Status: On - going, hopefully.



“Cry for me!” Milda screeched into the dark chamber, whip in hand. All the bodies chained to the brick wall were dead and rotting – except for one.

Expecting some kind of response from that one living person, Milda waited. And waited. She continued to wait until no reply came. She limped forward slowly to the only prisoner in Milda’s dungeon who still had a soul. The girl chained to the wall held her head up and brows furrowed trying to look directly into her kidnapper’s eyes, trying to intimidate the old woman; shame her into kidnapping one of the youth. To the girl it seemed almost an impossible task seeing how Milda’s eyes were practically sunk into her skull.

Milda moved closer; close enough that the girl could smell Milda’s rancid breath. She leaned in and wrapped one hand around the girl’s thin neck, feeling her heart beat faster and faster. The corners of her mouth rising. She whispered in her ear, “Cry for me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you guys like it. Let me know what you think, okay?