Status: Completed <3

Qualities a Good Girl Lacks

Summer Lovin'

It's been a week since Mya's incident and she's still none the wiser,we're going to the beach today for Cathy's going away party. But it's only Josh,Cathy, Mya and I. Cathy told me to bring my best friend and as much as I love Eddy, Mya and I are closer than he and I are. We're sitting in the car blasting corny summer music,singing loud and obnoxiously. We've been in the car for about an hour now so the beach isn't too far away. Cathy loves the sunset on beaches so we went a little later than usual. It was already four and we havn't even gotten there yet. We had all of the windows rolled down and I looked over at Mya only to see her sticking her head out of the window,the wind whipping her hair in all directions and a huge smile on her face. I loved this Mya best, the one who laughs and smiles, the real her not the mask she puts up at school. Something happened to her that makes her not want to trust people and I plan on finding out what that was because it's a shame that someone so beautiful inside and out has to hide. It isn't right.

Cathy pulled into the small parking lot and I noticed that everyone was starting to leave and the beach was emptying, leaving only a few surfurs and volley ball players. We got out of the car and stretched, our muscles cramped from the long ride. Cathy grabbed Josh's arm and immediatley pulled him over to the game of volley ball, shouting a quick 'See ya!' over her shoulder. We didn't pack much but I saw Mya pull out a large camera bag.

"What's that for?" I asked,gesturing to the camera bag.

We were on either side of the trunk.

"Pictures." She said dubviously as she pulled the camera out and adjusted the lens.

"I didn't know you were into that." I said,moving over to her side of the car.

"Yeah, I looked this place up and there's this forest on the west side that's supposed to be the definition of epic." She said,lifting the camera to her face and moving the lens around.

"Do you mind if I join?" I asked.

"That was the plan all along Matty." She smirked,walking down the wooden beach steps and heading west.

I jogged a little to catch up with her and and we walked in silence, I took this time to look at what she was wearing. She had dark wash short shorts and an oversized black tee-shirt with a giant white picture of the Earth,but it looked like a girls shirt that they made oversized on purpose, I'll never understand. I looked down at her feet and I realized that she wasnt wearing her heels, but a pair of black and white flip flops.

"You're not wearing your heels." I stated.

"No shit Sherlock, we're at the beach." She said, without looking at me and continuing to trudge through the warm sand.

I didn't make a come back, she was right. Of course she didn't wear them, we are at the beach. I guess it's weird seeing her without them. Without those black heels strapped to her feet she's no longer almost eye level and she now stands at my nose.

A big forest came into view and it had a big opening on the side. There was literally no one on this side of the beach. I looked up to see that Mya was pretty far ahead of me, almost at the entrance of the forest. I ran to her and got there realativley quickly.

Mya immediatley went through the entrance but stopped shortly after,looking up. I followed her eyes and I saw it, the forsest had it's, the vines were stretched over the tops of the trees creating a type of ceiling only letting a minimal amount of light through. She lifted her camera upwards and started snapping pictures from all different angles. We moved forward slowly with out a word, Mya snapping pictures and then moving along. It was so quiet I could hear our steady breath.

This was beautiful and I almost felt that words might tear that apart. We had moved pretty deep into the forest and the sun had started to set. I saw a small rock ledge at the edge of the woods, jutting out. You could see the oceans waves through it, I was going to show Mya but when I looked over at her she was already moving towards it. When I looked closer I saw that it was a type of cliff and we were actually closer to shore then I thought we were, we sat down on the edge and let our feet hang over,the ocean below looked calm and I could see the sun getting ready to set.
Mya snapped a few more pictures before putting her camera back into it's bag and setting it down behind her.

"Matt thanks for bringing me, this place is beautiful." She said quietly, staring at the setting sun.

"It wouldn't have been the same without you." I said, equally as quiet.

She looked at me, and our eyes met. Suddenly I was aware of how close we were to eachother, the smell over her perfume, how gorgeous she looked under the setting of the sun. Her lips parted and I felt my eyes close and body start to lean forward.

"Ahhh!" She screamed.

I was startled and my eyes flashed open to see that Mya was no longer next to me but in the water below. She was splashing around and laughing.

"Come on Matty! Don't be a pansie,come in the water with me!" She called to me.

I shook my head and removed my shirt before jumpng off of the small cliff and into the warm water. I came out from under the water and saw Mya in front of me swimming to shore, I swam after her. She was laughing like crazy and so was I. I finally caught up to her and we swam to shore together, I reached it before her and grabbed her hand pulling her onto the sand with me. We were both on or backs breathing heavily and laughing lightly.

Mya rolled over and propped herself up on her elbows.

"That was fun but now we need to go back to my camera." She smiled.

I brought my hand to my face.

"Agh!" I yelled,causing Mya to laugh and stand up pulling me with her.

"Come on lazy." She said,pulling off her oversized shirt.

Woah. I'd follow her anywhere. He body looked good with clothes on and now with only her bikini top...I diverted my eyes to avoid unessecary embarrassment for being caught staring.
We made our way back to the forest.
"I like that one best." I said,pointing to a picture of Mya and I on the beach.

We were laying side by side in the sand and Mya was holding the camera above us when she snapped the picture.

"I don't know this on looks better to me." She responded.

We were sitting in the back seat of Cathy's car on the way home,well more like I was laying down and Mya was sitting between my legs, leaning against my chest and I was looking at the pictures she took over her shoulder. It was nice. Her pictures were great.
She looked adorable with her hair thrown into it's messy bun and my hoodie over her swim top because her shirt floated away. Today was weird, Mya and I didn't act like best friends we were acting like a couple and it was amazing. I don't know what this means but I'm looking forward to finally finding out. I don't know what's stopping us from being together but it needs to get out of the fucking way. I know I'm part of the problem, but then again so is she. Are we getting our own way, or are just not meant to be together?
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you enjoyed the chapter!
Thank you to my commenters!:
Alexander Gaskarth;
]Pathetic Souvenir;

You guys really do keep me writing!
And another thank you to my readers and subscribers.

I'm working on another story that I'll be posting soon, it shows Mya on tour with Matt and All Time Low except this time it's in Alex Gaskarth's point of view. Comment if you're interested in it and I'll post the link when I put it up. :)