The Rockin' Chair

Nicola may strike you as a typical high school girl with typical teenage blues. She is a middle child and suffering what every middle-child in the world suffers. She's got a perfect princess for a big sister and her genius little sister is just plain annoying. What's worse is that her mom hardly has any time for them. The only thing Nicola can turn to is her MUSIC. After all, it's all that's keeping her sane all these years.

When, they move in to an extravagant new home, Nicola feels strange about the place. Sometimes, she could hear a lonely voice and beautiful music from one of the locked rooms. What troubles her most is that she alone can hear it. Desperate for answers, she decides to solve the mystery. What is in that room? Why does Nicola feel that she has a certain connection to it?
  1. Prologue
    a rockstar is ***ed and was forgotten by all...