Status: Just Starting

They Encourage Your Complete Cooperation

First Day of Junior Year

Gerard’s P.O.V.

Ahh, the great smell of fear, death, and school lunches. I can’t believe the Summer’s over already. I mean the summer fucking sucks, but this means that I have to spend another year being shoved into lockers and bumming it through classes. Luckily I’m not all that friendless, I mean if I had to do the whole highschool thing alone I’d be a one fucked up mess-not that I’m normal. I really am fucked up so it can’t get that much worse. It’s okay though ‘cause I have Mikey and Ray. It’s a pretty solid set up if you ask me but it get’s thrown off a lot. Shit. It’s already 7:20 and I have to get me and Mikey to school. Yeah, me and Mikey are brothers. And if we don’t hurry the fuck up then we’re both going to get detention.
Finally the “comforting” feel of the dirty halls and stench of teenage boys and over perfumed girls. It’s great to be back. Hah, you wish. “Hey faggot! How was your summer?” Great. The perfect start to a perfect day. I hated that guy. “Gerard, where you going?” “Leave me alone, Tom. Fuck off.” Why did they always have to do this. Mikey had already gone to class so I was alone standing by my locker. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get to class without getting a beating from the Brady Bunch a.k.a. Tom’s gang. It’s not really called the Brady Bunch, but their prey usually call it that because they beat on us. Fucking assholes. I mean it wouldn’t be that bad, but from last year’s beatings it looks like it’s going to be tough. Shit. If I run really fast, I bet I could get down a few hallways and to the bathroom to hide. I better try.

Seconds later I was high-tailing it out of that death trap when, “Oh shit! I’m really sorry dude, I didn’t see where I was going.” I can’t believe I just ran into someone. I really must be losing it if I can’t even see where I’m going, due to thinking so many things at once. Wow. He is really hot. I don’t even have words for him. I mean I do. He must be new, I’ve never seen him before. His hair was shaven shorter on the sides of his head and dyes a blondish color, while the middle was long and jagged, shaggier than the rest and dyed jet black. Oh and his lips. They were perfect with that lip ring and the cutest shade of pink. He even has a nose ring. How much better can it get! Great. I must be standing here just staring at him.

“It’s okay, I mean I’m okay, yeah.” His voice was like water flowing down a calm river. He is to die for. “Do you have any idea where room 106 is? I’m new here so I’m kinda lost.” I quickly tried to think of something to say before he thought I had some kind of mental problem. “Yeah, I have that same class it’s in the next hall. Sorry I had to think about that, it’s been a rough morning. Maybe I could take a look at your schedule to see if we have anymore classes together.” He handed it to me and his hand touched mine sending a shockwave throughout my body. Yes! We have all our classes together! “Yeah we have almost all of our classes together including lunch. We should probably get ourselves to class if we don’t want to get in any more trouble than we're already in. “I bet you could say you were showing me around so that we wouldn’t get a detention on our first day of school.” “Thanks,” I’m beginning to like this kid more and more. “By the way, what’s your name?” “My name’s Frank. You?” “My names Gerard. Gerard Way.”
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Hey guys! This is my first chapter of my first ever Frerard story so I hope you like it! I just edited it so it should sound better now, but I'm sorry if it still has some mistakes!