Status: Finished

Drop The World


First Time, That I Saw Your Eyes

Boyy You Looked Riqht Through Me, Mhmmmm

Play It Cool, But I Knew You Knew

That'd Cupid Hit Me, Mhmmm

You Got Me Trippinq, Oh Stumblinqq, Oh Flippinqq, Oh Fumblinqq

Clumsy, Cuz Im Fallinqq In Love, In Love

You Got Me Slippinqq, Oh Tumblinqq, Oh Sinkinqq, Oh Fumblinqq

Clumsy, Cuz Im Fallinqq In Love, In Love

So In Love With You

<>Fergie<> Sonqq: Clumsy


After Claudia gave me a tour of the house and everything, she lead me up stairs to meet her kids. I thought Id never see the day, where I would be living in a damn mansion! This place was outstanding ! There was a swimming pool in the backyard, and a basketball court. Who has money like this?!

Anyway, I met her youngest son Tommy, and right off the bat I knew he wasn't gonna be a problem. He seemed to be a pretty cool kid. & then she took me to my doom, Carley.

As soon as Claudia opened the door to Carley's room, I knew I had found my own personal torture. The first thing she asked me was, "Do you wanna play dress up with me? Or we can play house!" She said, in her little squeaky voice.

It took all my strength to keep from saying something smart. After her room, she said four magical words. "And here's Carmen's room."

I sware, my stomach dropped and I know damn well there weren't butterflies in my stomach.

But then an image of Shonnie came in my head, and I started to feel guilty. Damn, I miss her.

When she opened the door, I almost busted up laughing...until she turned and around and I saw her face.

She was dancing around the room listenting to 'Goldigger' and I was seriously two seconds from pulling out my phone and video taping that shi+.

But when she turned around...I sware a golden light shone on her and God began to speak to me. She was so...beautiful it didn't make any sense! I can't even descirbe how...breathtaking, desiring, mouthwatering she is. And it was seriously the cutest thing in the world, when I saw how embarrassed she was! Wait, hold up? Did I just say cute?

Anyway, she had a beautiful face to match her beautiful name. I couldn't call her pretty because that would be an undertatement.

If her mom wasn't standing there boy I wouldve...SHONNIE. My mind quickly washed over to Shonnie's loving face and my heart burned of betrayal, as I realized of how wrong I was for this!

I don't even know this Carmen girl really, & Im already tripping off her ass ! What's wrong with me?! I love Shonnie too much, to even become capable of thinking about another girl. But there's just something about Carmen...just the sound of her name...that attracts me to her...I don't know.

After I met Carmen, I met their older brother Cameron, and daaaamn he looked just like Carmen! But a male version. He was my type of guy, and I knew him and I would be cool.

"Okay Rashad! I'll leave you to get packed up and everything alright? If you have any questions or need anything, ask Cameron or Carmen...they'll help you." Claudia said, once we got to my room.

"Okay, and thanks again for everything." I said, with a smile.

"Youre very welcome, and I'm glad to have you here with the family. Well, I have to go to work, so I'll see you around dinner, okay?"

I nodded and then she left out the room, closing the door behind her.

So what now? Might as well unpack.

Their was a black king sized bed in the room, and the room was painted blue and black, my two favorite colors. I had a walk in closet, and my own bathroom. There was even a flat screen TV on the wall, with a PS3 sitting next to it, & a full videogame library to match. I guess Salde told them I was a gamer. Thats good.

I unpacked al my clothes into my dresser, and hung most of my oufits in the closet, along with my crazy ass shoe game. All my jewlery went on my nightstand, and my supply of weed, I hid under my mattress.. After I was finally finished, it was around 3 in the afernoon. I plopped down on my bed, and flipped the TV on using the remote. The room was air conditioned, and I was feeling hela relaxed. I settled to the movie 'Baby Boy' on BET...and within minutes, I was knocked out like a baby.


I woke up to a knock on my door, and when my eyes lazily opened...I almost forgot where I was.

"Ay Rashad! Dinner's ready!" Cameron's husky voice, said from the other end.

"iiGht, here I come." I said, with a yawn.

I looked over at the clock and ti was 9:30 pm. Damn, I slept that long?

I opened my door to go downstairs, and when I did...Carmen was just coming out of hers.

"Oh hey..." She said, with a smile, looking down.

Images of her dancing came to my head, and a grin spread across my face.

"Hey..." I replied.

She blushed again, looking away and started for the stairs.

I can already tell she's going to be shy around me. But that's cool...I'll be here for a while, so I'm gonna have to get close to her. Especially since I'm arleady feeling her...might as well admit it.

I followed her down the stairs, and I tried hard...very hard, not to let my eyes wander down her backside, but it was impossible. Her hips rocked in motion, and her ass...was out of this world. If I said she had a coke bottle frame, it'd be an understatement.

We reached the kitchen and I could smell Chinese food, another one of my favorite things to eat. Shonnie could make some mean shrimp fried rice!

There was a white/Caucasian woman setting the table, and she was wearing a chef's uniform. Her name tag said, AnnaBelle.

"Hey Rashad! How'd you sleep?!" Carley, exclaimed with a smile.

"Jeez Carley, he hasn't been here for a full day and you already messing with him." Tommy said, with a mouthful of food.

I laughed and sat down next to her...until I realized something. I just talked to a little girl without getting angry ! Yehh, I'm ridiculous.

"Oh shutup Tommy! Where's mom and dad?" Carmen asked, sitting across from me.

"They'll be here in a little bit." Cameron said, stuffing more food in his mouth.

They started talking, & I wasn't included in the convo, but I was listening. I picked up my fork and began to eat.

"So Rashad, where you from?" Cameron asked.

I took a sip of my pop, and then set it down. "Chicago, south side."

All of their mouths dropped, and I didn't know if I shouldve felt insulted or not.

"Chicago?! Have you ever shot anyone?!" Tommy asked, with all seriousness.

"Tommy!" Carmen and Cameron snapped.

I laughed. "Nawh it's cool, and no I haven't..." I lied, win a straight face.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carmen let out a sigh of...relief?

"Thats cool. How do you know our mom?" Cameron asked.

"My uncle went to school with her, I think." I said.

"Oh okay, so...why are you all the way up here in the ATL?" Carmen asked, with a smile.

"Oh my god! Youre just like the dude from the movie ATL!" Carley piped up.

Everybody laughed. I looked back at Carmen and she winked at me. Daaammn, is she flirting with me across the table?

I was about to answer her question, when the garage door busted open, and Claudia walked in with a briefcase.

"Roberto, if you wouldve let me-oh hey kids! Rashad, how are you doing?" Claudia smiled, when she walked through the door.

I just nodded, and then a tall, and older Cameron walked through the door. I guess this is the father. I was about to say 'hi' and all that to be polite, but when our eyes met...I saw nothing but hate. Damn, what's his problem?!

I looked away, and I saw Carmen staring at him with a 'look' on her face. What's going on?

"Mom! Dad! What took you guys so long to get here?!" Carley exclaimed, hopping out her seat, and running to them for a hug.

Her father's face softened and he picked Carley up. "Hey baby girl, what have you been doing all day?"

I looked back at Carmen, and she started to play with her food, I looked at Cameron and he didn't seem to notice the tension that was suddenly in the room.

Claudia then plopped down next to me with her food.

"I hope my kids have been everything but a burden to you." She laughed.

I laughed. "No...they're cool."

"Good. Now Carmen, it's your turn to take Carley to ballet tomorrow morning, you can take my car if you'd like." Claudia said.

I glanced at Carmen and she had a scowl on her face. Damn, she look even sexier when she mad. I don't know why, but when a female turns me on even more, & she was already astonishingly beautiful.

After dinner, everyone dismissed themselves from the table. As I was walking up the stairs, Cameron waved me over to his room.

I followed and he closed the door behind us.

"You play Call of Duty?" He asked, tossing me a 360 controller.

"Hell yeah!"

See, I knew him and I would be cool.


Once Rashad, disappeared into Cameron's room...the butterflies that were in my stomach, fluttered away. I don't know why, but I am seriously ATTRACTED to him ! I love every moment I'm with him, and every second I see him, & it hasn't even been in a full day yet. He looked too good to be human!

He was tall, light brown eyes, waves like an ocean, and swagg just on point. And now he's living with me?! Oh my god Nicole is going to trip !

I walked to my room and closed the door after me, and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I called Nicole, and she answered on the first ring.

"Wassup Cam?" She asked.

"Okay! You know the boy that's supposed to live with us?" I asked, with a big ass smile on my face.

"Yeah! What about him? Is he cute?! Details Carmen!" She squealed.

"Well...I think I am in love with him! Nicole, he's gorgeous!" I beamed.

"Oh my god, are you serious?! Awhh! How old is he? What's his name?"

"Im not sure how old he is, but he looks to be around Cameron's age, and his name is Rashad! And you won't believe what happened when I met him!" I exclaimed.

"Whatd you do Cam? Did he catch you in one of your 'random dancing' moments?" She asked.

"You know me too well."

She gasped. "What?! He saw you?! Oh my god, what'd he do?!"

I started to blush, as I began to think about it some more. "He looked like he wanted to bust up laughing, but he held it in!" I said, laughing.

Nicole began to howl with laughter.

I talked to Nicole for another hour or so about Rashad, until she said she had to go. I hung up my phone and put it on the charger.

I took a glance at my clock, & it was going on 11:30 pm...ugh, Carley has that stupid ass ballet practice at 8 in the morning, better get my sleep.