Status: Finished

Drop The World

I Dont Like The Look Of This

School Themm Nigg@hs, Theyy All My Students

All Jokes Asidee, I Aint Playinqq With Ya

The Weed Broke Down, Like A Transmission

The Choppa Spinn Him Round, Like A Ballerina

Bi+ch Im Still Spittinqq Like I Ate A Jalepeno

I'm Fromm Uptown, My Bi+ch From Arqentinaa

Myy Pockets On Fat, Like Joey Cartaqenaa

Stunt So Hard, Its All Yall Fault

& Whenn It Comes To Beef, Give Meh A1 Sauce

<>Gudda Gudda ft Lil Wayne <---his verse<> Sonqq : I Dont Like The Look Of This


I woke up around 6:30 in the morning, and I don't know why...but I couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed up all night with Cameron playing video games, & we didn't stop until 3 AM. But whatver.

I rolled out of bed, and walked into my bathroom to take a shower, but when I turned it on, no water came out but a drip. Hm, this doesn't look too good.

I grabbed a towel and some body wash, and went into the bathroom that was just outside my bedroom, and across from Carmen's.

The house was quiet, so I knew everbody was asleep. I closed the bathroom door behind me, & turned on the shower. The water came out hot, and perfectly fine. I stripped out my clothes and hopped in.

While I was in the shower my mind drifted off......

$-10 years ago-$

"Lamont! Lamont please! I can't let you do this !"

That was my mother, and she was crying. And who's Lamont?

I climbed out of bed and opened my bedroom door just a peek, to see what was going on.

My mother was on her knees, and there was a tall man dressed in black, standing over her, with a gun to her head.

My instincts told me to run out there and save her, but what is a 7 year old going to do?! So I sat there, my eyes wide with fear and shock.

"Rashad? What's going on?" My sister Raven, whispered.

I turned around and Raven was sitting up in her bed, rubbing her eyes. Raven was 2 years older than me, so she was 9.

"I don't's in trouble, I think." I whispered back.

Raven looked just like our mom, and resembled or father very little...if that was her father.

She sighed, and lied back down in the bed, and I turned my attention back to the sight of my mother and this Lamont guy.

"You can't let me? Bi+ch you shouldve known that when you took my shi+! Now I want my money Phatty, & I want it now!" He yelled, towering over her.

My mom screamed in terror. "It wasn't me Lamont! It wasn't me!" She cried, shaking.

He pistol whipped her with his gun, and she fell to the floor.

I gasped, and then Lamont looked over to where I was standing. When our eyes met, I felt like someone had stabbed HURT to look at him.

I closed the door, and jumped back into my bed, and hid under the covers.

He saw me! He saw me! What if he's gonna get me too ?!

Suddenly I heard voices outside my door, and it was Lamont and my mother talking. What is going on?!

I peeked from under the covers, and looked at Raven...and she was fast asleep.

"No Lamont! You can't take my daughter! She's mine, and has nothing to do with your money! I-I can pay you back somehow, but please!" She hissed/whispered.


My eyes flew open, and I was sweating hard as hell...and I was still in the shower. I was breathing hard, trying to catch my breath as I had re-lived that painful moment. What made me think of that shi+ now?

I shook my head, & quickly washed up and got out of the shower.

I wrapped the towel around my waist, and walked out the bathroom door.

I turned around to close the door, and when I turned back, bam! I slammed right into Carmen, causing her to drop all her clothes.

"Oh! Rashad, I'm so sorry! I-I didn't know-"

I smiled. "Its cool ma, my bad." I said, bending over and picking up her clothes. I laughed when I saw a Hello Kitty thong in the pile.

She blushed and took her clothes from me. "Uhm thanks..." She giggled, looking away.

I laughed. "What you doing up so early?" I asked.

"I gotta take Carley to wanna come with me? Only if you want too! I just don't wanna go by myself and be bored, so I figured-"

"I'll go with you." I grinned.

She stopped rambling, and looked away, blushing again. "Sorry again..."

I laughed, when I saw her checking out my 6 pack. This girl is...hilarious.

"Well...I guess...I'll go get dressed!" She said, nervously.

"You do that." I said, trying my hardest not to laugh in her face.

She smiled, and scurried into her room, slamming the door behind her.

She's always so nervous around me! Now usually, that would make me mad if a girl acts like that around me...but its cute when she does it. I shook my head, and walked back into my room to get dressed.


Why am I so clumsy and stupid around him?! This is crazy! And boyyy do he got a body!

I dropped my clothes on the bed, and then hopped in the shower, singing to myself. I hope I don't get too nervous around him, cuz were pretty mch going to be alone for 2 hours, while we watch Carley practice.

After I got out the shower, I slipped on a blue baby tee, and black shorts to match. I put on blue and black nikes, and a gold ankle bracelet. I flat ironed my hair and put on a black headband, with a blue, black polka dotted head band to match. I checked the time and it was 7:30, damn we gotta go!

I grabbed my phone, and the keys to my mom car and walked out the door.

My parents were already at work, and Cameron was either at Tiny's house or she was here.

Tiny is his girlfriend, & speaking of her...I haven't seen her in a while. Whatever.

I knocked on Carley's door, and it swung open, revealing Carley in her blue and purple ballet outfit.

"Ready to go brat?" I asked.

Just then Rashad came out his room, texting on his phone...and he was dressed head to toe in blue and black. Just Like Me.

My damn! He's just...unexplainable.

"Is Rashad coming with us?!" Carley asked, happily.

Rashad looked up from his phone and smiled at us. "Yeah I'm going Lil Bit." He answered.

"Alright! Well let's goooo!" Carley exclaimed, skipping away.

I laughed and both of us followed her down the stairs, walking next to eachother in a comfortable silence.


We made it to the studio, around 7:45, and when we went in, Carley ran up to the stage with the rest of her classmates.

Her ballet practice, was actually held in my school's theatre room, so I did see a couple of my teachers on our way in.

I took a seat in the back, and Rashad plopped down next to me, with a sigh.

I giggled. "Bored already?" I asked.


I laughed. "No not yet. But damn, why are the practices so early?" I asked.

She shrugged. "I don't know, & I used to wonder the same thing...I mean dang, they're only 8 years old!"

I nodded, and then an awkward silence came over us. Come on Rashad...think of something to say! This could be the only time you'll ever be able to be TRULY alone with her! I was about to say something but she talked first.

"So, how was it back in Chicago?" She asked.

I tensed up. I really don't wanna talk about that. " was...a life. You never knew what could happen, gotta be ready for anything." I said.

She laughed. "I get you...if you don't mind me asking...but, did you sell?" She asked.

That question didn't bother me, but it did shock me. I looked at her to see if she was joking, but she looked...interested? She really wants to know?

I guess she saw the look on my face, because the next sentence that left out of her mouth, made me want to slap myself.

"Oh sorry! That was really stereotypical of me huh?" She asked.

"Nawh you're good. If it was anybody else that asked me, I probably wouldve gotten mad. But to answer your question, yeah I did."

Her eyes lit up. "Damn for real?! Like what?" She asked.

"You're really interested about this?"

She blushed. "Yeah I am...I'm weird like that."

I laughed. Damn, she sure ain't like most girls. Most girls wouldve gotten an attitude, & they sure as hell wouldn't have asked me what shi+ I be selling either.

"Uhm weed mostly...the worst I get is c0caine."

She nodded. "You don' them do you?" She asked.

"Hell naw! Well, I get high...but that's about it."

"Oh, well everyone out here gets high too." She said.

My eyebrows raised. "Even you?!" I asked, surprised.

"Oh god no! Well, my brother does...but if my parents found out I did that shi+...they'd kill me!" She exclaimed.

I laughed, and so did she.

"So how old are you?" She asked.

"17 and a junior."

Her eyes widened. "Damn, are you serious?!"

I nodded. "Yeah, why? You thought I was older?" I asked.

"Yeah! No joke, I honestly thought you were like...out of highschool or something."

I busted up laughing. "Fo real? If I was out of highschool, I definitely wouldn't be here right now."

She blushed. "Yeah, I thought that was silly for me to think, my bad."

"You ain't gotta keep apologizing Carmen." I said, with a smile.

She blushed harder, and didn't say anything.

Oh she totally likes me! I pretended I was stretching, so I stuck one of my legs out, and quickly pushed it next to hers, so they were touching. I even pulled out my phone to make it look like it was an accident.

It got quiet again, and both of us watched Carley practice in a comfortable silence. I liked Carmen...she was very easy to talk too.

"So, are you registered for my school?" She asked.

"I think so...not sure yet."

She nodded.

"So you never told me why you're here Rashad." She said, turning towards me more.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I popped up.

As soon as those words left my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. was the only thing I could think of, that would distract her from asking that question. I knew my 'cancer' story would work on adults, but Carmen? Nahh I don't think so.

The question caught her off guard, so at first she gave me that 'look' like, what? "Uhm no...I'm single, what about you?" She asked.

I looked at her and I sware I saw hope in her eyes. I bit my tongue...what if I tell her I do have a girl? Will she Cuz I can already tell that Carmen is the type of girl, that will drop any dude in a second if he got a girl...and I'm not sure if I want that.

"Nope. I'm single too." I lied, with a nervous laugh.

"Cool." She grinned, a little too happy.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing.

About 30 minutes passed and I was starting to get bored out of my mind. Now I see why Carmen got mad when her mom, told her that she had to take Carley to practice.

"No lie, if I see one more kid spin around...I'm going to get dizzy." I said, with a sigh.

She smirked. "It only gets worse! And damn, my phone is going to die...and we still have another hour to go."

I laughed. "Entertain me something!" I smiled.

She laughed. "What do you want me to do Rashad? Dance?"

I bit my lip, and gave her a seductive look. "That'll work."

She blushed, and rolled her eyes. "You wish."

"I sure do." I grinned.

She laughed and punched me playfully.

"You know you jocking my colors, right?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Boy please! You know I rock it better than you anyway." She teased.

"Yeah whatever. Ay, I dare you to run around this whole theatre." I said.

She frowned. "And why in the world would I do that?" She asked.

I shrugged. "Cuz you're not doing anything else Carmen, & I'm bored."

She laughed. "Oh, so now it's my job to entertain you?"

I decided to take it up a notch...hopefully she wont get mad.

I nodded. "Yeah, now strip." I smiled, flipping her boob, so it jiggled.

Her mouth dropped in shock. "Rashad!" She exclaimed, slapping me in my chest.

I busted up laughing, and she sat there trying to hide her grin.

"That was not funny!" She hissed playfully, slapping my arm.

"Damn girl! My bad! I was just getting you back from earlier, when you tried to get me when I was getting out the shower." I grinned.

"What?! Oh please Rashad, you're the one who bumped into me!" She laughed.


Carmen & I both stopped laughing, and looked below to see an old woman at the piano giving us a mean glare.

"Sorry!" Carmen whispered.

The old woman rolled her eyes, and then turned around back to her piano.

"What a bi+ch..." I mumbled, looking away.

"Rashad!" Carmen scowled.

I laughed. "Sorry mom."

She rolled her eyes. "You're really immature, you know that?"

I laughed. "I try Carmen, I try." I said, with a sigh.

She shook her head and didn't say anything. It got quiet again, and we both started to watch Carley again. Well, she was watching Carley...I was too busy watching her.

The way she handled herself, was just mesmirizing. I know we haven't even gotten to know eachother that well, but I feel like I've known her my whole life. I know what I'm doing right now, is so bogus on Shonnie...but I haven't cheated! I just can't control myself...

Carmen turned towards me to say something, but she stopped when our eyes met. Our faces were so close, where I could see my reflection in her eyes. Damn! I was totally caught...

And then she surprised me. She placed her hand on my cheek, and pulled me closer to her...causing our lips to meet in a much needed kiss.