Status: In the process

I Know You're The One

Chapter 4

"Passengers, please buckle your seatbelts and prepare for take off."

Why were they so alarmed about us putting on our seatbelts? Were they planning to purposely drive the plane into the ocean? I needed to get out of that seat as soon as I had the chance. But I couldn't. I couldn't just drop touring with the guys. I couldn't just leave Garrett.

"Kenz, if you grip the arm rest any tighter, you're going to rip it off." I heard Pat from my left.

I opened my eyes. I sat in between Garrett and Pat, trying to calm my breathing. Garrett carefully undid my death grip from the seat and twined his fingers through mines.

"It's okay, Kenzie." He whispered. I tightened the seatbelt around my waist. He and Pat chuckled.

"You weren't this nervous when we flew to Hawaii." said Pat.

"I don't know why I'm worst this time." I admitted.

"I told you to eat breakfast." Addy said from the seat in front of me. She sat in between Kennedy and Jared, while John sat behind us with Max and Aaron.

"You didn't eat breakfast?" Garrett asked.

"I didn't feel good due to the fact that Addy decided to try something new with last night's dinner." I eyed her evilly.

"Hey, you slept like a baby in the bathroom. You didn't have to eat it if you didn't like it. You're too nice." Addy answered defensively.

"You slept on the floor?" Kennedy asked.

"Whenever I tried to go to bed, I would get nauseous again.” I explained.

"And that's where I found her this morning." Addy stated.

I felt the plane start to back out when the time hit three in the morning and I squeezed Garrett's hand.

"Don't break Garrett's hand," Pat said. "There's no way we can replace him."

Garrett lifted the arm rest between us and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Help me keep my mind off of it." I whispered.

"How come you didn't tell me you were sick? I would have gone over and took care of you." He whispered back.

"I didn't want to worry you." I answered.

"Kenzie, I'm always going to worry about your health. It would have been alright if you would have called me. I would have sped over to your house and sat right there with you." He said, stroking my hair.

"I'm sorry."

"There's no need to apologize, love." He whispered and kissed my head. "Open your eyes."

I opened my eyes and the airplane was already flying thousands of feet off the ground. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Better?" Addy asked when the seatbelt signal shut off.

"Yeah." I nodded, snuggling back against Garrett. None of us barely slept since we had to be at the airport before 11 pm. I was the first to fall asleep since I spent the night with my toilet and the cold tiled floor.


I wanted to punch whoever was shaking me. I still felt like utter crap and I just wanted to sleep it off.

"Come on, Kenz. Time to wake up." A voice said with another shake of my shoulder. I groaned and opened my eyes. Pat was the one trying to wake me up. He smiled. "How do you feel?"

"Like pushing Addy off the plane." I answered, sitting up on my seat.

"Hey!" Addy whined. "I'm sorry! Next time you'll cook then."

"Deal." I answered.

"You slept throughout the whole flight. I was afraid you had fallen into a coma because of Addy. I was ready to avenge you." Garrett chuckled.

"Were you guys able to sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah, we woke up two hours ago, though." he answered, wrapping his arm around my shoulders again. "Do you feel better?"

"A bit." I answered.

"Passengers, please take a seat, buckle your seatbelts, and be ready for landing."

I buckled my seatbelt and gripped Garrett's hand again. As the airplane landed and started to slow, I kept my eyes shut tight.

“We’re here.” Garrett whispered in my ear when the plane finally parked and people started standing up to grab their bags on the overhead compartments.

“Welcome to Paris. The temperature outside is 32 degrees and clear skies surround us.” The pilot spoke.

We grabbed our bags and stepped into the airport. Garrett and I walked behind everyone as we made our way to retrieve our bags. We waited about 30 minutes for all of us to have our luggage and 30 more outside looking for our ride. A man with short white hair around the age of 55 held a sign that read The Maine.

“Bonjour to Paris. My name is Moseuir Ponce.” The man said. We introduced ourselves and packed our bags into the van. Inside, I had to sit on Garrett’s lap since our luggage took most of the space.

I watched the beautiful city flash by outside. We were in the city of love. Somewhere I never expected to come to, and I was glad that I was here with the love of my life. I gave his hand a soft squeeze. He kissed the back of my neck, his warm breath sending chills down my back. The van parked a few minutes in front of a tall building. We unloaded the van and grabbed our luggage.

“Will you be leaving?” I asked Moseuir Ponce.

“No, I am staying here to tour you all around. A bus will be here tomorrow morning to take over, but until then, I am your driver.” He answered.

“Thank you. We’ll be down as soon as possible.” I smiled and walked back to Garrett who was waiting for me at the entrance.

“Is there anyone who you don’t get along with?” Garrett asked, kissing my head.

“Yeah, airplanes or Addy’s cooking.” I chuckled.

“Those are things.” Garrett chuckled and kissed me.

We all took the elevator to the seventh floor after checking in. Kennedy and Addy were in the same room as Garrett and I. We stepped into the cold room and settled our luggage down. Everyone jumped onto the beds, but I walked over to the window and opened the curtain. We had the perfect view of the Eiffel tower just a few streets away.

“Garrett.” I called. He walked over and stood by my side, wrapping his arms around my waist. “It’s beautiful.”

“Not as beautiful as you.” He whispered and pressed his lips against mine.

“Please tell me you guys won’t be getting down and dirty.” Addy said.

“Of course we wouldn’t do that with you guys here.” I answered.

“Don’t.” She stated and I rolled my eyes.

Everyone changed fast so we could meet Moseuir Ponce downstairs. I slid on my boots over my skinnies and threw my black leather jacket on over a white tank top. I glanced over at Garrett who was wearing a hoddie over his jean jacket. I loved the way he dressed. It was adorable. After sliding my bag across my chest and grabbing my camera, I took Garrett’s awaiting hand and we set out.

This time, we all had enough space to sit in the van since there wasn’t any luggage in our way. First, Moseuir Ponce drove us to the Eiffel tower. He parked across and we walked over to the monument. It was beautiful. I took a few pictures of the guys by the tower and Ponce took a picture of all of us. Pat took my camera and took a picture of Garrett and I kissing with the tower in the background. Garrett also took a few pictures of us with his phone.

I was concentrating on taking the perfect picture. I had perfect lighting and angle, but some idiot decided to speed walk and walk into my shoulder, ruining my angle.

“Thank you, prick.” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t play when it came to my photography.

“I am so sorry.” A boy around Garrett’s height and age with chocolate brown eyes, said with a thick accent.

“It’s alright.” I sighed.

“Are you a photographer?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“Coincidence, so am I.” He smiled and stretched his hand out to me. “I’m Vic.”

“Mackenzie.” I said, shaking his hand.

“Vous American?” He asked. I understood what he said.

“Oui.” I answered.

“Would you allow me to take you out to dinner as an apology?” He asked.

“Sorry, I have a boyfriend.” I answered, with Garrett just a few feet away, grinning.

“I Don’t!” Addy yelled.

“It was great meeting you, but I have to hurry. I hope to see you again.” He said and sped away again. I turned to see Addy’s mouth literally hanging to the ground. The guys were snickering.

“I’m sorry about that.” I whispered as Garrett wrapped his arms around me.

“It’s not your fault.” He grinned. “I love the way that sounded by the way.”

“Calling you my boyfriend?” I asked and he nodded. “But that’s what you are.”

“I know, but it sounded adorable.” He answered against my lips.

“I seriously expected more make out sessions since we’re in the city of love.” Aaron said.

“You guys really do know how to ruin a moment.” Garrett stated.

“Yupp, it’s our specialty.” Jared answered.

For the rest of the day, Moseuir Ponce drove us around Paris and we visited a few museums and sights. We ate in an amazing French restaurant and now we headed to a club near the hotel that Abby and Kenny had researched about. I hated to go to clubs back home, I wouldn’t like it in a foreign country. I tagged along, though. I didn’t want to ruin our day off together.

The club was packed as the music blasted off the speakers, literally making the floor shake. I held on tight to Garrett’s hand as we made our way through the mass of people. We found an empty table and settled down. The guys and Addy ordered drinks the second waiter came.

“Come on, Kenz. Let lose for tonight. Have a drink here since we can’t back home.” Addy yelled over the music. I hated drinking. I found it unnecessary since it made people act stupid.

“Fine, just one drink.” I sighed. I ordered something that I wouldn’t taste the disgusting taste of alcohol.

“Are you sure?” Garrett asked. He knew my tolerance about alcohol.

“It’ll make Addy shut up and I’ll only have something small.” I assured him. He pulled my stool closer to him and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Everyone left to dance before their drinks arrived. Garrett and I stayed at the table since neither of us enjoyed dancing very much.

“Today was interesting.” He said, his lips on mines.

“Is still interesting.” I edit. “Look at Addy and Kenny go.”

We both looked over to where everyone was dancing. Kenny and Addy were dancing with each other with their second drinks in hand. John was dancing with some random chick while Max, Aaron, Jared, and Pat danced with each other.

“I think there’s something between them.” Garrett noted.

“Ah, yet we agree with something else.” I smiled. Garrett laughed and brought his lips to mine again. It didn’t bother me that his lips tasted like beer, just because it was him.

“Do you want to go back to the hotel?” he asked

“Yes, please.” I smiled, kissing him again.

After informing the others that we were leaving, and them not caring, we walked back to the hotel. As we stood in the elevator, Garrett pulled me close to him and moved his lips through my neck and shoulder.

“Gare, we’re here.” I said when the doors started opening to the seventh floor. His trail of kisses left my legs to feel like jello.

“Are you drunk?” He chuckled, helping me to our room.

“Most definitely not. Not out of just one drink. I’m just intoxicated from your kisses.” I answered as he closed the door behind us.

“Interesting.” He grinned, kissing me even more intensely when we were in the comfort of our room. My back pressed against the wall as his chest pressed against mine.

I hastily took of his jean jacket and hoddie without breaking the kiss. His hands removed my jacket and then they wrapped around my waist again. I pulled off his shirt, ending the kiss just for a second so I could lift the shirt over his head.

“Fuck,” I whined. “Why are you wearing so many clothes?”

He chuckled against my lips as I unbuckled his belt. He kicked off his shoes and lifted my shirt over my head, throwing it aside. We walked back to the bed, and the second the back of my leg touched the mattress, I climbed back into it with Garrett following me, his lips on mine the whole time. I unbuttoned his pants before I lay on my back on the bed and he shook his pants of. He grinned and pressed his lips against my neck, leaving a trail of kisses back up to my lips. He unbuttoned my pants I helped him shake them off before he threw them off the bed.

“What if Kenny and Addy come back?” I asked, breathless.

“It’s early. They’ll be there for a while.” He answered, his breaths shallow as well. His soft lips pressed against mine again and I grabbed each side of his face as his arms grabbed my hips, pulling me up to him.

“Gare, I love you.” I whispered, my forehead against his as our warm breaths blew against each other’s faces.

“As I love you.” He smiled, kissing my nose before we finally got to the fun part.

After a while, he dropped onto the bed next to me as we both tried to catch out breaths. We lay on each other’s arms with the warm blankets over us. I had grabbed the button down shirt he was wearing and put it on in case anyone came in. We lay facing each other and Garrett stroke my cheek with his thumb softly, as his face had my favorite crooked smile. It was one in the morning when we finally fell asleep, and no one had come back yet, but I happily fell asleep in my love’s arms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Paris huh? And that Vic guy was a bit too friendly. What will happen next?
I hope you enjoy :)