Status: In the process

I Know You're The One

Chapter 9


Two full days had passed and I never reached a fever level. I guessed it was just my emotional breakdown that pushed me to the edge. I still didn't feel like myself. I had barely talked to anyone, but Garrett would still find a way to make me crack a smile. He understood about my antisocial actions, though. Everyone did, so they weren't angry with me.

"Come on! It's Ireland. We have to go to that pub." Addy whined from the front of the bus. I sat in the back with Garrett watching a movie.

"You know how Mackenzie's been feeling, Addy." I heard Kennedy answer. Their voices were muffled by the closed door, but I could still hear them.

"I know, but maybe this will help her cheer up." Addy said. “She needs something to keep her mind off of things.”

"We understand you mean well, but maybe we should wait until she's back to normal." Jared added. I kicked off the blanket that wrapped around Garrett and I and stood up.

"What's wrong?" Garrett asked, following me to the living room area of the bus.

"Only because I've been feeling down doesn't mean I have to drag everyone with me." I said. "I think it's a good idea."

"The pub?" Aaron asked and I nodded.

"Yay! Thank you, Kenz!" Addy cheered, jumping on my back. "It's going to be so much fun."

"Perfect." I said before we both fell when the bus stopped. I lay face down as she sat of my back.

"Does this mean you're going to actually let lose?" she asked, not moving from on top of me.

"Don't push your luck." I groaned. She slid off and Garrett helped me off. "I think you dislocated my spinal cord."

"I just want my best friend who's always smiling back." Addy said, crossing her arms over her chest. Her expression and words hit me hard. My chest hurt and my throat seemed to tighten. "We understand what happened, but no one hates you. Not even Garrett. John made a huge mistake. We all do. It's part of human life. You fuck up, you forget, you learn, you grow."

All I could do was stare at her. The whole bus was silent. I know she meant well with her words, but I couldn't find any words of my own. I walked off and into the hotel we were staying in. I darted for the bathroom and sank down against the wall. My tears finally burned through my eyes as sobs escaped my throat.

"Kenzie, I'm sorry." Addy said a few seconds later, bending down next to me.

"I'm fine." I assured her.

"You have to come to your senses, babe. It was a mistake and a misunderstanding. Garrett still loves you like he always has." she assured.

"I don't know what's wrong with me." I admitted.

"Do you have feelings for John?" she asked.

"Minimal." I admitted.

"Oh crap. Now I understand."

"But Garrett is the one I want to be with. He’s the one I love." I added.

"Then cover your minimal feelings for John with your love for Garrett. You have to let go." She smiled. "You're my best friend and I hate to see you like this."

"Thank you." I stood up and hugged her. I washed my face and stepped out of the bathroom with her. "When did you become so psychological by the way?"

"I think it's my hormones." She shrugged. "I just want Kennedy to fuck my brains out."

"And you're back." I chuckled.

"And so are you." she smiled, ruffling my hair. The guys were all standing in the lobby checking in and waiting for us. Garrett spotted us and rushed over, wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm sorry about my depressive self these few days. I'm going to let go of my mistake." I told him.

"I'm glad." He smiled and kissed me. His lips felt eager against mine. It had been a while since the last time we made love. He hated it falling it sex. We both knew it was more passionate than that.

After checking in, it was two people in each room. I chuckled as Addy winked at me when she stepped into hers and Kennedy's room. I dropped my bags when Garrett and I stepped into ours. I looked at the simple room with the king bed and smiled. It had a welcoming feeling to it. Garrett wrapped his arms around my waist from behind me.

"I'm glad to finally see you smile." He mumbled against my hair.

"I'm glad to be back." I answered, turning to face him.

"So we have the room to ourselves." Garrett raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, do we now?" I grinned, pressing my lips against his. We walked back to the bed, our kiss never breaking.

"I think I like where this is going." he whispered in though our kiss. I helped him lift his shirt over his head and he did the same with mine. We fell back on the bed and he hastily worked on my belt. He slid my pants off before throwing his off to the side as well.

"I love you." I whispered, grabbing each side of his face and gazing into his breathtaking blue eyes.

"I love you, too. You mean the world to me." he answered, pressing his lips to the tip of my nose. He kissed down to my neck and a soft moan escaped from my lips. He chuckled and worked on unhooking my bra and threw it to the floor. His lips attacked mine again and I allowed his tongue to explore my mouth.

I bit his bottom lips softly and playfully. I heard a soft moan in the back of his throat and it set off my hormones. I guess so did his because his hands tangled in my hair. The heat of his chest pressed against mine released my goose bumps, and I dug my nails into his back. He helped.

"I'm so sorry." I mumbled, watching him fall on the bed next to me.

"That was hot, babe." He chuckled. "We got caught up in the moment."

"Let's not ruin it." I said, sitting waist. I leaned down and pressed my lips against his. I moved my lips down, leaving a trail of kisses down to his stomach.

"Have I ever mentioned how beautiful you and how much I love you." he whispered, breathless.

"And have I ever mentioned how much you mean to me and how I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I answered.

"Forever." he smiled, his hand on my cheek. I kissed his hand.

"Want to try something new?" I grinned.

"Like?" He chuckled.

"Hmm...Tag." I said before jumping out of bed. He laughed and chased me down the room. We were at each end of the table in the room. To tease him, I slid off my lace panties and threw them aside. "Oops."

He chuckled and ran around, catching me. I chuckled and lay back on the table as his lips met mine. I wrapped my legs around him as he awkwardly shrugged off his boxers.

When we *ahem* finished, we jumped into a shower and changed into my outfit for the night. I was working on my hair when Garrett wrapped his arms around me.

"You look beautiful." he whispered. I turned to him with a smile. He was just an inch taller than me thanks to my heels.

"And you look handsome." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He grinned and pressed his lips against mine.

“Are you dressed?” Addy asked as she knocked on the door.

“Yes!” I laughed, turning away from Garrett to open the door.

“You guys better be ready.” Addy said, her hands on her hips, when I opened the door.

“We are.” I smiled. She clapped, excited. I turned to grab my purse, but Garrett was already behind me, a smile plastered on his face as he held it in his hand. I smiled and pecked my lips to his.

Addy and I walked ahead of the guys down the streets of Ireland, our arms hooked around each other’s. She was wearing black leather pants, a purple shirt, and a white leather jacket with purple pumps. I didn’t feel under dressed.

“So, you’re officially back?” She asked, her breath showing from the cold.

“I think so. I’m still feeling kind of down about the whole thing, but I’m trying.” I answered.

“Good. I understand why you were feeling guilty and all, but Garrett understood. He knew it was a terrible mistake.” She said.

“I know, but still. The whole me having some minimal feelings for John didn’t help.” I sighed.

“Just try to forget what happen and don’t act different with John.” She added and I nodded.

“So did you and Kennedy enjoy your time alone?” I asked, winking.

“Oh, you know it.” She grinned. “We watched a movie and talked before getting dressed.”

“You guys seriously didn’t do anything?” I asked, surprised.

“I’m kidding. Of course we did. He is amazing in bed, may I add.” She said proudly.

“Knowing this does not help the fact that I see him as my brother.” I stated, pretending to gag.

“You know what I’m wondering? If you dressed up to show off and impress John.” She said. I stopped and stared at her evilly.

“Do you seriously think it’s funny?” I asked.

“I’m kidding, Kenz.” She pouted, running to me with her arms wide open. I sidestepped her and she ran into Jared. Thankfully, we had arrived at the pub, so I walked right in.

I looked around and the place smelled of alcohol and smoke. By smoke I meant both cigarettes and weed. I coughed at the strong smell. The place wasn’t too packed and the music wasn’t too loud, thankfully.

“Hey, what happened back there with Addy?” Garrett asked, wrapping his arm around my waist.

“She’s not helping the fact that I’m trying to forgive myself.” I sighed.

“Kenzie.” He smiled, wrapping me into a tight hug.

Everyone else joined us and we claimed a table by the DJ booth and dance floor. Who would have thought they partied like Americans?

“Kenz! Please forgive me?” Addy whined for the 30th time in five minutes.

“Fine.” I chuckled. She clapped her hands happily as the waitress came to get our orders.

She had an extremely thick accent and we could barely understand her. I was actually letting lose for the night and everyone was shocked. I ordered a beer like everyone else and I would order whatever else Addy would have.

“I think we brought the wrong Mackenzie Brindley.” John said and we all laughed. If I wanted to forgive myself, I had to first forgive John.

Addy and I ran to the dance floor after two beers and three random drinks she had ordered. We laughed and danced along to the foreign music. The guys joined us little after. Garrett and I stuck to dancing together through the night as we all continued to have drinks.

“I have to go to the ladies room!” I yelled over the music to Garrett. He didn’t have much to drink so he could take care along of everyone else. Pat never drank so he was helping Garrett. He and I always enjoyed some sober fun. Garrett grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bathroom.

“I can’t go in there with you. Can you manage?” He asked.

“I’ll be fine.” I slurred.

“Be careful.” He chuckled, kissing me.

I was washing my hands when an older lady around the age of 40 came out of one of the stalls.
She settled to washing her hands next to me and I felt kind of awkward.

“Are you a tourist?” She asked with a thick Irish accent.

“Y-yeah.” I answered.

“American I see.” She noted, lighting a joint in her lips.

“Yeah, Arizona.” I nodded.

“I don’t really know the states.” She shrugged. “Want a hit?”

“No, thank you.” I answered. If they smoked this much in this pub, I couldn’t imagine how bad it would be when we went to Amsterdam.

It all happened pretty fast, or maybe it was just my drunken mind that didn’t realize what was happening. The lady grabbed my cheeks and stuck the joint into my lips. I tried to push her off, but she grabbed my wrists.

“Take a big long puff before we have to do this the harder way.” She said. I spit it out, but managed to still get a puff of smoke into my lungs, and pushed her off of me.

“Garrett!” I yelled, coughing, holding myself up with the sink.

The door of the bathroom swung open and Garrett stood there. He looked from me to the lady confused. I ran to him, still coughing.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, tapping my back.

“Your little girlfriend here is weak.” The lady laughed, picking up the joint from the floor, brushing by us and out of the bathroom.

“She stuck that thing in my mouth.” I croaked. I had a disgusting taste in my mouth and throat.

“She made you smoke weed?” He asked.

“Yeah, the fucking bitch.” I growled.

“We should head back to the hotel.” He said. In that moment, the drug seemed to kick in, and everything seemed at peace and magical. My body was in that bathroom at the pub with Garrett, but my mind was elsewhere. I didn’t know where, but it was a very peaceful and stress free place.



And the weed kicked in. She was coughing her lungs out one moment, and the next, she was singing some Lady Gaga song. She hated Lady Gaga and none of the lyrics were accurate. That lady had definitely put something else into that joint.

“Are we leaving?” She asked as I helped her into her jacket when we went back to our table.

“Yeah, it’s getting late.” I answered.

“But the guys, they’re having so much fun.” She said. “I don’t want you to not have fun because of me.”

“Kenzie, don’t worry about me.” I chuckled.

“Of course I’m going to worry about you, baby. I love you.” She pouted.

“I love you, too.” I smiled.

“Are you guys leaving?” Pat asked, coming back to the table.

“Hi, Pat! Or Rat Boy or Micheal, whichever you are right now.” Mackenzie said happily, jumping into his arms.

“What’s wrong with her?” Pat chuckled.

“Some weird lady shoved a joint into her mouth. It was definitely spiked.” I answered. Mackenzie let go of Pat and wrapped her arms around me.

“And like always, my amazing hero boyfriend saved me.” She said proudly.

“Is she really that drunk?” Addy asked as everyone else joined us to leave.

“I’ll explain everything outside.” I answered.

Once outside, I kept a close eye on Mackenzie as she happily skipped along to a song in her head, ahead of us.

“So what exactly is wrong with her?” Kennedy asked.

“Some lady made her smoke weed when she went to the bathroom.” I answered.

“You would think something like that would happen in Amsterdam.” John chuckled.

“That’s what I thought!” Mackenzie yelled, running back to us.

“It was spiked wasn’t it?” Jared asked.

“Definitely.” I answered, watching Mackenzie attempt to dance with a light post. I ran over and pulled her along with us.

“Gare, I was having so much fun with that person.” She complained.

“That was a light post, Kenz.” Max chuckled.

“I think I like this part of Mackenzie.” Addy admitted.

“I told you I was fun.” Mackenzie said, sticking out her tongue at her best friend. She grabbed Addy’s had and ran ahead of us.

“Why the hell would someone make a random stranger smoke weed?” Aaron asked.

“We thought we had seen it all.” John sighed.

“We definitely had not seen this side of Mackenzie before.” Jared added.

“She’s going to feel like shit tomorrow when she wakes up.” Kennedy said.

“Uh, Garrett! I need your help!” I heard Addy yell. The guys and I rushed over and crossed the corner. We all stopped dead in our tracks. Addy was running around a bench after Mackenzie who had now removed her jacket and shirt and now ran barefoot and in her bra.

“You can’t catch me!” Mackenzie yelled after Addy.

“Mackenzie, get your ass over here! I’m going to slap you.” Addy yelled back. “Garrett, help me!”

“Garrett?” Mackenzie asked, stopping dead in her tracks. She spotted me and ran over, jumping into my arms and wrapping her legs around my waist.

“Where are your clothes, Kenzie?” I chuckled. Her skin was freezing cold.

“I don’t know. Didn’t you take them off?” She asked, seductively.

“Not this time. You took them off because you’re drunk and high.” I answered, setting her down.

“Avert your eyes, you perverts!” Addy yelled at the guys. She helped Mackenzie back into her clothes.

“You guys are no fun.” She pouted.

“We definitely hadn’t seen this side of Mackenzie before.” Max stated, his hand covering his eyes, and I punched his arm.

Mackenzie had calmed down a bit once we made it back to the hotel. She did think that the elevator was an evil dragon that had swallowed us. The weed was definitely spiked. I got her into our room and she bounced on the bed.

“Come on down, Kenzie. I don’t want you to fall.” I chuckled.

“If I do I know you’ll catch me. I trust you and you always protect me.” She answered. I couldn’t help but smile.

“I trust you too.”

“Really? Even after what happened?” She asked, sitting on the bed. I sat on the bed next to her and grabbed each side of her face.

“That’s all in the past. Please stop dragging that as a burden.” I whispered, staring into her dilated red eyes.

“Be right back.” She answered, covering her mouth and running to the bathroom. I ran after her. She dropped down in front of the toilet and puked. I grabbed her hair and stroke her back. She flushed the toilet and dropped down to the floor. She had crashed. I picked her up and sat her on the counter of the sink. I helped her wash her mouth and changed her into her pajamas. I picked her up into my arms again and settled her on the bed under the covers. I changed and cleaned up before joining her.

“Gare?” She whispered as I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her to my chest.

“What is it?” I asked, my lips against her forehead.

“I love you. I know you’re the one.” She answered.

“You have no idea how madly in love I am with you.” I answered, moving my lips to hers. “You’ve had my heart since the first day I met you.”

“And you’ve had mine.” She chuckled against my lips.

We lay there happy for a bit, and I could have sworn she was asleep as I hummed a soft lullaby under my breath.

“I’m going to wake up with a hangover tomorrow aren’t I?” She slurred, half asleep.

“Pretty much.” I chuckled.

“Fuck.” She whispered before she was consumed by sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I laughed while writing this chapter. Please leave me some comments. It's what inspires me to write faster :)
Thank you!