Status: rewritten; new

To Write Love On Her Broken Heart

Chapter 1;

I walked into the dressing room of my brother, Ryan, and sat down on the couch. He looked at me with confused eyes but continued putting on his makeup.

"Damn bro. Why do you wear more makeup than the average girl?" I laughed as he flipped me off.

I shrugged and looked at some of the pictures plastered on his wall. Most of them were of him and the band. Brendon, Jon, and Spencer. Then, I saw pictures of all of them including me. Those were the days. Nothing was wrong and it seemed everything I did was right, which was a first on many levels. I sighed and listened as the boys knocked on Ryan's door.

"Its open." I said standing up as they walked in.

" 'Sup Alex?" Brendon asked pulling me into a tight hug that made me want to scream. But, I couldnt. I loved his tight death hugs.

"Not much, Bren. You better lay off the steroids, you could really kill a girl like that." I smiled and he put me in a headlock.

"Oh yeah, you sure about that? Does this hurt?" Brendon looked down at me and I tapped out on his tummy. He let me go and we laughed.

Ryan finished his makeup and turned to look at all of us. He pointed to Brendon and then to the couch.

"Sit your ass down before you kill my sister, ass." Of course he said it jokingly because Brendon and Ryan are like peanutbutter and jelly, cookies and milk, cake and ice cream. Bottom line, they're perfect for each other. Wait..lemme rephrase that..they're the perfect best friends. Okay, that doesn't sound too sexual.

Spencer gave me a hug and then I felt his hip vibrate. I raised my eyebrow and he snapped his fingers.

"You guys, we're on." he kissed the top of my head and so did Jon. They both walked out and Ryan gave me a kiss on the cheek, followed by our secrets handshake which was just us pounding fists and making moose horns. Brendon got close to me and put his chin on top of my head.

"I don't wanna leave you here." I could tell he was pouting just because that's what he tends to do when he whines like that.

"You gotta go, Brenny. People paid good money to see a show and goddamn you never let your fans down. Now, go out there and work it." He chuckled and left the room. I thought he went on stage so I plopped down on the couch, staring at my black sweatpants. Brendon came back in with one of the costumes for the stage girls.

"Dance with me."

I've never turned down a dancing offer.

I changed in front of him, not really caring, and ran onstage with him. I got next to Misty and waited for the first song to start.
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This was my story on Quizilla but I'm rewriting some of them to make them more interesting.