Status: In the process

I Know You're The One

Chapter 3

I wanted to throw my phone off a balcony; they seemed to be classy to throw things out of. Why was it being so obnoxious at 7 in the morning? It was vibrating uncontrollably from under my pillow. I groaned sleepily and fished it out.

"Hello." I answered.

"Good morning to my bestest friend in the world." My best friend Addelyne's cheerful voice came from the other line. "Were you sleeping?"

"Yes, Addy," I answered. "It's only about to be seven thirty here."

"I'm sorry. I forgot." She said. I knew she had. We weren't used to having different time zones.

I had known Addelyne since freshman year of high school. I didn't know anyone else and she noticed as I sat by myself in science. She sat in the table with me and started a conversation about the horrible Arizona heat in the middle of August. That's how our friendship started.

After high school, we moved in together. We both had well-paid jobs and rent in Arizona was not expensive at all. We managed a four bedroom house without a problem. It felt lonely sometimes since it was only us two, but we didn't complain.

"It's okay." I answered, stretching in my bunk. "How are you?"

"I'm alright. Lonely." I could hear her pout through the phone.

"Awe, I'm sorry Addy." I whispered.

"Don't be." She chuckled. "You're working."

"I miss you." I said. And I did miss her. I was so used to having her around every day of my life.

"I miss you, too." She answered. "Just come home soon and have the boys over for lunch."

I chuckled softly. She was the obsessed fan. When she found out I had a date with Garrett, I almost had to drive her to the hospital. Imagine her reaction when our relationship was official. We spent the night in the ER. Her asthma was going to kill ME one day.

"So how are things between you and Garrett?"

"Amazing like always." I smiled.

"I love that you're happy, Kenz, but I don't want him to hurt you for being a rockstar."

"I know you're worried, but I'm keeping my guard up." I answered.

"Alright, I'm going to let you sleep now." She said.

"That's awfully nice of you." I rolled my eyes.

"Bye!" She laughed and we hung up. I sighed and cuddled back onto my sheets. I couldn't go back to sleep though. As quiet as I could be, I slid out of my bunk and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

Ten minutes later, I was sitting in the couch with my MacBook on my lap. My legs were crossed Indian style with my soft pj pants. I was only wearing a spaghetti strap that stuck to my body, so I was cold now. I wrapped the blanket we usually keep on the couch around my shoulders, sinking into the warmth. After 20 minutes of mindlessly staring at my computer screen, my eyelids began to drop. I shut it off and placed it on the table before sitting back in the couch. I brought my legs up to my chest and snuggled into the blanket.


Garrett POV

I slid out of my bunk and stretched. I noted the curtain of Mackenzie's bunk was open and she wasn't inside. I washed my face and brushed my teeth in the familiar small bathroom before walking to the front of the bus. Mackenzie was asleep on the couch. She didn't look to comfortable in a sitting position. I sat down and lay her down so her head rested on my lap. She stirred and looked up at me with tired eyes.

"Garrett?" she whispered, rubbing her eyes.

"It's okay. You can keep sleeping." I said, stroking her hair. She turned on her side so she was facing me and smiled before closing her eyes. I felt her breathing calm when she fell asleep again. I turned on the tv and settled to watch Good Morning America.

"Well, what happened here?" Jared said sleepily as he sat in the opposite couch.

"I woke up and she was sleeping here." I answered.

"Are you sure we won't have to disinfect the couch because you guys couldn't calm your hormones?" Pat asked and sat next to Jared.

"Shut the fuck up, Kirch." I rolled my eyes.

"Just stating a true fact." He shrugged.

"Good morning, pancies." John said.

"Says the man whore who likes to drink a lot." Kennedy said from behind him and John gave him the bird.

"Good thing you're all awake." Max said. "It's time for a meeting."

"About what?" Jared asked.

"Tim called," max started, leaning against the table. "He booked the European tour."

"No way!" John said happily. Max nodded and we cheered. This meant so much to us. Finally heaving a UK and European headlining tour was such an amazing dream.

"There's only three more days of this tour. Then we go home for a week and leave to Hawaii. We have a 3 week break after that before we set out to Europe." Max said as he looked through his planner.

"Sounds good." Pat answered.

I felt a tug on the hem of my shirt. I glanced down to Mackenzie still sleeping on my lap and now she had a soft grip on my shirt.

"Kenzie?" I whispered, wondering if she was awake. When she didn't answer, I lay my hand on her hair and soothed her. She seemed tense. She eased to my touch and gave a soft sigh.

"Would Mackenzie want to come?" Aaron asked.

"I hope so. She's been a great help." Max added.

What if she didn't want to? We were going across the world for a few weeks. She would be away from her friends and family for a longer period of time, but I wanted her to come. This made me feel horrible. Would I have the nerve to ever beg her to come with us and leave her loved ones behind? She would probably slap me and then ask to never see me again. I sighed. Suddenly, Mackenzie sat up with a scream. Her chest heaved as she tried to control her breathing.

"Kenz? Are you alright?" I asked. She turned to look at me. Her expression was relieved, glad to see me there.

"Y-yeah. It was just a nightmare." She answered. It sounded as if she was reassuring herself.

"It’s okay." I assured, wrapping my arms around her waist and picked her up to sit on my lap. She dug her face on the crook of my neck, her warm breath sending chills down my spine.

"Do you remember what it was about?" Pat asked her.

"No, it was one of those I-just-had-a-nightmare-and-forgot-what-it-was-about." She answered, rubbing her eyes.

"Besides that, how come you were asleep on the couch?" John asked with cereal in his mouth.

"Addy woke me up at 7 in the morning. She forgot we had different time zones." Kenzie yawned.

"Do you want to sleep a little more?" I whispered. She nodded and snuggled her face against the crook of my neck again. I smiled and stroke her cheek with my thumb.

After an hour, Mackenzie woke up and started drawing circles on my neck with her fingertips. This simple touch sent chills down my back.

"Come on," I said. "I'm taking you out to eat as soon as we get to the venue."

She pressed her lips against mine and walked off to change. I followed close behind.

"Watch what you two do back there." I heard Pat say as I closed the door of the back room.

I turned around and felt my cheeks blush. Mackenzie stood there, pulling on a clean pair of black skinnies and just her bra. I walked over and twined my fingers through her belt loops, pulling her closer. She grinned and pressed her lips against mine. Each time I kissed her, it sent chills down my back. She wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. I had never felt like this about someone, especially after the one I don't speak about hurt me. I had learned to keep my guard up and not let anyone into my heart. Mackenzie had changed that, though. She had someone found her way in with her great personality. I never regretted standing here with her, her soft warm lips against mine.

"Not in the back room, guys." Max said though the door. "We’re here by the way."

We finished changing and stepped out of the bus. A few girls in the line called me over as Mackenzie and I started walking away. I waved at them and kept walking. I felt bad, but I would stop and talk to them after. Right now it was my time with Mackenzie. I glanced over at her through my sunglasses and she seemed to be lost in thought.

"What’s wrong, Kenzie?" I asked.

"I'm just thinking about that nightmare I had." she answered.

"What was it about?"

"You guys were leaving to Europe for tour and you felt disgusted to take me with you and took someone else." She explained. "It happened after I heard max telling you guys about it. Then I fell asleep again."

"Of course I want you to come with us, Kenz. I would never pick someone else over you or not want you around me." I assured her, giving her hand a soft squeeze.


"Do you want to come with us?" I asked and she nodded. I was glad she wanted to come. There wouldn't have to be a goodbye between us.

There wasn’t anything too fancy around, so we settled for Chipotle. She assured me she was fine with it as long as we were there together. I carried our tray over to a table at a corner after paying. I pulled the chair out for her and pushed it in as she sat. She thanked me as I sat.

“I kind of feel bad about leaving Addy. I’m always worried that she’ll have a strong asthma attack and will need help.” Mackenzie said. Crap, I had forgotten about Addelyne’s situation.

“Ask her to come along.” I answered and she chocked on her soda. I patted her back softly. “Are you okay?” I chuckled.

“I’m good.” She cleared her throat. “Addy in Europe? She’ll be running around drunk every night through the cities since we’re allowed to drink. Not that she cares that she can’t here. I wouldn’t doubt it if we all get banned.”

“Calm down, Kenzie.” I chuckled. “Would you want her to come?”

“I don’t know what the right answer should be.” She admitted and I laughed. I grabbed her hand and gazed into her eyes.

“We won’t get banned from any city.” I assured her. She still looked doubtful. “I promise. She’ll be okay and we have no problem if she comes along.”

“Are you sure?” She asked, easing up to the idea.

“Positive.” I smiled, giving her hand a soft squeeze.

When we finished eating, we walked around the small outdoor main street hand in hand. We went into a few thrift stores, but we weren’t really looking for anything specific, just killing time. Around 3, we walked back to the bus. A few girls yelped and called out, but I wanted to try and take an hour nap. I waved and promised to hang out after. I followed Mackenzie into the bus and the guys were enjoying an acoustic session.

“How was lunch?” Aaron asked.

“Yummy.” Kenzie smiled.

“Guess who’s coming to Europe with us?” I asked. The guys cheered, knowing I meant Kenzie was. “I told her that it was okay if she brought Addy along to make sure she wouldn’t have any asthma attacks while she was away with us or anything.”

“That sounds great.” Pat said.

“I’ll have them make an extra laminate.” Max stated.

“One?” Kenzie asked.

“Yeah, yours was asked to be made along with ours, just in case you did want to come along.” Max answered.

“You’re welcome to always tour with us.” John added.

“Would you like to be our permanent photographer, second tour manager, and tour mom?” Kennedy asked.

“Really?” Kenzie asked with a bright smile, looking at each of us, giving her reassuring nods. “Of course, I’ll be glad to.”

I twined my finger through her belt loop and pulled her closer to me. I glanced into her eyes, wrapping my arms around her waist, as she wrapped her arms around my neck and tangled her fingers through my hair.

“Weren’t you going to take a nap?” She asked, her lips grazing over mine.

“Would you join me?” I asked, kissing the corner of her mouth.

“Stop teasing each other and make out already.” Jared yelled.

“You guys really know how to ruin a moment.” I rolled my eyes. Kenzie chuckled against my shoulder. I pulled her along with me to the back room and closed the door. We lay in the comfortable leather couch facing each other. My hand rested over her waist as she stroke my hair, making me doze off into sleep.

After a great hour and a half nap, Kenzie and I were woken up by her phone. It was time to start loading into the venue. As we load in, her and Max were settling things with the owner about fans who had VIP.

While we were finally performing, I couldn’t help but keep on glancing over at Mackenzie who stood taking pictures of us from between the barricade and stage. I was happy that she would take on the job of touring with us all of the time. Back home before we knew Dirk wasn’t touring with us, I hated dropping her off at home and saying goodbye. It took us about an hour to actually break apart from hugs and kisses, and actually depart. It was too hard. Sometimes, I would even sleep over, or she would stay over at my place. Just the thought of waking up to her beautiful frame under my warm covers with me made me smile.

“I swear that this kid’s bass playing skills increase with happiness and love.” John told the crowd through the mike.

“How about you shut up and continue the set, O’Callaghan?” I rolled my eyes.

“Alright, love bird.” He teased. I threw him a pick but he just laughed and continues the set.

After the show, Mackenzie was already in the green room waiting for us. She handed us each clean towels and cold water.

“That was a great show, guys.” She said as we dropped onto the couch.

I twined my fingers through hers and pulled her down to sit on my lap. I was always worried that she wouldn’t want to touch me when I was drenched in sweat, but she would be the first one jumping on my back after our sets. She always told me that it didn’t disgust her. Nothing I did bothered her. To her, I was perfect. She saw me for who I was, and that’s how I had fallen so hard for her, because she loved me for me. Not the bass player from The Maine. Hell, she didn’t even know who I was when we first met.

“Gare, what are you thinking about?” She whispered, pulling me back into reality.

“You.” I smiled, pressing my lips against hers. “I’m always thinking about you.”

“Hmm, I guess we’re always thinking about each other, then.” She said against my lips, wrapping her arms around my neck and knotting her fingers through my sweaty hair.

We cleaned up and changed into non sweated clothes so we could go out to the meet and greet. The line was extremely long again, but we didn’t care. We enjoyed meeting every single person who came out to our shows. We did this for free. No charge to meet us. Fuck that. Why would we want to charge our supporters to talk to us? Whoever did was wrong in the head.

Meet and greet ended around midnight and we made it back in the bus. After changing into our pjs, I tucked Mackenzie into her bunk like I did every night and stayed there stroking her hair until her eyelids started to drop. I kissed her one last time before closing the curtain of her bunk and climbing onto my bunk, falling asleep the second my head hit my pillow.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! Mackenzie's going to tour with them permanently. Also, what awaits for them in Europe? Good or bad? Will Addelyne really get them band from every city? Gotta wait and see. Hehe ;)
I hope you guys enjoy. I will update as much as possible, but I still haven't gotten much feedback on this story :(