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Too Much

Awesome as *** (3)

Scanning hard around the canteen, my breathing increased and my palms began to sweat, I was alone. The canteen was rapidly beginning to empty due to the bell in the background signalling lessons were starting soon, but out of the corner of my eye I caught a glance of the familiar wisp of platinum blonde hair that belonged to Maddie. It was then I noticed surrounding her were Zack, Allie, Rian and Jack among the mass of students, hastily I tried to rummage through the closing crowd.

“Guys wait up!”

Shouting over the sea of people that seemed happy to try and distance me from my friends, I pushed through forcefully, eventually ending up by my lanky best friend’s side.

“Oh, managed to pull yourself away from practically nearly dry humping Sophie did we?”

Jack added sarcastically as I quickly managed to rejoin our group, falling back into step again; I hung my head down low in shame to Jack’s response.

Lifting my head guilty I connected eyes with Maddie’s and Allie’s, who by now just shrugged their shoulders as if my behaviour back there was familiar to them by now.

“It’s your first day and here I am coming across as a right dick”

I sighed heavily addressing Maddie and Allie only, my chest rising and falling heavily, desperate to avoid the disappointed faces of Zack, Rian and Jack. Staring down at my feet as we all walked in silence along the corridors of Baltimore High was torture that was until Allie leaned over and placed her palm on my shoulder, followed by her chin placed delicately on top.

“Well I hate to break it to you kiddo, but I thought you were the dick kind before you even spoke”

She whispered into my ear, again her warm breath sending that familiar feeling to crawl down my spine, the same feeling I had been the subjected to only an hour previous.

“Ouch Johnson if I wasn’t so used to your humour by now, anyone would think you actually meant that!”

I winked at her playfully

“Anyway moving on from the whole dick situation”

Rian shouted to be heard a little too loud though as everyone surrounding us twisted their heads round to look at us, whispering between themselves.

“Great one of us will probably be gay by the end of the day”

Zack chuckled causing his bulging biceps to contract, rising and falling in rhythm.

“Bagsy not it!”

Jack yelled causing all of us to jump out of our skin at the sheer volume to his voice, for the littlest boy in this band anyways.

“I don’t think it works like that Bro”

I replied as I pushed Jack playfully in front of us all.

“Not fair!”

He retorted in defence pouting like an upset child for affect.

“Don’t pull that bullshit with me Barakat, you know you cannot bagsy that you’re not going to be the gay one!”

I sniggered, Jack desperately trying to think of a witty comeback as his bushy brows furrowed together as he thought.

“Dude don’t hurt yourself”

Rian smirked knocking Jack lightly out of his trance.

“I guess we all have free’s now?”

“Uhh, yeah…well I do anyway”

Maddie timidly spoke so quiet I nearly didn’t hear her.

“I guess we’re all free then”

I answered averting my gaze out the window and to the blazing Baltimore heat outside. It was quite unusual for this time of year, to be so seasoned, the weather was indescribably warm.

“to the field!”

Maddie shouted as she jumped onto Jack’s scrawny back, nearly being dropped back down as she surprised him and he fumbled to hold onto her. Jack ran out onto the busy school field, acting like a horse with Maddie on his back as she desperately tried to hold onto his hoodie but failed through uncontrollable laugher. I chuckled to myself as their immaturity as Jack swiftly buckled and fell with Maddie to the grass; the rest of us joined them out on the field under the shade of an old oak tree.


Zack demanded before dropped his muscular weight on top of a collapsed Jack and Maddie, the sudden “Umpff” escaping both their lips upon the impact as Me, Allie and Rian soon followed.

“Say no to pile on’s!”

Jack managed to choke out as he struggled for breath; I felt the rumble of everyone laughing beneath me as I dusted my hands off on my black skinnies, before extending a hand out to Allie. She smiled thankfully accepting my offer of help, as I swiftly lifted her up to me; her body colliding with mine once more, only this time more softly.


She mumbled, biting her lip while fiddling with the locket that hung loose around her neck. If she wasn’t a friend already, her necklace fiddling would have really pissed me off right about now.

“For what?”

I questioned raising my brow in such a manner; she looked up at me with her emerald orbs before smiling widely.

“For this!”

She giggled as she pushed her palms forcefully against the tops of my shoulders, evidentially causing me to fall to the floor but not before I grabbed her hand pulling her right down with me; My back colliding with the dry Baltimore grass, tumbling down on top of me Allie’s jet black hair gently tickled the sides of my face as she now lay on top of me.

“I’ll…urgh get off now”

She muttered as the blood rushed into her placid, pale cheeks; Smirking at her on top of me, I wrapped my arms around her thin waist, closing what little gap was left between us as she jumped at my sudden touch.

“What if I don’t want you to?”

“You know you’re not doing much to get rid of this manwhore/dick image”

She winked before she rolled off of my body, suddenly getting lighter; she lay down next to me resting on her elbows slightly for elevation. The others were off playing aimlessly without paying much attention to me and Allie, as they currently were trying to conduct a human pyramid and failing while I and Allie watched on in amusement.
(Quick change in POV)
Sophie POV
“Nicole I’m telling you there’s something going on. I tried it on with him at lunch and her completely rejected me”

I spoke with a much honesty as I could muster in my voice, Nicole eyed me suspiciously before trying to read my facial expression…work out whether I was lying or not.

“Well…something is going to have to be done about it then”

I know I should of told Nicole that it could have been nothing, I knew Alex was probably genuinely friends with this new girl. But hey, I’m allowed to stir up some trouble in little old Baltimore High…it’s what keeps life fresh right?
(Back to Alex)
I and Allie had been talking for a good hour or so and I felt I was getting to know her more every passing second; however I couldn’t help notice the unusual golden camera that hung low off the chain around her neck. Every few minutes she would subconsciously run the chain through her mint green, painted fingers; you would have thought it would be off putting, but I was intrigued. I found out we had similar interests…well a lot, whether it was from music, clothes, hobbies just everything.

But that’s when I Alex Gaskarth had to go and screw it up…

“What’s with the necklace? Any meaning behind it?”

I questioned inquisitively leaning on my side, head held up with my hand as I reached over and rested the golden camera in my palm; Allie was still pretty close and when I felt her body tense at my abrupt question I knew I had stepped into unwanted territory.

“It’s okay you don’t have to tell me…”

I trailed off leaving the next move or comment entirely up to Allie…but I hoped she would tell me, it would feel like she could trust me, that we could have our own little bond. She looked up at me, her emerald eyes searching into my brown ones; she shuffled slightly in an uncomfortable position before opening her mouth ever so.

“I…I would…I just can’t tell you right now, it’s just I only met you this morning and no offence but Maddie only knows because she was there for me. Let me get to know you a bit more and maybe I will tell you eventually, just be patient with me”

She whispered even though nobody was around to hear even if she did speak louder; Her emerald eyes avoided mine instantly, as she nervously picked the grass off of the field. Slowly and cautiously I reached my hand over to hers, grasping it gently and by doing so stopped her picking the grass and in shock…was forced to look at me again.

“I don’t care how long it takes; I’ll be here when you can tell me…I promise”

She looked up at me startled…Yes Alex Gaskarth can be sensitive, caring and I do keep promises especially to my friends. She smiled a “thank you” before coming back with a witty comeback.

“Now why don’t I belie…..FUCK!”

Allie screamed at the top of her voice as a raspberry slush dripped down her hair, face and clothes. My mouth hung open in shock at first, but then frustration as my eyes met with that of the culprit…Nicole.


Nicole sneered at Allie, who was wiping the slush from her face, jumping up to her feet faster than ever, anger rushing through her veins.


She threatened making her way over to Nicole, Nicole’s lean body leering over Allie’s petite frame. Allie raged forward cussing under her breath, as she retracted her fist back just about to lunge forward. Maddie and the rest of the group also making there way over, and without a second to spare I wrapped my arm around Allie’s tiny frame picking her up slightly and bringing her to my chest; Allie feebly tried to break free of my grasp but I was too strong, Nicole laughed before walking away smugly…empty slush cup in hand. Maddie told me to let Allie go, and I did as I was told before Maddie took Allie over to her car to get spare clothes. Yeah Maddie kept spare clothes!


Catching up with the smarmy cheerleader, I hissed at her through clenched teeth.


I demanded anger clouding my judgement as I started to feel slightly flushed in this summer heat, that and my new found anger at Nicole.

“Oh just go and fuck her Gaskarth!”

Nicole shouted in reply… jealously that was the reason she did this, fucking jealously. Sighing loudly I pushed my hands deep in my jeans pockets…Way a go Gaskarth. I definitely didn’t want my mistakes or my life to ever, ever interfere with that of others. Making my way back over to the group, I only spotted Rian, Zack and Jack. Rian laughed to himself before making his way to me, clapping me on the shoulder, raising my eyebrow in confusion I looked at my friend.

“You got two fucking girls fighting!”

He commented, mentally congratulating me. Grinning half heartedly I looked him in the eye before stating,

“It’s because I’m awesome as fuck”

BIG mistake, I heard a slight “urgh” from behind me; turning on my heel I was confronted with a pissed off Allie and an equally displeased Maddie. She looked so fucking amazing that I didn’t even think to register that she had heard my stupid, dumbass, totally messed up comment. I was to busy concentrating on the legs she held behind them green skinnies.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you read all of that give yourself a pat on the back :L i couldn't be bothered splitting it again and to be honest didn't really know where i could split again, so yeah Allie's re-change

Lust or Friendship?
Any ideas about her necklace?

I really hope you guys are enjoying this story, I know I’m not the best of writers but hey.
I noticed this was like 16 pages long, so I had to split it into parts :P

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