Reels of Tape

Jay and his friends are all screwed up. They try, they fail, they jump, they fall, they laugh, and they cry. Everyone Jay knows is a complete, and total mess in one way or another. But somehow, he can always count on the eccentric, half-sane Ronnie.
  1. Ronnie
    Everyone knows Ronnie is crazy, and despite Ronnie being almost completely insane, getting him into mess after mess, and being a terrible influence, Ronnie and Jay are best friends. .
  2. Ember
    Ronnie and Ember are almost inseperable, and Jay excessively admires her. Everyone loves Ember, and nothing seems to be wrong with her. Seems to be.
  3. Jami
    Jami is thrown out, with nowhere to go, and turns to Jay.
  4. Untitled
    Jay finds out what's up with Ember, and Ronnie begs Jay to do something for him.
  5. Jay
    After a spat with his parents, Jay goes on a long, lonely walk.
  6. Jeremy
    Ronnie's gone. Jeremy's having a party. Jay is a mess.
  7. Randy
    Ronnie's back, and has a new hobby: Randy.
  8. Ronnie
    Ronnie's on a downward spiral.
  9. Ronnie & Randy
    Ronnie might've gone too far, and Randy's not going to take it.
  10. Untitled
  11. The Burnout
  12. Reels of Tape