Marked By Love


Getting lost seems to be the only thing I can do around here. Ever since moving down here I have gotten lost walking from my new apartment to just a block down the road to grab some milk I got lost, got off on the wrong floor then later, coming to work the other day to meet up with the coach and GM I walked around the arena for about an hour before the trainer, Bill, found me and took me to where I should be. And now today my first real day for the job has started and I got lost again looking for Bill’s office. Sighing in defeat I look at my watch to notice I have 5 more minutes before I’m late again. Getting here early gave me some more time to look around but now I really needed to get to his office. Looking around I grumble to myself questioning why this always has to happen to me. Not noticing any type of sign to lead me into the right direction I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose and lean back against the wall. Taping my head lightly back against the wall I sigh. “Why didn’t I get his number, I should have known this was going to happen.” Hitting my head a few more times while yelling in my head I feel a tap on my shoulder and a hand slip behind my head to stop my hitting. I let a scream out and jump back from the person.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!”

Shaking my head as I keep my eyes closed feeling my heart rate drop. After a couple of moments I look up shyly to notice two men standing before me. Looking down again in embarrassment I mumble out, “its okay.” Becoming very fascinated with my necklace I feel them looking me over.

“Okay, well umm we were just curious as to why you are down here hitting your head?”

Glancing up at the two men I nibble my bottom lip trying to figure out who they were. “Well I…I…I’m the new assistant athletic trainer. And I am kind of lost and have no clue if I am even near his office.” Looking down again I take notice that I am now late to work and let out a slight groan only to hear chuckles come from the two men. Glancing up I feel the heat on my cheeks get even hotter as I glance down quickly.

“Well welcome,” hearing footsteps coming towards me I feel an arm snake around my shoulders and pull me close, “Me and my buddy would gladly like to help you out and lead you in the right direction.”

“Thank you so much. My name is Ali Pyatt.” Looking down at my watch I groan. “I’m late again….I hope they don’t fire me.” Hanging my head i let a sigh escape my lips. Hearing a snort and chuckle I blush and look up at him.

“You have nothing to worry about it’s your first day so your fine. Also if Bill gives you and shit we will take the blame.”

“Hey I am not taking anymore shit from Bill. You can take is all on your own see ya.” Watching him walk off I look back towards the man who is holding me close.

“Eh we don’t need Brooks. You got me Prince Mike. That’s all you need my beautiful princess.”

Giggling I lean into him as he leads me down hallways I look up at him. “If he gives me any shit he is going to have to be the one to watch out.”

Winking at me he stops outside the athletic doors letting me go. “Well you will always have me little lady. So just yell out Greeny and I’ll come.” Wiggling his eyebrows I let out a giggle and smile.

“I’ll be sure to do that. I should get going before I am even later. And you should probably get ready for the game tonight?”

“Yea I guess so,” rubbing the back of his neck he smiles at me, “I hope you like it here and I’ll see you around.”

“Well I hope I don’t see you in here.” Smiling I wave as he disappears down the hall but before he is completely gone he yells out, “Ali you gonna come out with us to party after the game! Get to know us and have fun.”

Smirking I shake my head. “Well first you have to win there big boy.”

Shaking his head he waves and walks away. Smiling I walk into Bill’s office noticing him smirking at me. “Something wrong?”

“Nope everything is great just don’t get yourself into deep with these guys.” Smiling he gets up.

“Yea I know I get that speech from my brother all the time.” Following him out to where all the equipment is I look around noticing how new everything looks.

“Ahh yea that’s right, your brother, Tom Pyatt.” Smiling at me, he ruffles my hair. “Anyway let’s get stuff ready for some guys. How about you get some bags of ice started up.”

“Sure thing boss.” Smiling I look around and sigh. I can’t believe I am living my dream right now. I never thought I would make it without my brother. giggling to myself as I picture myself working for his team and him popping in every 5 minutes to make sure I am okay and that none of the guys were trying to pick up his baby sister.
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eh it could be much better. but here is the first part i hope you enjoy and this is her outfit

comments would be very very nice :D