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Too Much

Awesome as ***

When people hear the name Alex Gaskarth they associate it with a few choice words…drop out, wannabe, man whore, womaniser. They're just some of the few I’ve heard anyways.

Did I want to be known like that?

Hell no, but I craved the attention, it was like the drug, the adrenaline, the euphoria that kept me going; A feeling i soon realised that i needed to learn to forget.

I’ve had more girlfriends than probably I’ve had hot meals, while I should be basking in the glory from all the boys at Baltimore High School…I couldn’t, I didn’t want to.

Because from all of that, all the girls I’ve endlessly woken up to, I have never experienced true love; My fear of abandonment never arising, but my fulfilment of true love never found.

Being an only child did that to you, you know? Yeah you’re parents provide everything for you, all their attention devoted to you. But sometimes too much attention can make you gain a taste for it, something which I unfortunately developed along with cockiness too.

However all of that personality and ego made me…well me. My friends loved my cocky bold personality, where the chicks digged my over confidence and charm…again something I developed from experience.
Trailing my hazel eyes over to one of my best friends, Zack Merrick; I noticed how his dimples raised softly on his face, a smile prominent on his chiseled features as his brown eyes glistened with excitement. Reading his facial expression and being able to register it, I noticed he was thinking the same as me.


Zack whispered as he leaned over to lightly punch me out of my trance, his expression repeated on mine in exactly the same fashion.

“We’re totally signing up!”

I smirked back as my teeth pushed my crooked grin, Zack smiled in delight revealing his slightly whiter perfect teeth.

“So who is going to sign up? If anybody”

Mr Ward turned his attention to the whole of the class, who by now were off on some other tangent that didn’t involve rival schools. Mr Ward stood waving the sheet in the air as an aim to gather attention to the subject in matter, his tweed jacket riding up slightly over the beige braces he adorned.

Before my mind could think rationally about the pros and cons of possibly signing up to this competition, my heart over-ruled my mind. Me along with Jack, Rian and Zack sprung from our seats and bolted towards the sign up sheet.

Mr Ward noticed our gained speed, rolling his dull grey eyes in a knowing demeanour. It really pissed me off though, it was a look I personally received off every single teacher that taught me. Every parent consultation I got branded as a drop out, lazy, distracted boy who would be lucky to be able to graduate.

My parents had thought of sending me to a boarding school over in the next state, but after I convinced them it wouldn’t work after the failed attempt over in England, I got to stay.

However I had to prove I could work hard, even though at the time I had average grades and still do.

“Ahh Mr Gaskarth, how did I know you’d be interested?”

He added sarcastically clearly emphasising `know`, another teacher that obviously reinforced the stereotype every other teacher conformed to of me.

Behind me I heard a chuckle escaped ever so quietly from Rian’s lips, lifting the sole of my grey Vans I kicked back hard straight into his shin as he recoiled in pain.

“Everything okay Mr Dawson?”

Mr Ward asked, his tone drowned in concern as he peered over my shoulder to see a bulky, muscular Rian doubled over at the waist.


My best friend uttered under his breath, slightly pissed off as I felt his auburn eyes burn into the back of my head; The odd cuss word reaching my ears from behind as I tried to sustain my laughter.

Stepping closer to the wooden desk, my hand connected with the pen that lay on top of the white crisp paper, sucking in a short breath I instantly left my scrawny scrawl of a signature at the top before returning to my seat behind Allie.

“Oh look its that confident, cocky lead singer of that band…if only I could remember what they were called”

Looking up from my notepad I noticed Allie’s eyes burning into mine, so full of spirit and childish-ness to them it almost made me envy her. I had only known her and Maddie for all of about half an hour, but they were so innocent and captivating…it only made me want to get to know them more. It was also the first time I didn’t feel the urge to want to fuck one of them…just saying.

She twirled a piece of her frayed jet black around her index finger playfully as she awaited her friend’s response, it intrigued me. I noticed that there was also a mysterious air to both of them, they can’t be perfect, everyone has baggage right?

“Urm I think it was All Time….blow?”

Maddie replied dragging out time and tapping her painted black nails to her temple for added effect. Laughing to myself silently, I loved how the two of them acted together, they were a pair like me and Jack, a constant support, a family member, someone to be there for you no matter what.

Their humour was something special which I realised as I glanced at the both of them in front of me, both biting on their lips to stop their hysterics. I loved how their humour was one us boys recognised and how they recognised ours, which at Baltimore High seemed to be a rarity.

“Well I heard that the singer is pretty damn hot actually”

Leaning forward on my desk I spoke up, interrupting the connection Allie and Maddie had between each other, both jumping at my voice and turning round to meet me.

“And Maddie? How do you know how well All Time Low blow? Do you want to demonstrate?”

I sniggered winking jokingly in her direction, Maddie’s mouth hung open in a perfect `o` as her cheeks flushed a crimson red.


She cursed under her breath before smirking and twirling around in her plastic seat to face the board.

15 minutes later and the sound of distance alarm bell rang signifying the lesson had ended. Smiling to myself at the sound I recognised, I gathered my things in a matter of seconds before heading out to the now increasing crowd which had assembled out in the hallway.

Reaching number 258, I let out an overdue sigh as I leaned my back up against the dirty cream metal of my locker, the sudden chill of the metal calming me slightly. Jack, Rian, Zack, Allie and Maddie soon came into vision as they caught up with me, noticing me from afar.

“Don’t worry…Home time soon Brah!”

The tall Lebanese boy in front of me spoke, a sympathetic smile on his face as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

“Urgh I know, but…but I have history next with her and she hates me!”

Throwing my arms up into the air admitting defeat, I pushed off my locker forcefully. I hated History and I hated Miss Crawford, my thoughts were cut short however as the sound of Zack face palming interrupted me.

“SHIT! Essay!”

Zack leaned his muscular arm against the locker next to me, before burying his head into his arm. Watching him as he exhaled deeply, we both knew the shit we were going to be in.

“I haven’t done it either bro”

I muttered through a baited breath, Zack turned his head suddenly on his arm his deep brown eyes matching mine.

“She is going to kill us”

Blinking a few times at Zack as if to say "I know but what are we going to do", I noticed Maddie’s crystal blue pools staring at us intently.

“I have her next…apparently”

As she fiddled with the cuff of her drop dead jumper, her eyes scanned her timetable over and over, rechecking with herself that she was right. Jack snatched the crumbled piece of paper out of her hands from behind, studying it all for about 5 seconds before returning in to her just as screwed up as it was before.

“Good luck”

He smiled down at her, certainly reaffirming her thoughts that she indeed have Miss Crawford next.

“Well then Miss Wilson looks like you’re coming with us then!”

Zack smirked as he linked arms with Maddie on her left side, me following suite on her right.

The three of us started to make our way through the crowds of students acting like her bodyguards.

“Oh okay bye, love you too!”

Rian’s voice bellowed over the tops of heads as Maddie chuckled in our grasp and rumbled against mine and Zack’s chest. Glancing over my shoulder I caught sight of him pouting like a child.

“Usual spot dude, I love you too…I guess”

I shouted back as I poked my tongue out to him, before he blew me a kiss back. Jack and Allie creased as they dragged Rian off to go to Maths.

The bell rang out twice signalling start of lesson but Me, Maddie and Zack still remained goofing off in the corridor before Zack and I realised we were already in enough trouble. Quickly I lifted Maddie onto Zack’s back as we sprinted into the closest class room.

Upon entering the maroon coloured class, my eyes were greeted with the same historical posters all littered with information, Half of it I knew…Half I didn’t. Maddie however was greeted with prying eyes, prying female eyes that is; Zack looked over at me behind Maddie’s back, rolling his chestnut eyes at the girls in the class. I knew what he was insinuating.

I, Alex Gaskarth had a reputation at Baltimore High and a pretty bad one at that. As I mentioned before I was a ladies man, a male slut apparently. Did I want that label over my head…nope, but it was. The girls mostly threw themselves at me, I hardly did any chasing and being the attention needing boy I am, I obliged to their needs…me. All the girls I encountered were nothing more than desperate; to me they were just a quick fuck, something to keep me going until I found someone else. I just didn’t do relationships.

“Have I done something wrong Alex?”

Maddie whispered into my ear, her oceanic eyes drowned with worry and anxiety connected with me. She nervously looked from me to the floor, her platinum blonde long hair surrounding her face as a disguise.

“No they’re all just jealous because I am awesome as fuck”

Winking at her playfully, she relaxed in my grip as I tried to reassure her. Zack taking over duty as he led her over to our usual table, we had only known her an hour but I think we both felt extremely protective over her and Allie, they were like the sisters I never had. I will always protect them from prying bitches, especially when it’s my fault in the first place.

“You’re honoured to be at this table Maddie…It’s only because you’re our friend though”

Zack mocked sitting somewhat rigidly as I joined in on the little conversation that had begun, Zack slamming his text book down on the table in annoyance. History always brought out that side of him, well more Miss Crawford than anything.

“Oh we’re friends all ready are we, who said I actually liked you two”

Maddie leaned onto the palm of her hand, her child like smile evident on her heart shape face. Her eyes alive with fun, as the cuff of her jumper tried to hide her widening grin.

“Ahh you’re all right kiddo…I guess”

Gently I poked my index finger into her rib making her squirm giggling, I raised my bushy brows in unison. However the banter between the three of us was cut short as Miss Crawford entered, bringing the atmosphere down crashing to a halt.

“Merrick, Gaskarth…Detention!”

Were the first three words that left her mouth as she entered, she didn’t even look at us to acknowledge our presence. Zack and I glanced at each other, confusion and fury expressed on both of our faces, our brows furrowed together in sheer anger before we protested our case.

“WHAT! Miss we haven’t even done anything wrong!”

We both shouted as we raised our hands in the air in different gestures, Maddie simple sitting animatedly between the both of us enjoying our reactions, looking both to her left and right at me and Zack on either side.

“What! Don’t say today is the day Mr Gaskarth and Mr Merrick actually have done work and have essays to hand me right now”

Miss Crawford leant against the table at the front, her fingers drumming subconsciously against the wood as she added sharpness to “now”.


We both replied solemnly as my fingers scratched the back of my head, making my coffee honey toned hair a dishelved mess. Miss Crawford rolled her blue eyes in the same way as Mr Ward beforehand; except she was the ringleader…She hated me.

“So Friday after school it is”

She pushed off of the table at the front as her linen trousers drifted slightly as she stormed over to the board, telling the class to open up to page 6 in our text books. Maddie found all of hilarious however, as a small snort escaped her mouth hiding behind the book for safety.

“Oh you think all of that was funny do you?”

Zack threatened half heartedly, as he lifted the book out from Maddie’s grasp, exposing her now red cheeks. Her laughter caught short as her eyes registered fear; Zack pulled her into a headlock as she feebly punched and pushed at his muscular, toned body, all in an attempt to break free.

“Merrick! Would you like to introduce me to the poor girl you have in your grasp or shall I make it two Fridays”

Miss Crawford interrupted as she now stood mere centimetres away from us, her brown brogues tapping impatiently against the floor. She made me feel instantly uncomfortable, as Zack’s grip around Maddie quickly loosened.
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Hey :)
Alex's POV is going to be in about 3 parts, i wrote a lot :P
Anyway please comment and subscribe, i love to hear what you guys write
I'm going to be away until Monday, but a soon as i get back if i have more comments and subscribers you guys will get more chapters ;)
amy x