Status: In the process

I Know You're The One

Chapter 5

I could feel someone’s warm breath on my face as I slept. At first, I thought it was Garrett, but I could feel my back pressed against his chest and his arm was draped over my waist. I opened my eyes to see Addy’s sleeping face just a few inches away from mine. I screamed and sat up, covering myself with the blankets. Everyone jumped at my scream. Abby fell off the bed and onto the floor while Garrett sat up behind me. Kennedy sat up on the other bed too, and he was rubbing the sleep from his eyes now.

“Are you insane?” Addy asked, standing up from the floor. “Why do you have to be so loud? Some of us have hangovers.”

“Well, I’m sorry that you scared the crap out of me.” I answered. “What the hell were you doing sleeping next to me, by the way?”

“I don’t know, Kenz. I was drunk.” She answered. She really did look like crap. I guessed she hadn’t even managed to change out of last night’s clothes.

“We came in around three in the morning and found a bunch of clothes thrown around.” Kenny stated, giving Garrett and I an ‘I know what you did’ face. “I tried to get Addy into bed, but she insisted that she had something to tell you. She tried to wake you up, but she fell asleep right next to you. She kicked me when I tried to wake her up.”

“I’m sorry.” Addy said, embarrassed.

“Poor Kennedy. You’re such a violent drunk, Addy.” Garrett chuckled.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Addy said before covering her mouth and running to the bathroom.

“Addy!” I called, getting out of bed. I was glad to still be wearing Garrett’s button down shirt. I ran after Addy to the bathroom. She was bent over the toilet, puking. I sat down on the bath tub next to her and picked up her hair. “Are you okay?”

“I feel like shit.” She said, flushing the toilet and sitting back against my legs.

“How much did you drink last night?” I asked, tying her long black hair into a messy bun.

“I lost count after about the fifth cup.” She admitted.

“I don’t want to guess exactly how much.” I sighed. “Do you remember what you wanted to tell me?”

“Not really.” She groaned, annoyed with her blank hungover mind.

“How’s it going?” Kenny asked, standing by the door.

“Like I have the worst hangover in history.” Addy answered.

“Where’s Garrett?” I asked.

“Putting some clothes on.” He answered, crossing his arms over his chest, and raising an eyebrow.

“Wait…You guys did it last night and I slept next to you? And you were both naked?” Addy asked with a shocked expression.

“Uhh…” I blushed. “Not really naked. I’m wearing Garrett’s shirt.”

“Oh my god.” She said before puking again.

“You say it as if you’re not sexually active, too.” I rolled my eyes, standing up. I wasn’t mad, but she exaggerated too much. “Can you take care of her, Kenny?”

“Sure.” He winked and took my spot, stroking Addy’s back.

Garrett was just throwing a white t-shirt on when I saw him. He had put on his sweat pants already, and now I felt underdressed. His hair was tossed around, leaving me breathless. He saw me and smiled.

“How is she?” He asked as he wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face on his chest.

“There, puking her life away.” I answered and he chuckled.

“Do you want to sleep a bit more?” He asked.

“I’m wide awake now.” I sighed and looked up at him. “How about you?”

“Same,” He shook his head, and grinned. “Unless you want to go cuddle and watch a movie for a while.”

“Sounds great.” I grinned back. “How about another shower session later?”

“Hmm, I like your plans better.” He smiled, his lips meeting mine. He pulled me down to the bed under the covers. He wrapped his arm around me and flipped through the channels. There weren’t many since vacations were meant to tour around, not watch tv, and every single channel was in French. He settled for a random French movie. I knew which one it was, though. It was called Les Miserables. I had watched it in French class back in my senior year of high school.

“You’ve actually watched this, Kenz?” Garrett asked. My cheek rested against his chest now and his smooth heartbeat vibrated through his skin.

“I actually have and it’s a great movie.” I answered.

“Are you two dressed?” Addy asked, throwing her body on the other bed. Kennedy covered her with the blanket and lay next to her.

“Garrett is.” I grinned and she groaned. “Now shut up and let us watch the movie.”

The movie ended and I tugged Garrett’s hang out of bed. We grabbed our clothes before locking the bathroom door behind us. When I turned around, Garrett surprised me by pressing his lips against mine. His hands grabbed my waist and my back pressed against the door. A roar escaped from his throat, making me chuckle against his lips. He took off his shirt and threw it aside.

He walked backwards and I followed him, our lips never separating. He turned on the water of the shower so it could start warming up. His fingers moved up and he undid the buttons of his shirt that I was wearing. He slowly slid it off of my body and I stepped back into the bath tub. I grinned and waved him over with my finger before closing the curtain. I could hear him throw off his sweatpants, and ten seconds later he moved the curtain and stepped inside with a grin.

I bit my bottom lip as I let the warm water fall on my hair. I twined my fingers through his and pulled him closer so he was under the water too. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I ran my fingers through his wet hair. He chuckled as I washed his hair with the coconut scented shampoo. Then, he helped me with mines.

“Are you ready for the show tonight?” I asked as he scrubbed my hair.

“Yeah, a bit nervous.” He answered.

“How come?”

“It’s our first show over here. What if no one shows up?”

“Gare, we’re here for a reason. People WANT to see you guys perform. I know you guys are going to do amazing in these shows, just like you always do.” I assured him.

“Suddenly, I’m not so nervous anymore.” I could hear the smile on his voice.

I smiled and kissed his neck. I left a trail of kissed through his shoulders and back. He turned around and eagerly pressed his lips against mine. I returned the kiss, sinking into him. He kissed down my jaw and stopping on my neck. His teeth softly bit into my skin as he sucked on the spot. I was definitely going to have a hickey.

“Gare, I have to make sure the bus is almost here.” I said breathless. He whined, pressing his lips against mine. “I’m sorry.”

Garrett somehow managed to wrap both of us with one towel. He smelled of tropical coconut, but I guessed we both did. After drying ourselves, we changed into warm clothes since the weather was going to be colder. We stepped out of the bathroom and Kennedy was watching tv while Addy still slept through her hangover.

“That was a long shower.” Kenny grinned and I blushed. While he went to shower Garrett and I blow dried our hairs.

“Let me check if Max and everyone else are awake.” I said when I finished with my hair. I stepped out of our room and knocked on the next door one.

“Hey! Good morning, Kenz.” Jared said happily when he opened the door.

“I’m guessing you’re not hungover.” I noted as I walked into their room. John was passed out under the bed sheets and so was Max. Pat and Aaron were on their computers and watching tv.

“The only one not hungover here is Pat. Plus you and Garrett.” Jared answered.

“Addy puked her guts out this morning. She’s passed out in bed now.” I said.

“Wow. She did have a lot to drink last night.” Aaron said.

“Guys, can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Anything.” Max answered, his voice muffled by the bed sheets.

“Can you guys watch over Addy for me when she drinks and I’m not around?” I asked.

“Of course.” Pat smiled.

“And please, take care of each other.” I added.

“Always.” Jared answered, giving me a hug.

“You guys rest up. I’m going to find out where the bus is.” I said. “Shower and gather your things.”

“Yes, mother.” John groaned.

“Drunk.” I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me. I opened the door to the other room. Garrett was laying down in bed on his MacBook. He smiled when he spotted me and patted the spot on the bed next to him. I snuggled against him and called the bus driver. He was an hour away and would call when he was downstairs. I text Max the information and he replied with an “OKAYYYYYYYYYYYY”. I showed Garrett and we both laughed. Kennedy stepped out of the shower now dressed skinny jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. It was time to wake up Addy, now.

“I don’t want to get kicked again.” Kenny stepped back.

“Fine, I’ll wake her up.” I said and jumped on the bed. “Wake up, you drunk!”

“Go away, Mackenzie.” Addy groaned against her pillow.

“Addelyne Mae, wake up. You need to shower before the bus gets here.” I said, throwing the blankets off of her. She groaned. “I’ll drag you into the tub.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” She said against her pillow. I looked at Kennedy and nodded. He grinned and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder. I heard her yelling as I ran to the bathroom and turned on the shower. Kenny came in with Addy a few seconds later. “I was kidding, Kenz! Please set me down, Kenny.”

“Fine, set her down.” I sighed.

“No fair.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Shower. Now.” I said before leaving the bathroom with Garrett and Kennedy. The three of us picked up our things as Addy showered. She came out of the bathroom a few minutes later and stuck out her tongue at me.

I called Max to make sure they were ready and they were almost done picking up their things and they were all showered and dressed. I received a call from the driver 20 minutes later and he was downstairs. I half ran downstairs. Right outside the entrance of the hotel, there was a big tour bus parked and a man around the age of 40 stood by the door.

“Are you Mr. Dey?” I asked.

“Yes, I’m guessing your one of the tour managers?” He extended his hand.

“Yeah, Mackenzie.” I smiled and shook his hand.

“Please call me Charles.” He smiled back.

“Alright, we’ll be down in 15 minutes.” I said and left upstairs again. Everyone was already gathering their luggage in the hallway.

“He’s here?” Max asked.

“Yeah, I told him we would be down in 15 minutes.” I answered.

“I’m going to head downstairs and check out.” Max said. “Be downstairs”

Everyone finished gathering their things five minutes later and we headed downstairs. Garrett kept coughing a bit and clearing his throat in the elevator.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Just a little itch in my throat.” He assured me. I wrapped my arms around him and dug my face against his chest. I felt his lips press against my hair and I smiled.

Max was ready by the time we gathered around in the lobby. Charles helped us pack the luggage into the outside compartments and we settled inside the warm bus. Everyone still complained about their hangovers, and Garrett and I were getting pretty annoyed, so we sent everyone to their bunks to sleep. We cuddled together watching a movie while the bus drove us to the venue. The bus stopped 20 minutes later and we peeked out the window. There were a lot of people in line by now.

“I told you people wanted to see you guys.” I told Garrett. He grinned and kissed me.

“We should wake up everyone so we can go get some breakfast. Maybe then their hangover will ease.” He said.

We woke up everyone after many complaints and climbed out of the bus a few minutes after. We walked down the street to a French café and settled to eat inside since it was cold outside.

“It’s unbelievable to see people outside waiting for us in this weather.” John said.

“Especially in a foreign country.” Kenny added.

“Like I told Garrett, we’re here because people obviously want to see you guys as much as any other person back home.” I said.

“Always the psychologist.” John said. I’m not sure why but he sounded sarcastic. I let it go.

After eating, we made our way back to the venue. We sat in the green room for a bit as the guys’ things were being set up. At five, we went to the stage to start soundcheck. They didn’t have any VIP packages for this tour so everyone would be let in at 6.

I noted Addy sitting in a stool at the bar with her head down and a drink on her hand. I walked over.

“Still with a hangover?” I asked, sitting in the stool next to her.

“No, it’s gone now.” She answered, sitting up.

“And you’re already drinking?” I eyed the cup in her hand.

“It’s coke. I needed some caffeine and sugar in my bloodstream.” She answered.

“Why did you have your head down?” I asked.

“I remembered what I was supposed to tell you.” She answered.

“Well, spill.”

“Kennedy kissed me last night at the club.” She answered, and my jaw dropped.

“Kenny kissed you?” I asked and she nodded. “Why wouldn’t you be happy about that?”

“Because, he’s a rockstar. He was probably just drunk and since I was too, he found it easy and went for it.” She shrugged.

“Really Addy?” I sighed. “I’m with Garrett. He’s in the same band as Kenny. He’s not the type of guy to do that. He wasn’t as drunk as you were. He’s way too nice to play you.”

“I don’t what to do now.” She admitted.

“Talk to him about it?”

“That’s the hardest part.” She sighed, dropping her head down on her arms again.

I felt Garrett’s arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him as I sat on the stool. He pressed his lips against my forehead, making me lose focus on what Addy and I were talking about.

“We should head to the green room. They’re about to let people in.” He said. We followed him back, Addy ahead of us. “What’s wrong with her?” He whispered.

“We were right.” I whispered back. “Kenny kissed her last night.”

“So they do have a thing for each other.” He smiled.

“Yeah, but now she thinks he was just playing her since they were drunk.”

“Kennedy’s not that kind of person. Not even when he’s drunk.”

“That’s what I said.” I sighed. We dropped the subject when we made it back to the green room. Everyone was on their computers, waiting until it was time for them to perform. Garrett kept coughing, which worried me.

Addy stood side stage with me as I took pictures since there wasn’t a gap between the stage and crowd. The show, like always, was great. Everyone sang along to the guys’ songs, which surprised but made them happy. They hung outside for a while and we climbed back in the bus at around midnight. The bus had a queen bed in the back room, and everyone pushed Garrett and I to take it. We weren’t going to really do anything on it since other people would be using it and everyone changed in that room.

We cuddled under the sheets and I felt asleep to his soft strokes on my hair and his soft heartbeat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Kennedy did what? Hehe and why is John being such a douche bag to Mackenzie?
I hope you all enjoy it :D