard and everything.

I nodded. "Alright then. Shonnie & Phatty...come and sit down, give the boy some room so he can talk."

Reluctantly, they both moved away from Rashad and plopped down on the couch, with me in the middle.

Rashad swallowed. "They...they found me Slade! I was hanging with Doe Boi and Myron at the park...when Christian's people backed us all into an alley!" He exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" Phatty shrieked, standing up.

I pulled Phatty down in her seat and concentrated on Rashad. "H-how you know it was Christian people?" I asked.

"Because they were wearing his colors! One of them took the phone and called Carmen, and started talking this big shixt! But that's not the problem Slade-"

"What you mean that ain't the problem?! Rashad they couldve killed you!"

"Fxck me! They took Carmen!" He blurted out.

After he said got dead silent. But I sware I saw an evil smile cover Shonnie's lips.

"Th-they took her? H-how do you know?" I asked.

He sucked in his lips and I could see the tears in his eyes, and that surprised me. I have never in my life seen Rashad cry over a girl. I remember when Shonnie got hit by a car and ended up the hospital, dude ain't even shed a tear.

"After Christian people threatened us and shixt...I called Carmen to tell her to go home...because they said that they sent someone after her. I was talking to her..." His voice cracked. "Somebody took her." He said, putting his face in his hands.

Phatty covered her mouth in concern, and Shonnie stomped out of the room in jealousy.

Shixt, I wish they took her ass more than anybody.

I stood up, and took a deep breath. "Okay...let me get things straight. Carmen was kidnapped? You mean Christian has her?!" I snapped.

"Yes! And her parents are probably going crazy! Slade we have to get her, we have to get her now!" Rashad yelled.

Right then and there, Rashad's phone rang.


When I looked at the Caller ID, it read Carmen.

"Its...its...Carmen." I rushed out.

"Then answer it boy!" Slade exclaimed, standing up.

I shook my head, because I knew it wasn't Carmen. They don't let you keep your phone when youre kidnapped! This is all my fault! Because of me...Carmen could be killed!

"H-hello?" I answered.

"Rashad! Wassup boy, long time no talk, how you been?!" Christian laughed.

My heart sank. "Stop playing games Christian, where's my girl?!" I growled.

"Oh, you're girl? Damn son, she wasn't saying that an hour ago!"

"What?! I sware to god I'll kill you myself if you touched her! I sware-"

"Calm down Rashad! It's all good, don't worry man, we ain't touch her...yet." He chuckled.

I sighed heavily, and didn't say anything.

"Alright then, let's get down to biddness! iiGht, yes Rashad we have your girl, and were using her as a reason for you to come here, so we can talk face to face. I knew you wouldn't come unless we had someone or something that meant alot to you! So...we took your girl." He said, simply.

"Christian come on man...just let her go. I'll only come if you let her go." I said.

"Nope. We let her go, when you come, and we talk."

"But we talking right now man! Christian-"

"You scared or something Rashad? You scared of me?!" He laughed.

"Just don't touch my girl."

"Thats not what I asked you Rashad. Are. You. Scared. Of. Me?"

I hesitated. & that's all it took for him to bust up into laughter.

"Awh hell nawh nigg@h! You fo real scared of me?!"

This bi+ch pretty much own all of Chicago, can kill a person in cold blood, took my girl, and gave me a death warrant...and he thinks I'm not afriad of him?! I wouldn't call it being 'scared', I call it...being 'smart'.

"Christian, where you at? Where yo spot?" I asked, with a sigh.

He laughed. "Slade knows. Ask him, & COME ALONE."

"Alone? Am I going to leave?" I asked.

"Hmm, maybe...maybe not. It depends..."

"The fxck you mean it depends?" I snapped.

He sighed. "You know what, just bring the whole family iight? Your mom especially. I got some words for that trick, cuz she's the one who started this shixt! But bring Slade, but you don't have to bring Shonnie." He laughed.

I frowned. "What you mean by that?"

"You guys have terrible hearing. About 20 minutes ago, I sent a squad of my guys after her. She's on her way to the hideout as we speak."

I gasped. "You've got to be fxcking joking."

"Im afraid not baby boy. Oh, and ain't she yo ex? Man, I'ma put Carmen and her in the same cell, and see how that works out." He laughed.

"This ain't no fxcking time for games Christian!" I snapped.

"I know it's not a game son. I run this shixt, I know everything, iight? Now bring y'all asses over here tomorrow night, unarmed and ready to go." He said.

I sighed. I can't believe I'm siting her just discussing my life! "Whatever you say Christian..."

"Glad to see were on the same page. And ay, you wanna talk to yo girl? She's been crying for you ever since she got here."

"Yes!" I exclaimed, eagerly.

Man...that's the ONLY good news I've recieved this whole day.

I heard the phone being moved around, and then I heard the voice that I would kill to hear.

"Rashad?" She squeaked.

"Carmen? Carmen?! I'm so sorry-"

"Times up!" I heard Christian yell in the background.

"What?! Nawh man you can't-"

The line went dead.


"Why would you do that?! Why?!" I screamed.

I was tied to a chair and I was in a room full of men.

"Because that's the way I am baby girl! Now Ima need you to stop all that crying, because it's making that pretty face of yours...not so pretty." Christian laughed, sitting down across from me.

"Man fxck you! Do you know who I am?!" I snapped.

All the men in the room busted up laughing.

"Yes sweetie we do. You're-"

"Claudia's daughter." I growled.

Christian immediately stopped laughing, and his smug grin wiped off of his face. "Y-you're who daughter?" He asked, barely above a whisper.

"Im Claudia's daughter! Claudia Valosquez? My brother is your son...Tommy."

Christian blinked a couple times, in shock. "You've gotta be shi++in me! Oh hell naw! What the fxck you doing down here?! Oh shixt! Oh shixt!" Christian exlaimed, pacing back and forth with his hands over his head.

He stopped walking and abruptly turned to his men.

"Everybody out! All of you guys! And take Shonnie into the cell!" He commanded.

Shonnie? As in Rashad's ex?

All the men filed out and when they did, he turned back to me with pain in his eyes. "S-so your her daughter? How is she? Did she tell-"

"No she didn't tell Tommy anything. He thinks my dad is his-"

"Bull shixt! Why the fxck didn't she tell him?!" He snapped.

"Probably cuz what you're doing now! You kidnapped my ass! & my mom knows all your secrets because I told her!" I hissed.

"Well whatever you told her, ain't new! She KNOWS all the shixt I be doing!" He growled.

I shook my head. "Yeah whatever man...but can I have my phone? I really need to talk to Rashad." I said.

I know what you're can you be so cool after everything that has been going on? Well...act like you ain't scared, and maybe you can get on the good side. I don't know! It's worth a try...

"Hell no!" He pressed a button on his desktop phone and said, "Ay Raven! Ima need you to come escort this girl down to her room."

Two seconds later, I heard a soft, "Okay babe. I'm coming up now."

He sighed and looked over at me. "Can I ask you one question?"

"What?" I muttered.

"Would you happen to know where Felicia disappeared?" He asked, folding his arms.

"Uhm no...why?"

"Because I sent her after your man, and she never came back. I can't contact her anything, because she destroyed her phone. I sent men after her and they all came back empty handed. Did she leave the county or something?" He asked.

Yes. "No."

"So you know where she went?"

Yes. "Nope."

"Are you lying to me?"

Yes. "No. You're the one who hired her to stalk me! I don't know where she at!" I snapped.

Truth is, I've been talking to Felicia on the down low, but only once or twice.

He was about to say something, but then the door opened and in walked...Rashad. But he had...boobs? And a big booty? And a feminine face?

Chrisrian's eyes lit up and he opened his arms for a hug. The girl flounced over and fell into them. I had to close my mouth, because it was open in shock. He...can love?!

The woman turned around and glared at me. "Who's this babe?" She asked.

"Raven, it's nobody. Just someone who knows somehing but doesn't want so speak, can you take her to the cell?" He asked.

My mouth dropped. Her name is Raven! Just like Rashad's sister! Oh my god that's her! That's her! There's no way it's not, because she looks exactly like him!

She rolled her eyes. "Fine." She huffed.

She walked over to me and began to untie me from the chair.

I looked over at Christian with a 'look', and he mouthed: 'Don't Say Anything'

When I was untied, I stood up and began rubbing my arms and wrists, because they were sore.

"Lets go girl! We ain't got all day!" She snapped, pushing me a little.

I had to take a deep breath and calm myself down, because I was literally two seconds from turning around and backhanding her ass. Ugh...

She lead me out the room and I followed her through all these twists and turns. The whole time she made no attempt of talking to me, and I didn't think she would either.

As we were walking, we bumped into this guy that looked to be around my age.

"Ay Zeke! Can you take her to the cell? I gotta get back to Christian." Raven asked.

He looked me up and down and a smile came across his face. "Yeah I'll take her. Come on baby." He grinned, wrapping his arm around me.

I knocked his arm off of me. "Dont touch me." I growled, giving him the death look.

Raven laughed and then walked away.

"Okay damn! My bad...I was just trying to show some love..." He apologized.

I almost stole off his ass. This is stupid! I'm pretty much having conversation with the enemy!

He started walking again and I followed him.


I fxcking hate Rashad, but I love him. I CANT get over him! I love him so much, but I hate him so bad ! How could he throw away 'us' for a girl he barely knows?! He actually LOVES that girl, but how?!

And my ass is in a cell, and I have no clue of what's going on! All I know is, is that...this is Christian's hideout. After I stormed out of the family room back at our hideout, there was a group of guys in all black waiting for me. I couldn't even scream before they had my mouth covered and tied up. After that, they carried me out the window and put me in the trunk of a car. From there...I ended up here.

But the only good thing that exists out of all that I can finally meet the bitxh that stole my man. & I'm seriously going to whoop her ass! If it wasn't for her, I would be having his kid! Not her!

The cell we had to share, looked like a regular jail cell you would find in a prison.

There was one toilet, and two lazy beds on each side of the room. It looked more like a dungeon than a 'cell'. I lied down on my back and prepared for 'Carmen' to arrive.


I woke up to a door slamming and a female yelling, "Fxck you too then trick! Nobody don't want yo ass!"

I sat up...and there she was.

When she turned around and our eyes was like time had stopped. The first thing I noticed is that she was BEAUTIFUL. I felt 'love' by just looking at her! She broke her eyes away from me and slowly sat down on the bed across from me. But I didn't give a fxck how cute she looked, this is the same hoe that took away MY happiness. Rashad and I...OUR happiness. She took that away!

I sat up in my bed and glared at her. I could tell she was uncomfortable and she knew who I was, and why I was staring at her. This bi+ch better answer all questions and better act right, or I will beat her ass! Uqh, just looking at her, I can tell she can't fight.

"S-so your Shonnie?" She asked.

That surprised me actually. I didn't expect for her to ask me that!

"Yup. Rashad's woman, well used to be. Until you came in." I snapped, disgusted.

She smirked and shook her head. "You know what...I'm not even going to sit up here and actually fight about this okay? Do you understand how desperate you sound? Still holding on to a man that don't want you?" She snickered.

My eyes bulged out and rage filled my system. She did not just say that to me! I'll kill this bi+ch! I stood up."Excuse me?! What did-"

She stood up too. "Okay, I understand that you're mad and everything, because if I were you...I would be mad too. But to come at me and try to fight me is just stupid, because either way I'll win! He's with ME now, he doesn't love you anymore Shonnie! You have been with him for the past week and not one intimate thing has happened between you guys-"

"You don't know that! Rashad-"

"Oh please! Don't even try to lie damn it! I'm on the phone with him all dayand all night non stop! And the only thing he says about you is how annoying and aggrivating you were to him!" She hissed.

I felt so stupid and ashamed that I just stood there feeling dumb. Why? Because she was right...

"So, I'm not going to sit here and fight over him with you. Not saying I wouldn't ever fight over him, but if he doesn't love me anymore then he doesn't love me anymore. You can't force someone to like you!" She said.

I shook my head and the tears began to fall. "Its! How could he ditch me for you?! You don't understand...Rashad and I have been through everything with eachother! I was there when nobody was! Damn it I ran away with him one time! He was my first...for everything! I've been with him and only him ever since I was a kid!" I cried.

Carmen sighed and she surprised me when she pulled me into a hug. "It just wasn't love Shonnie, that's all. There's someone else out there that belongs with you."