Status: Finished

Drop The World

When They Come For Me

Tell Them Boys It'll Be Hell When They Come For Me

Me & Everyy Sinqle Niggxh That Got Love For Me

See I Got Money On My Mind

But The Haters Wont Leave Me Alone

So Im Ridinqq Everyday With Everyy Pistol That I Own

<>Lil Wayne<> Sonqq: When They Come For Me


This is it. This is the moment that I have been fighting to not come too, ever since it's began. It's the moment that's going to declare that I die. It's the moment that delcares if I live. I really hope that Christian let's us go, and when or IF he does...I'm leaving and taking Carmen with me.

Luckily, Slade has people on the inside that work for Christian, so if anything pops off....we'll be covered. Hopefully, nothing happens and Christian just let's me go. I mean like damn! The niggxh can replace all the money he's lost in a matter of seconds, he just wants to fxck with people! Uqh...

Right now, were all in the car on our way to The Hideout. I just want this shixt to be over...and I hope Christian doesn't try anything.


"Is everybody ready?! Load up now everyone! Slade says there on their way and I need everyone to be in position!" I yelled.

"Position for what?! You're not going to do anything, are you?" Carmen asked, in a quivering voice.

I seriously don't know how Rashad pulled this type of girl, because she is gorgeous. She make Raven look drop dead ugly, but what's bogus is that Raven is Rashad's sister. Phatty and I go way back with beef! So...when she fxcked with my guy Lamont (who passed away about a year ago) I told him to take her daughter, since Phatty think everything is a joke. That was 8 years ago, and I raised Raven as my own child. I didn't let any men near her, AT ALL. But when she was around 14 or 15....that's when our relationship began to fade away from that type of stage.

I smirked. "Of course darling, that's the whole idea! But don't worry, I'll give you and him an hour with eachother, before I kill him." I laughed.

"Thats not funny!" Shonnie snapped.

I was sitting in a chair, and next to me was a chair saved for Raven. Yup,i was going to let Rashad & Raven finally see eachother, cuz I know when he was younger he's been looking for her.

I had Carmen sitting on my right side, and Shonnie next to her.

I looked like a damn king!

"Whats not funny?" Raven asked, sitting down next to me.


"Shonnie?! What the fxck?! Christian what is she doing here?! Oh m god Shonnie!" Raven exclaimed, running to her side cradling her face.

"R-Raven? Is that you?!" Shonnie asked, astounded.

I hesitated. "Wha-what? You two know eachother?" I asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes! She was my best friend Christian! What is she doing here?!" Raven sneered, turning around and facing me.

I panicked because I honestly didn't know how to answer that question.

"Because he's after Rashad! That's what this is all about Raven! That's why her and I are here! He's going to kill him and your mom!" Shonnie exclaimed.

"Shut the fxck up!" I roared, standing up.

"No you shutup! Fxck my mom, you could kill her ass if you want too, but my brother?! Oh hell naw Christian! You better call all of this off...NOW!" Raven snapped.

I felt my heart go cold, as the 'Crazy Christian' came out. "Who the fxck do you think you talking too Raven?! You want me to bitxhslap yo ass back where you came from?!" I snapped.

"Yes! Cuz then I wouldve never ended up here with yo ugly ass, and I certainly wouldn't have fallen in love with yo dumbass either!" She snapped.

She turned around and stormed off somewhere.

Now usually I wouldve followed her, but I was HEATED. So I could seriously give 10 fxcks less about her now.

I glared at Shonnie. "Why didn't you tell me you knew her?" I growled.

"Why didn't you tell me you did?!" She snapped back.

I raised my hand to hit her, but then the door busted open.

"Ay Boss...there here!"


We were standing in a massive room and there were men surrounding us. All of them were armed with a gun, but the ones who were secretly working for us...gave me a down low 'head nod'. There were about 100 men out of 200 that were on my side, so the sides were equal.

My mother was holding on to Slade's shoulder, as if she would let go she would fall to a miserable death. I on the other hand, was lost in a trance as soon as I saw Carmen. I didn't even see Shonnie or Christian standing there mugging me, because I was now looking into the eyes of my LIFE.

"Rashad!" She grinned.

Christian smirked. "Man shutup with that lovey dovey shixt! You guys can talk later! First, let's get down to business." He snapped. He sat down in his chair and then glared at my mom. "Before I talk to any of you...Phatty come here." He commanded.

Nothing but pure fear showed in my mothers eyes. "N-no." She mumbled, shaking her head.

Christian grabbed Shonnie by her hair and yanked it, hard. "Agh!" She cried.

Christian put a knife to her throat and rage was in his eyes. "I said come here!" He yelled.

My mother jumped from behind Slade, but she didn't step away from him. Oh fxck...I think this might be the end of everybody.

Christian slowly let her go, but he stared at my mom with evil and taunting eyes. "So Phatty...can you take a wild guess on why you're here?" He asked.

"I stole money from you Christian but-"

"But nothing! I dont wanna hear it! Because of YOU everything is fxcked up now!" He roared.

"Well Im sorry!" My mom exclaimed.

"Sorry? Well sorry don't cut it! And what's with the change Phatty?! You clean now?" He smirked.

"Y-yes! Please Christian....don't..." She trailed.

"Dont what?!"

"Dont do this! Let all of them go! They had nothing to do with this...."

Now, maybe if my mom was still the same person doing drugs and fxcking up, I wouldve been like: 'Yeah Christian! Take her ass! She's the one that started all of this shixt! But...she's my mom and she is trying to do the right thing, so there's no way I can't let her go, at least like that.

"Nawh don't want to say that." I said, grabbing her shoulder.

"No Rashad, yes I do! You were right...this is ALL my fault. Because if me, you're girlfriend was dragged into this shixt and god knows how her mother must feel right now! & now Shonnie is pulled into this as well...but even worse...I'm jeopardizing everyone's lives." She said.

Christian smiled with satisfaction. "Damn Phatty you DID change, that's funny. But you wanna hear or shall I say 'see' a joke?" He teased.

"The fxck you talking about?" I snapped.

"He has your sister Rashad..." Carmen whispered, looking up at me.

I didn't even have time to comprehend what she had said...because I was blinded by shock, confusion, and relief, at the sight of HER.

She looked grown and mature, and was ever so beautiful where I know she had guys completely swoon over her. Her large black eyes read that she was in shock, just like me. Her body was graceful, and she no longer looked like the little girl that I tried to save, when I was younger. She was my sister.


The room went deathly quiet and everyone just stared. This...this has to be a joke! Christian had my sister?! WHAT?!

"Raven..." I breathed.

Tears filled her eyes and she covered her mouth as if she would scream. "Oh...oh my god! Rashad!" She exclaimed.

All the years, all the pain that I experienced after Iosing her...came back in a flash.

"You had her? What the fxck Christian?! YOU KNEW I WAS LOOKING FOR HER!" I screamed, angrily.

Christian was about to say something but Raven interrupted, and what she said...I'll never forget. "No Rashad! Don't blame Christian! Cuz anything he did...he helped me." She said.

I was STUNNED. "Wh-what? Raven how could you say that?! I haven't seen you since you were 10 years old! He kept you from!" I snapped.

She folded her arms. "I know that! But it was a hell of alot better than staying with HER. Christian took care of me...I actually lived the good life! I no longer had to worry if I was going to have steal another meal! There was never a time where I wasnt...happy." She explained.

"Are you stupid?! So being kidnapped and taken away from your family is like a...a vacation to you?!" I snapped.

"No! I don't mean it like THAT, but you can't honestly sit here and act like you were happy while living with her. I mean SHES the reason of why you're in this shixt!" She yelled.

I couldn't believe this. The moment I reunite with my sister...I can't stand her! I don't know who she is!

My mom stepped from behind Slade. "Raven? Baby girl is that really you? You look so-"

"Oh shutup! It's a little late for all of that! A part of me is happy that you let me go, cuz I am now living the life I always wanted...but then I still hate you, because you were my mom...and you LET me go! You LET them take me away from you..." She growled.

I glared at Christian and he was obviously pleased at the whole situation that he had caused. could someone be so cold blooded and just...evil?! How can anyone find joy in ruining people's lives?!

"You think this shixt funny? Fo real?" I blurted out, glaring at him.

At this point, I no longer cared what happed to me anymore.

I was so fed up and tired of all the BULL SHIXT, that I could care less and I was no longer afraid. Without the guns and men...Christian ain't nothing.

Christian smirked. "Are you talking to me Rashad? I know you're not when I have the power to kill your girl right now!" He barked, pointing at Carmen.

It was like all the courage I had consumed up...came crashing down as soon as he said that. Damn...FAIL!

He shook his head and motioned for Raven to sit down. I was appauled, when she listened. She sat down, crossed her legs and looked down at the floor. Obviously trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Christian stood up and placed his fingers under his chin, and began to rub if he was thinking.

"Hmm..." He pondered, walking back and forth, staring at me.

"Ahh..." He said, with a sigh, stopping in front of his chair.

"After watching that...I see this family has some very un-resolved issues. Therefore, I'll give you a choice Rashad." He said, with a wicked grin.

For some strange reason, a cold chill went down my spine, and I grew nervous.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He chuckled. "Oh you'll see..."

He turned around and faced Carmen. "Someone untie her...and her." He said, slowly, pointing at Shonnie.

Two men that were in line, walked over to the chair and began to untie them.

What the fxck is he doing? Where is he going with this?!

He turned around and faced me. "I'll let you and your family go...unharmed and not touched...alive and well if..." He gestured at Shonnie and Carmen.

"If you choose one of these women to walk away with you, while the other one dies." He smiled, evily.

My mouth dropped, and for a second I felt like I was 6 feet under. I heard a gasp escape my mothers lips, and Raven looked at Christian with awe. Slade stiffened and I....was speechless.

"What? No! You can't do that!" Shonnie exclaimed, with tears in her eyes.

They were both untied and they were standing.

I looked at Carmen and she looked like she was about to pass out.

"Christian can't be serious! I can't choose! That's-"

He interrupted me. "Thats what you have to do Rashad! It's the ONLY thing that will allow you to walk out this door freely, or then all can die." He hissed.

Raven stood up. "Christian...this is crazy! I can't stand here and let you do this to my brother...please don't-"

"Then don't stand here and watch Raven! Now sit yo ass back in that chair, or you can die with them too!" He screamed.

She plopped back down in her seat and didn't say another word.

"Now Rashad, who are you going to choose?" Christian asked.

My eyes darted to Shonnie and all I could think about was how much we went through. Fxck...I CANT choose! I WANT to choose Carmen because I LOVE her but...Shonnie and I have been through so much...where I can't just let her go!

"Rashad please...please..." Shonnie whimpered, with tears in her eyes.

I looked at Carmen and she had her eyes closed, tears spilling out of them. Her mouth was moving but no words were coming out...she was saying a prayer.

"Christian...I can't choose." I whispered.

He clocked his tongue, and shook his head. "Well! That's too bad then...I was really hoping it wouldn't have to come to this but..." He turned away for a second, but when he turned back and faced me, there was a double barrel shotgun in his hand, pointed at me.

Carmen's eyes flew open. "No!" She cried.

From this point on...everything went in slow motion.

As Carmen took a running start at me...Slade's men began to fire at Christian...and the war broke out. My mother, and Shonnie ran for cover, while Slade joined in the action. Raven...when she tried to break for a run...a stray bullet caught her in her forehead. But that's not what made me weak to my knees...

As soon as Carmen reached me and embraced me into a hug, Christian pulled the trigger on the shotgun, right before a bullet caught him in his forehead and he fell dead...back into his chair.

But, before he was killed he had pulled the trigger, and you know where that bullet went? Right into Carmen's back. She was shot.

She cried out in pain and I sware all time had stopped.

As she fell into my arms, the blood spilling out of her back...and her life slowly fading away from her. It was like my whole life with her flashed before my eyes. I started to think about the times we laughed, cried, fought, and the one time we had s3x. I thought about her smiles, her emotions, and how spoiled she was. & most importantly her LOVE. She was the soul that brightended my day, and now she was dying.

I fell to the floor and even though there was no wound on me, I felt like I was DYING. Tears suffocated my eyes and I began to sob like a child, that fell off his bike or someone took his candy.

I held her in my arms and she stared at me full of love and concern. My girl, my love, my wife, my SOULMATE was going to leave me.

Slowly and painfully, tears started to fall out of her eyes as she struggled for breath.

"Ra-Rashad I love you..." She croaked.

I buried my face into her neck. "Carmen please don't leave me...fight it baby! We can get through this! All we have to do is get you out of here! Okay? Im going to get you of here! And then...then we can get away just me and you Cam...just how we imagined! We can get married and have kids..." I cried.

She shook her head and she tightened her hand around my fingers. "Rashad, you were the greatest thing that happened to me...please don't stop living because-"

"Dont talk like that Cam! You're not gonna die!" I sobbed.

As I was sitting here, having my last seconds with my love...the war raged on.

Slade's men and Christian's men that turned on him, kept shooting back at eachother. I was in the middle of all this, but not one bullet hit me. Christian was in his chair dead, with my beloved sister next to him. A bullet through each of their foreheads.

She slowly moved her hand to my face and tried to smile. "Im going to miss you..." She whispered.

I bent down and kissed her and she kissed me back....I pulled away. "Cam just hold on, okay? Please! Do it for us!" I begged.

She coughed and blood came out of her mouth. "I can't Rashad...I love you, okay? Don't forget that." She whispered, her eyes closing.

"No Carmen please! Carmen!" I cried.

And she died. She took her last breath, gazing into my eyes.

Her hand fell from my face and the blood from her wound stopped coming. Her mouth parted and it was like her soul had left her body...she was a corpse.

I looked over at Shonnie and she was crying also, but I'm not sure for the same reason I was.

"Come on Rashad we gotta go!" Slade yelled

But I couldn't think...or feel anything. I was NUMB. Carmen's dead...she's gone. She's never going to come back to me.

Chapter :26:

"You don't know how good you have it, until it's gone."


"We are here to this reminisce and celebrate the beautiful short 16 years of the beloved 'Carmen Giovanni Valosquez'" The precher spoke.

About 10 feet away from me was my a casket and long gone. I was back in the ATL and I was attending Carmen's funeral, along with Shonnie, Slade and my mother. Raven's funeral was next week and I don't think I'd be attending that...

Anyway, the whole church stared at me with murderous glares, but no one was like Roberto, Carmen's father. He tried to attack me numerous times, but the family would hold her back. I was HATED.

No one would talk to me or even look at me. Lil Bit (Carley) didn't even so much as acknowledge my presence. Cameron threatened to kill me, Tiny didn't say anything, and Tommy gave me a long painful death stare with tears in his eyes. And Claudia?

I nearly died when I saw the HATE and despisement in her eyes. Her eyes pierced me, and I actually felt pain. None of my 'friends' spoke or even said a word.

Even Tori bitxch ass was acting like she ain't know me. I don't think I have a heart anymore...


I stood on the stairs of the church, as I watched Carmen's brothers and The Twins carry her to the trunk in the casket. Everyone began to file out and about every single guy that walked past me, bumped my shoulder or 'accidentally' stepped on my foot. But I didn't get mad, why? Because they were right. It's 100% my fault that Carmen is dead, and I have to live with that. I'm never going to see that beautiful face smile or twist into anger when she's mad. I'm never going to feel her touch, her lips, her body. I'm never going to hear her breathe, cry, moan, laugh. I'm never going to see a Carmen Jr run around here, or a Rashad Jr...

Carmen is irreplacable and I lost the only thing in this world that meant the universe to me. Carmen had my heart, my soul, everything. And now she's gone...I'm dead. I'm DEAD, without her.

I CANT LIVE OR SURVIVE WITHOUT HER! How am I going to wake up every morning and know that I'm not going to see her loving face again...

"So, what are you going to do now?" A husky voice asked.

I turned around to see Nico and Nicole. They were both crying and Nicole wouldn't even look at me.

"I don't know yet...but this is the last time you'll ever see me. Sorry for the pain I've caused all of you."

I turned back around and walked away from everyone. I ignored my mother's calls and Shonnie's, and Slade's. I needed to get away, get out of this country, start over! Cuz without life will never be the same.