Status: Finished

Drop The World


Oh Shawtyy Hold On, Can I Holla At Ya?

Oh Shixt ! She Aint Impressed, You Know I Was A Rapper

See Im The iLLest Mothafxcker, That Could Spit Forever

God Damn, That Pussxy Tigher Than Tiger Woods Sweater

See Myy S3x Is Greater, Cause Myy Dixck Is Biqqer

I Got That Cum, You Could Drink Like A 20 Liter

So Let Me Come & Teach Ya

I Know You Want It Deeper

I Put Some Money On That Hoe Like A Visa

She Catch Myy Balls In Her Mouth, Like A Wide Reciever

She "Set It Off" On Myy Dixck, I Call Her Queen Latifah

She'll Give You A Blow On The Low, Like A Bag Of Reefer

She A Hood Diva So You Know Its...

<>Lil Wayne<> Sonqq : Lights, Camera, Action (Showtime)

$-Rashad-$ & Two Weeks Laterr .

Business is going good, Lifes going good. Nothing could go bad or get worse.


I was chilling with Shonnie at her crib, & we had just got done fxcking. Of course I used a condom, because I'm serious when I said, Im not raising no damn kids. She says she's on The Pill, but you never know...

Anyway, it was a Friday night, and we were about to go to sleep, when my phone rings. Damn! I sware if it's Doe Boi or Myron!

I answered without checking the Caller ID. "Yo?"

"Rashad? Thank God I found you before...look just hurry up & get home now! Don't stop anywhere, just get here!" Slade yelled, into the phone.

Slade was my mom's pimp, and he never called me! Not even when our house caught on fire! So what could have happened, that made him call me now?

"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"Just get here!" He snapped, and then he hung up.

"Fxck!" I hissed, in frustration.

I hopped out of bed and quickly began putting my clothes back on.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why are you leaving?" Shonnie asked, annoyed.

"I don't know! But I gotta get home, iight? I'll see you tomorrow." I said, planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Yeah whatever." She mumbled, pulling the covers over her head.

I put my shoes on, and then walked out her bedroom, closing the door behind me. It was 1 in the morning, & Shonnie was at her crib alone. But I don't have time to worry about her spoiled ass, right now I have to see what the big deal is.

I ran out the house and hopped in my car,, and started speeding back to my crib. What could possibly be wrong at 1 in the morning? And Slade is a pimp, not some damn dealer!

About 45 minutes later I pulled in my driveway, and ran into the house.

It was pitch black, and through the night I could tell that the house was trashed. What happened?!

The TV was on the floor, busted into pieces, there were bullet holes in the wall,glass everywhere, tables busted,lamps...everything was broken and demolished.

We were raided!

I heard crying in the other room, and I knew that was my mom. There weren't any hoes around, so I knew something serious & dangerous happened. But what?

I pulled out my 45. and followed the crying into

There sitting on the bed was my mom, and Slade was throwing my clothes into a duffel bag. My room was completely trashed, hell everything was messed up!

I dropped my gun, and fury took over. "What the fxck happened to my room?!" I hollered.

Slade was 58 years old, & looked like the Grandpa off of 'The Boondocks'.

My mom put her face in her hands and started crying harder.

"Calm down Rashad, and just get to packing, okay? You're plane leaves in 7 hours, but we need to get you somewhere safe, iight?" Slade said, throwing some more clothes in a duffel bag.

"What?! Get me safe somewhere? Slade, what the hell happened to my house?! And what's going on?!" I snapped.

"Im so sorry Rashad! I'!" My mother, sobbed.

Slade sighed and looked at my mother. "Tell him Phatty." He growled.

I glared at my mom. "What did you do?!" I yelled.

She dried her tears. "Rashad please...please don't get mad but-"

"What did you do?!" I screamed.

I'm sorry, but I AM PISSED OFF. My mom is always fucking everything up! She's the reason of why my dad left, & didn't take me with him.

But my mom didn't say anything, she just started to cry harder.

I looked over at Slade. "Whats going on Slade? Tell me!" I roared.

"She fxcked Christian & pretty much the whole gang, & stole almost half his personal stash. In since no one in a lifetime has the amount of money to pay him back, Christian says he's going to take you out." Slade rushed out.

When he finished he looked away.

My mouth dropped. N-no! No! He CANT be serious!

"What the fxck mom?! Didn't you know you couldve gotten all of us killed?!" I screamed.

"Im sorry Rashad! Really!" She cried.

"Oh shutup! I can't even look at yo ass right now!" I hollered. "Now where in the fxck am I supposed to go?! I have to get out of the state, to hide from Christian ass!" I snapped.

"We know that Rashad, and that's why you're staying with some friends of mine that live in Atlanta." Slade said.

"Atlanta?!" I shrieked. "No! Hell no! That's way too far away!"

"Well you're going! So hurry up and get packed! You're plane leaves at 8 in the morning, and you'll be staying with Claudia Valosqez & her family." Slade said.

"What?! How in the hell do you know someone all the way in Atlanta?!" I yelled.

"I went to school with her! And she's a she helps me out time and time. But that's not the point! Rashad, get dressed and get ready to leave." He barked.

& with that, he grabbed my mothers hand and dragged her out the room, slamming the cracked door behind them.

Fxck My Life.


It's 1 in the morning, and I wake up from my parents arguing.

Nico & Nicole were sleeping over, so we were all bundled up in my bed, passed out next to eachother. I fell asleep on Nico's shoulder, and Nicole fell asleep lying across my legs, and her head on Nico's chest.

I got up to go see what my parents were arguing about when Nico's muscular arm reached out and pulled me back on to the bed.

"Damn Nico! I thought you were sleep!" I whispered/hissed.

Even in the night, I could tell he was smiling. "Yeah whatver, where are you going?" He asked.

"Roberto you get back here! We are not finished!" I heard my mother yell, from downstairs in the kitchen.

"Oh them. Yeah, they've been going at it for a while now...arguing about some guy named Rashad or something." He said, with a laugh.

I laughed too, but I stopped when I saw that his arm was still around my waist.

"Okay Nico well I'll be right back, iight?"

I tried to get up but he squeezed me tighter, pulling me next to him.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing. "Nico!"

"Fine, fine! But ay, can you bring me up a sandwich?"

I frowned. "A sandwich? Really?" I asked.


I sighed. "Fine!"

"Thanks Cam!" He smiled.

I shook my head and slipped on some houseshooes, before walking out my bedroom. Now that I was out my room, I could hear their arguement much clearer now.

"Roberto he's not a bad kid, okay?! He just needs to live with us for a while because their family is in trouble!" My mom snapped.

I crept closer to the stairs, and one step at a time, I slowly went down them.

"Oh they're family is in trouble huh? Well what do you think you're putting our family in, when you're bringing a dope dealing, low class, un-intelligent nigg3r into our home?!" My dad said, in a harsh voice.

My mouth dropped in shock. What?! My father could not say something so cruel!

I heard my mom gasp. "How could you say something like that Roberto?! I never knew you could get this low and degrating in my life?!" My mom snapped.

"Well excepting that nigg3r in our home, is low and degrating too!" He hissed.

I shook my head. I have never heard my father like this before! He's so ignorant! How could he say something like that?! That's not even mean or's...ridiculous!

"Will you stop calling him that?! He is not a nigg3r, he is an African American! A HUMAN!" My mom shrieked, out of anger.

"Well I don't care Claudia! If you let that boy come into our family, than Im leaving!" He yelled.

"Well it looks like you're going to have to pack your bags, because Rashad is coming into our family, wether you like it or not!" My mom spat back.

Then I heard someone stomping up the stairs. Shi+!

I dashed up the stairs, and I didn't have enough time to run to my room, so I dashed into Tommy's room.

"Carmen, what are you doing in here?!" He hissed.

I turned around and he was playing his XBOX 360 on Live. "Oh shutup!" I snapped.

I put my ear to the door, and I heard my mom walk past and into her room, mumbling to herself. Woo ! That was a close one...but what were they talking about? Who's going to stay with us?

I opened Tommy's door and closed it behind me. I walked back down to the kitchen to get Nico's sandwich, when my fathers voice made me jump.

"I know you were listening Carmen..." He growled.

I turned around from the refrigerator, and he was sitting in the dark in the family room. Fxck!

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just stood there.

I heard him take a deep breath, & then he flipped a light on. "Come here Carmen."

I closed the refrigerator door, and walked over to my dad. I sat down on the loveseat, and stared at him, waiting for him to speak.

"First of all, I'm sorry you had to hear your mother and I argue like that but-"

"How could you say something so cruel though? You're a lawyer dad, and it wasn't just disrespectful, it was racist!" I hissed.

"Dont you think I know that?! It's's just...I don't like black peole that much! They're not exactly...the friendliest people." He mumbled.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! "Im going to pretend I didn't hear that okay dad? But who is he? What were you guys talking about?" I asked.

He sighed. "His name is Rashad-"

"Like the dude from ATL?" I asked.

"Yes Carmen! Now damn it, let me finish!" He snapped.

"Sorry." I whispered, trying not to laugh.

"He lives in Chicago and he's going to be staying with us for some time, until his parents, family or whatever can clear things up back home. I don't know the full story, I just know it's dangerous." He explained.

My eyebrows raised. "Dangerous? What do you mean by that?" I asked.

He shook his head and stood up. "I don't know, all I know is that I don't want him in our house. Goodnight Carmen."

He walked out of the room, leaving me even more confused than before. What is wrong with my family?! Well whatever...

I walked over to my refrigerator and grabbed two sandwiches and pops, and ran up the stairs by two.

When I walked into my room, Nicole was lying in my spot and was taking up half of the bed. Nico was sitting up and he was playing on his phone.

"Bout time girl! What took you so long?" He asked, taking a sandwich and pop from me.

I sat down next to him, and in since there was rarely any room, I had to put one of my legs over his.

" parents were arguing, so I was listening, and when they were done I had to go get your damn sandwich! So on my way back, my dad caught me and we started talking..." I said.

He nodded and started eating his food. "What were they arguing about?" He asked, with a mouthful of food.

I laughed. "Damn Nico! Swallow your food before you talk!"

"Whatever." He grumbled, taking another bite.

I shook my head and started eating my food. When him and I were both done, I took his trash and mine, and threw it away in the garbage in my bathroom. After that, I went and climbed back up on my bed, with Nico.

"Nico, can you push Nicole over? I don't have anywhere to sleep." I said, with a yawn.

Without warning, he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him.

"Uh...I guess this works..." I mumbled, a little uncomfortable.

Wow, I really didn't expect for this to happen but okay!

Nico laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist, within seconds he was asleep, snoring and everything.

Boy if my parents walked in right now, this would definitely be the last time they'd allow Nico to sleep over. They only let him sleepover if Nicole sleeps over though.

My head was resting on his chest, and I could feel his abs through my shirt. It felt good...but at the same time wrong. I shook off the feeling and got comfortable on top of him. Damn, was my brother kidding or not?