Status: Finished

Drop The World

Who's Girl Is That?

When I First Saww You....

I Saidd To Myself

Girl, Who You Lookinqq Good For?

Who You Talkinqq Too?

Who's That Fella Thats Standinqq Right Next To You?

<>Chris Brown<> Sonqq: Who's Girl Is That?


"What do you mean you're leaving me?! Rashad you can't do this!" Shonnie yelled, throwing punches at me, and tears rolling down her face.

I grabbed her fists and used them to pull her to my chest, into a hug. I was close to crying, but I was fighting it.

She hugged me tighter and started to sob. " can't leave me! Look, why don't I go with you or something? Fxck school, all I need is you!" She yelled.

I sighed. "No Shonnie, you have to stay here & I have to leave or Christian will come after you and your family too, & I'll be damned if he does that." I said.

"But Rashad I love you!" She sobbed.

We were in her home, and it was about 4 in the morning...I still have to go to Doe Boi & Myron's house to say goodbye to them...oh shi+.

"I love you too Shonnie and I always will...but babe, I can't stay here anymore." I said.

She pulled away from me and rubbed her eyes. "So what about us Rashad? I can talk to you right?" She asked.

I bit my lip. "No...I can't even talk to you or my homeboys until I get back. Baby I'm sorry but-"

"You can't even talk to me?! Are you serious right now?! Rashad, what do you think I am supposed to do?!" She snapped.

"Live! Shonnie Im only going to be gone for a while and-"

"Well how long is a while?!" She hissed, folding her arms.

"I dont know! But it shouldn't be longer than a year babe...okay? Stop worrying so much, everything is going to be okay, alright? I love you too much, to lose you." I said.

"Well...what happened? Why are you leaving anyway?" She asked.

I sighed. "Because of my mom. She did something and now Christian is after me."

"Christian?! Oh hell no Rashad! What if you don't come back?!" She cried.

I pulled her back into a hug. "I told you already, that I'm coming back! Nothing is going to happen to you and I! I will come back for you, all you have to do is wait." I said, with a smile.

She poked out her lips and began to pout. "Whatever! And where ever you're going, no girls!" She said, poking a finger in my chest.

I laughed and kissed her forehead. "I love you too much, to let any girl get in my way. I love you babe."

"I love you too."

I gave her a passionate kiss, right before I walked out the door.

It's 6 in the morning, and my plane leaves to Atlanta in 2 stop my best in the world am I going to tell them?!


I woke up at about 12 in the afternoon, and when I did...I was asleep next to Nico. It was Saturday, so that meant Carley's weird ass friend Megan was over. Megan was around Carley's age, and she doesn't all.

I don't know how Carley finds her fun, but whatever.

Tommy probably has his whole school in his room, and Cameron is probably with his girl Tiny, or she's with him in his room. My parents are out at therefore us kids, have the whole house to ourselves.

But where's Nicole? Oh god I hope she didn't see me on top of Nico! If she did...the whole school will know by Monday!

I climbed out of bed and walked outside my bedroom, to see where everyone was at. I peeped in Carley's room, and sure enough she was playing with that weird ass girl Megan. I walked to Tommy's and before I even made it to the door, I could hear like 20 kids his age yelling. I laughed and shook my head, and then made my way over to Cameron's. I was surprised to find the door open, because my brother ALWAYS has his door closed, and locked. He says he 'needs the provacy'.

I walked straight in, only to see him and Nicole really into a videogame they were playing. My mouth dropped, one because Nicole hates video games, and two...what the hell is she doing in here?

"Oh wassup Carmen? What you standing there like that for? Go tell AnnaBelle to start on lunch." Cameron said, not taking his eyes off the game.

I looked over at Nicole and she grinned at me.

"Uhm Nicole...can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

She frowned and then made a motion with her hands like 'What's wrong with you?! Can't you see I'm busy with him?!'

But when Cameron looked over at her, she stopped what she was doing and placed a warm smile on her face.

"I'll be back Cameron." She smiled.

"Alright. And make sure you tell AnnaBelle-"

I closed the door after us, and then I turned around to Nicole who had a scowl on her face.

"Whyd you do that Carmen?! I'm probably never going to get a chance like that with your brother again!" She hissed/whispered.

I placed my hands on my hips. "He has a girlfriend Nicole, and ew! He's my brother!"

"Well Nico has a girlfriend, and ew! He's my brother!" She said, wih a sly grin.

I bit my lip. "Nico has nothing to do with this...we weren't even doinng anything!"

She rose her eyebrows. "Really? Well the way you two were hugged up, it sure seemed like it. See, I knew you'd like him one way or another, it's all good." She laughed.


Nicole and I turned around to see my mom standing there in her work clothes.

"Oh hey mom! Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Well, if you had woken up wouldve found out that we were going to have a visitor live with us for a while." She said.

I nodded, and pretended I didn't know what she was already talking about. "Really? Who?"

"One of my friends from highschool, son. He'll be staying with us for a while."

"Did you say son?" Nicole asked, with a grin.

I nudged her with my elbow, and looked back at my mom. "Uhm okay...when's he coming?"

"I have to pick him up at the airport. So that means you and your little friends have to leave, okay?"

"Awhh come on Claudia! At least let me stay!" Nicole begged.

"I'll see you when I get back!" My mom exclaimed, before walking away.


This is some straight up bull shi+, on the real. How the fxck am I supposed to fit in with some rich, high class snobs! Damn!

I can't call, talk, or anything back home, cuz we can't risk Christian tracking us or some shi+ like that, but whatever.

I have never been out of Chicago in my life, but Atlanta looks like a hella cool place to live.'d be 20 ten times better if I had my girl or my boys with me. Instead I'm out here, so I won't get killed. I sware, when this is all over...I'm never gonna talk to my mom again.

Slade told me that the family Im living with has two boys, and two girls. Unfortunately, the youngest one is 8...fxck. I pray to god she isn't spoiled! But nothing gets worse as this...I actually have to go to school now! Ugh!

Once I got off the plane, I claimed my shi+ and then I walked outside and waited for some woman named Claudia to meet up with me.

Seriously, how does Slade know these people?!

I decided to walk outside, and when I did...I saw this long ass black on black escalade limo. Damn, is Usher around or something? Cuz who's ride is that? I mean god damn!

The passenger side window rolled down, and a Mexican woman came to view. She was pretty, looked to be around her early 30's or mid...but why was she looking at me, and waving me over?

I looked around to see if she was waving at someone else, but everyone esle was either talking on their phone, or trying to find their ride.

I looked back at the lady and she was getting out of the Escalade, and started walking over to me. Okay...maybe she was talking to me...

"Hi! I'm Claudia, you're Rashad right?" She asked, flashing a smile.

Damn, she was much more attractive up close. I know she was banging in her teenage days.

I smiled. "Yeah I'm Rashad, nice to meet you." I said, extanding my hand.

My mouth dropped in shock, when she gave me dap instead.

She laughed at my expression and then waved me over to the car. "Well let's get you home, shall we?" She smiled.

I just nodded and followed her to the car. The trunk popped open and I was about to load my bags in, when she stopped me.

"Oh no Rashad, let Felipe get them for you." She said.

And right when she finised that sentence, a tall white dude got out the front of the car.

Oh hell naw! Ima have to get use to this. And why is a white dude's name Felipe?

"I told you already Claudia, My name is Philip!" The driver said.

She laughed. "Sorry again!"

I laughed and then we both got into the limo. Now pause.

I seriously think I'm in heaven, & this is only a limo. It looked just like it did in the movies! Black, smooth leather seats, red carpet, and a full course bar. Only thing missing were the stripper poles! Damn, I can't wait to get back home and tell my boys about this!

When Philip got done with my bags, he closed the trunk & hopped back into the car.

He buckled his seat belt, and we were off. Boy, I can't wait until we get home...I know it's gone be the shi+!

"So Rashad, how old are you?" Claudia asked.

Ugh. She may be cool and all...but I don't feel like talking, I'm kinda sleepy actually.


"Aint a woman alive that can take my mommas place! Suspended from school, scared to go home, used to fool with the big boys breaking all the rules...."

Dear Momma by Tupac played, and I know damn well it wasn't my phone. Cuz my momma don't deserve that song. So I was twice as susprised when Claudia pulled out her Droid, and answered it.

"This will only take a second."

"Its cool." I said nonchalantly, pulling out my iPod.

I put one bud in my ear and started listening to Game's mixtape, as she began to talk on the phone to whoever it was.

I wasn't really paying attention until I heard,

"What the hell do you mean you saw Carmen and Nico together?! I thought I told you that no friends are supposed to be over!" Claudia hissed.


I don't know why...but just hearing that name made me want to listen more, I wanted to find out who this 'Carmen' was.

Claudia sighed. "Carley, put Cameron on the phone, and tell him to make everyone get out of our house and go home! I'm on my way home with Rashad now!" She hissed.

I bit my lip to keep from grinning.

I stopped listening from their on, because I didn't hear her name in there. Wait? Was I seriously just thinking about another girl right now? And even worse...a girl I don't know, and I have never seen before in my life? I shook my head and ignored the feeling in my stomach.

Finally, Claudia got off the phone and when she did, she gave me another one of her reassuring smiles. "Sorry about's just, my 8 year old daughter feels she has to report every and anything that goes on in our house." She laughed.

Oh naw! She's a snitch?! But I smiled and nodded, like I understood.

"Anyway, how old are you again?" She asked.

I had no other choice but to talk to her, so I turned my iPod off.

"Im 17...about to be a junior."

"Really? Oh...well you're only a year older than my daughter Carmen...she's 16 and is a sophomore."

Ping. I felt my heart flutter at the sound of her name. I shook off the feeling. "Oh really? That's cool. How many kids do you have?" I asked, just to be polite.

"I have four. Cameron is 19 & he's the oldest, I don't know why but the boy just doesn't want to go to college! He has this girlfriend who is a senior, so he wants to wait for her. But anyway, Carmen is the next one and she's 16 a sophomore as you know. Then it's Tommy he's 14, a video game attic and is in 8th grade. & last but not least the baby of the family who is Carley, she's 8 and is in 2nd grade."

Carmen's a sophomore...that's good enough for me, hopefully I have classes with her.

I nodded.

She smiled. "So how is Gregory? He's living with you and your mom right? Because her cancer is getting worse?"

I frowned. Gregory? "Oh! Oh yeah...yeah...Gregory's been a big help for my mom and I." I said.

Damn. I almost blew everything! mom's pimp, Slade...his real name is Gregory, and when he told me that, I laughed so hard I was crying. Anyway, Slade told them that I needed a fresh place to live, until my mom got better...just some bull.

"Oh okay..."

After that she flat out stopped talking, and began texting on her phone.

Slade bought me a nice samsung, but it was registered as if he had boughten it out here in the ATL. The only number I had in here was Slade's cell, but in his name was under one of the names of his hoes.

I couldn't call Slade, he had to call therefore...I have no one to talk to!


" have to go! Now! My mom could be home any minute!" I hissed.

It's been an hour since my my mom left, and I know she'll be back verrry soon.

Nicole left, and my brother and sisters friends did too...everybody but Nico...because he ever so cleverly hid in my closet.

So after I thought everyone was 'gone', I hopped in the shower and thank god I got dressed in the bathroom! I was wearing a white tee shirt, that stopped a little bit below my belly button, so it showed very little skin, and in since we were only in the house, some baby phat sweats to match, that rolled up a little below my knees. I threw my hair in a floppy bun after lotioning up and then I turned on some music, to clean my rooom. I actually have a personal maid to clean my room, but I only use her for emergencies, because I think having a maid is being so lazy! But my brothers have no problem telling theirs what to do.

But anyway, I put my iPod on shuffle and 'Somebody to Love Remix' by Justin Beiber and Usher came on, so thinking I was alone...I started prancing around the room singing and dancing. I wasn't lying when I told you I had some white in me!

(No offense to any white people).

So I was getting really into the music, until I heard someone laughing...not like a 'haha oh wow that was funny Carmen' , I mean somebody was LAUGHING. Horrified, I turned around to see Nico on the floor crying and rolling around, cracking up. Ugh, talk about embarrassed!

So after he was finally done laughing at me, I yelled at him but each time I opened my mouth, he'd bust into another fit of laughter. He was laughing so hard, he was lying down on my floor just panting for breath.

"Youre such an asshole Nico!" I snapped.

"Really? Just for that I'm not leaving." He chuckled.

Then I made the biggest mistake...I walked past him and being dumbass Nico he just HAD to try and trip me. Of course, he sucessfully tripped me, and you wanna know where I landed?

Right on top of him! But heres the killer part...Nico moved his head up to start laughing some more...and I turned my head to get off of him, & yell at him so more, in since we both moved our heads at the same time, somehow! Our lips magically caught on to eachother, and it was only for a second. There wasn't even any time to register that...that we were kissing! So as soon we 'kiss' my door swung open and out of all people, you wanna know who it was? The biggest snitch alive Carley! I pulled away, and Nico & I were in so much shock, that we both looked at her, making no attempt to move.

Carley's face when into an evil grin. "Im telling mom!" She barked, and then she ran out of the room.

So now, Nico and I are sitting on my bed...weirded out as fxck. We've been sitting in silence for the past 10 minutes, neither of us knowing what to say.

"Oh come on was an accident! It wasn't like I was trying to kiss you!" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "So what Nico! Even if that...didn't happen, you still have to go home!" I said.

He stoop up and stretched. "Fine. But I'll be back."

"Whatever Nico! Now leave!" I laughed, pushing him to the door.

"Alright, alright! I'm going!"

I opened the door and when he was about to walk out, I grabbed his arm.

"Nico, what you saw in this room...STAYS in this room, okay?" I growled, to show him that I was serious.

A grin spread across his face, as he was about to start laughing. "Yeah okay Carmen...but seriously that was the funniest thing ever! Oh my god, if only Nicole-"

"Go Nico!" I yelled, pushing him out the door.

I slammed my bedroom door closed after that, and locked it.

"Bye Carmen!" He said, knocking on my door...and then busted into laughter.

What an asshole ! & I can't believe that happened!

My room was halfway clean, so to get me back in the mood, I put on a throwback song which was 'Goldigger' by Kanye West and Jaime Foxx.

It's like I didn't learn my lesson the first time!

You see...I LOVE to dance, and that's why I'm in cheerleading because without me, my school would lose everything. I'm a sophomore and I'm on varsity cheerleading team, because I know how to dance. Anyway, Im dancing and singing along to the song, until my music turned off. What the hell?!! I turn around to see my mom and some black dude standing at my door.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, 100 times more humiliated.

Words couldn't express how embarrassed, and dumb I felt. Fxck!

My mom's mouth was open in shock, and I took a glance at the dude...and he was fighting the urge to bust into laughter. Oh my god!

"Uhm Carmen...this is Rashad..." My mom said slowly, still in shock.

I looked back at Rashad, and when I looked into his brown eyes...I melted. He was...gorgeous. No...gorgeous isn't the word for him, he

I could feel my cheeks get hotter by the second, and Im pretty sure I was as red as a crayola!

I looked back at him, and he was bitig his lip, clearly amused! I blushed harder, and my face was on fire!

"Im Carmen." I said, barely above a whisper.

Oh my god I'm so embarrassed! What did I do to deserve this?!

He gave me a head nod, and then smiled back...causing me to blush even harder!

"Well sweetie, were just gonna let you get back to your dancing...alright? Don't turn up the music so loud, Rashad is having the guest room next door to you. So if he needs anything-"

"Yeah, yeah I know! Help him..." I said, looking down at the floor.

Can they please just leave?! I'm seriously about to die!

"Alright Cam, come on still have to meet Cameron and..."

My mom walked away talking, and before Rashad left out of my room, he turned around and smiled.

"Nice dancing."

I grinned, and blushed at the same time. "Uhm...yeah! Thanks." I said, on the verge of having a nervous breakdown.

When he disappeared out of my sight, I walked over to my
door and closed it.

That's it! I'm NEVER EVER going to dance in my room again!