Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

The one that got away

Cameron’s POV

Josie went into the room looking so messed up. Even though she looked well-damn pretty in her mini black dress, I still sense something was wrong.

“Jo! We’ve been looking for you. The guys from stereo skyline helped us finding, where were you?” I spat on her once she entered.

Jo didn’t do anything but giving me a hollow stare. She looked down for a few minutes before starting to breakdown. She sat down with her back leaning to the wall, curling up against her knees and started to sob.

I was there when she began to lose control of her breath and I could only lend my shoulder for her to lean on and was just sitting on the floor until she was ready to tell. I texted the boys to get back from where they were.

“I should’ve listened to Wes, I shouldn’t have trusted him. I should notice that I never said yes to John, I should’ve known that John was drunk that night. I’m a total fool, Cameron. I am. Now I hurt myself by letting me too much far fall in love. He never loved me, he cared about me as Kennedy does, but I should’ve known I wasn’t the one he’s after.” Josie cried it out and I soon realized John must have dumped her.

I couldn’t say anything other than denying she was a fool, I was only there as a listener, not even trying to say a single word until the door cracked open and Wes came in followed by the other four guys.

Josie’s POV

The door cracked opened the second I was crying so bad on Cameron’s shoulder. I heard Wes’ voice began to crack the silence in the room. I was still on Cameron’s arm when Wes rubbed off my back and Eric began to speak.

“Josie, he is not worth a single drop of your tears.” Eric said.
“Eric’s right, Jo. He didn’t know what he let go off, you are so much more than what you thought you are. Just because you fell to a wrong hole, doesn’t mean the next holes you’re about to experience are just the same. There are plenty of better guys out there, or even in this room, for you.” I heard David spoke a word as Cameron lift up my face.

Cameron gave me a sign to look around, and as I did, I saw all the best smiles in the world that made me feel a lot more comfortable to be around with. Brian put on his silliest smile ever and I cracked up laughing on David’s accidentally fart. Just as it sounds, the boys flipside my worst night into yet, best ones.

They looked worried and I was sure they were more than tired, even though one thing was still tickling through my brain, who was the first person who noticed my missing? I convinced the boys to went back to their sleep and I was still in my dress, smell terrible and uncomfortable.

I made sure Cameron and Eric were totally fallen asleep so I didn’t have to go to the bathroom to changed my outfit. Once the light was out and it was totally dark, I undressed myself and put on some shirt. I wasn’t even sure if it was mine or not, because it was so long and kind of big, but I sure did feel comfortable wearing it. And I love the smell of the shirt.

The room was bigger than our last one in the previous city, so I got to get my very own bed. Since it was so dark and I didn’t even bother to look which one was mine, I slept on the nearest bed from where I stood.

The next morning, when I was half awake, I felt so warm, like there was someone’s arms wrapping me tight and close. I really thought I was dreaming but then I realized I didn’t, since I could hear Cameron’s smirking on how I slept.

“Good morning, sunshine” Cameron said, well, kind of yelled in front of my face which made me jumped and turned around to other side of the bed… and got shocked.

The other side of my bed was Eric, snuggling into his pillow and his arms were on my waist, just as how a couple sleeping.

“How did I get to share the same bed with you?” I said in shocked, waking him up from his sleep.
“What? How did my tees get on you?” Eric answered just in the same amount of shock.
“What happened last night? Was I drunk? But I remember making sure you two were asleep before I undressed myself..”
“You changed your dress while we slept and the lights off without even gone to the bathroom? Dammit, Josie! I should’ve stayed awake!” Cameron scoffed as Wes smack his head. “aww!” He added as glancing at Wes’ direction.

I pulled myself out of the bed, and pulling the blanket off Eric too, since I remembered I didn’t put on any shorts or pants the night before. Everyone but Eric and I who were on the room laughed their asses off, thinking we were funny.

“Guys, nothing about this is funny!” Eric said as my face went as red as a boiled crab, but Cameron continued laughing even louder. “Grow up, Cameron!” Eric added, sounding a little pissed off.
“Jo, would you like if I take the blanket?” Cameron smirked as I looked down and Eric quickly went through my stuff and get me a jeans.
“Here, wear this, and just ignore Cameron, he’ll pay it on our way to the next city.”
“I totally embarrassed myself in front of you guys again. Ugh” I said getting a little pissed off about myself as I put on my jeans.

I went to my stuff to pick on my own shirt and I found Eric held my hand, preventing me to bent down over my things.

“I like you better off with my shirt. I would definitely love it to see you wear it today” Eric said, blushing as Cameron started some weird, strange noises.
“Eric’s right, Josie. Besides, we only have 6 minutes before leaving for the next city, that also means you and Eric had to share the bathroom for brushing your teeth..” David smirked as I gave them some deadly look.
“Well, I will go on Kennedy’s room and I will meet you all downstairs in 4 minutes.” I said as I keep Eric’s shirt on and went to Kennedy’s room.

Sadly, I forgot about everything I went through the night before, and as I walked there, I met some of people and they were giving me this nasty look. Yet I didn’t even mind what they thought of me. on the elevator, I met these couple of girls who apparently knew I was with- well, I thought I was with-John.

“Is that John’s?” one of them said as I shook my head.
“Woah, that’s not even John’s? what is she? Some band slut?” I heard the other girl besides her whispering through her ears.
“I'm sorry, but how do you ask me so? About this being John’s?”
“Well, we were in the club last night, and the hell John did made it a lot of fun, and we saw you yesterday holding hands with him.. so we assume you were his girlfriend, apparently we were wrong.” The girl smirked as the went off the elevator and so did I.

I walked straight to Kennedy’s room and found he was shirtless, and he was sharing the room with Pat, and so I just walked in and still was holding my tears tried to smile.

“I need your bathroom to brush my teeth!” I said quickly in a breath to avoid the cracking of my voice, and ended up crying while brushing my teeth.

I wipe away my tears and pretend like I was washing my face when Kennedy opened the door. But oh well, he knew me since I was a child, so crying in front of him wont be such a big matter. I only cried for several second on his shoulder, then remember I have a promise to be at the lobby before the TDF boys.

“Kennedy, please let me sleep in your room, tonight. I feel like talking to you. May I?” I asked as Kennedy rubbed my head.
“You’re always welcome in my room. Meet me on the hotel on our next city, baby.” He said as he kissed my forehead and I ran off to the lobby to meet the TDF boys.
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I am very sorry if this dont turned to be your favorite one..
But well, i like it <3 reviews?