Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

Welcome to my life

The first day of my stay in Virginia went well, fact that I’ve made some friends made me feel a lot better. Later that day, I went to the public library and made up some homework. I look up to some bookshelf and had myself reading books until the library was almost closed. I turned off my phone and finished up the homework.

It was around 7 when I was just walking on the sidewalk and I stopped in an electronic store where the TV was playing Kenny’s band’s song. I didn’t know whether to stare at the TV or made a call to him. Because I knew he would be very busy if I did call him. Instead, I turned on my phone and I had plenty of miscalls from Wes. I smiled at my phone and call him back immediately.

“Where the hell are you?” he said angry.
“I was just stuck in the library finishing some works.” I said as I continued walking.
“Good, I’m heading to starbucks with the boys now. You better get your ass down here, you hear me?”
“I'm tired.” I pretended to yawn but he knew I was lying.
“I bring the house’s key, and you left yours. So come here.” He soften his voice and there’s now way I could resist that.

I walked to the starbucks he told me and met the other three boys. Wes just waved to my direction but I knew there was definitely something bothering their minds. I could see the looks on their eyes were a little… frustrated. Wes broke the silence we had by telling me the reason behind their frustrated looks.

“So, your merch guy just quit the crew and you guys start touring next week?” I asked as they all nodded. “Have you guys ever considered having a merch girl instead of merch guy?” I added.
“Well, the downtown fiction can take anyone, any gender, and just… we need help.” Cameron said desperately.
“How long is this tour going to take?”
“About five to six weeks. Are you trying to tell us, you’re interested to be our merch girl?” David cut in our conversation and I just nodded.
“Well, I don’t really have to go to campus or anything, and I was thinking of a job, so I might be the perfect girl for that.” I grinned.
“You are so going to be our best friend.” David added as Wes just gave me a warm hug.

I haven’t gotten the details of the tour or whom they were touring with, but the boys decided to spend a night at Wes’ to do a little practice of their songs. Well, I haven’t really find out about their band, so I just hang out with them on Wes’ basement that night. There was this moment when I found Cameron was so attractive but it didn’t really got into me.

From what I could see, David was fooling around with Eric and did a little play of Harry Potter scene, which I found it funny and I laughed hard at them. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard at someone I just knew barely a day. Being around them was a different case, they made me feel special. I had fun hanging with them though. And I barely even knew them.

I let the boys had their own time and decided to went to bed since I was so tired. I couldn’t even remember to changed into pajamas. As much as I wanted to fall asleep, the noise from the basement kept me awake all night long. Even after I plugged in some favorite tunes of mine, it couldn’t stop the noise getting up straight to my room.

It was almost 3 am and I could still heard the boys laughing so hard, so I decided to walked down and told them to stop and have some rest. But things weren’t as smooth as it was planned. They were having this huge pillow fight and I tend to be a part of the fight.

“You’ll never take me on.” Cameron smirked at my direction as I just threw my pillow as hard as I could toward his face and boom!
“Gotcha, Cam.” I smirked off and pretended like a real winner.
“You’re going down, Jo!” David yelled and bumped onto my back which caused me an unbalance body and fell off.

The minute I fell down I was more than sure my arm hit the floor and my head were on the floor, which caused me a massive headache and a pretty messed up bruise on my arm. David helped me to stand but my head was too dizzy that I couldn’t stand proper for even 2 minutes before I began to fall off again. Only this time, Eric got my back and helped me calmed down on the couch.

Wes smacked David’s head and Cameron gave this glare on David. Without being spoken, David felt guilty enough that he started apologizing. Wes quickly gets his first aid and put an ice to my arm which looked pretty messed up. He even thought that I might also break a bone, but I was sure I didn’t. David called up his friend who went to the nursing school even though it was almost 4 am.

“I’m so sorry that I bumped onto you, I didn’t mean to. But I’ll make things right, I already called Donny and he said he’ll be here in any minute.” David said as he sat beside me and looked so guilty.
“I’m okay, Dave. It wasn’t your fault if we get too carried away. I should’ve kept my ears and eyes opened.” I laughed a little and ended up having a worse headache.
“Here, lay your head on my shoulder to make it feel better.” Eric said as he gently touched my head and just let me laid my head on his shoulder for a couple of minutes before I fell asleep for real.

Just when I finally had my rest, I heard a guy walked into the room and it was this Donny, David’s friend who he called earlier. Donny gently examined my arms and confirmed I have no broken bone neither some serious damage on the head. It was just some shocked over my brain that cause me a terrible headache. But over all, I was all good.

“Thank you, Donny.” I said with a very low tone as he just smiled.
“It was nice meeting you, Jo. I sure am looking forward to see you.” Donny said as Eric helped me up and he took me my room.

There was nothing much I could remember but I woke up pretty darn late and the house was empty. I went to the kitchen and found a note plastered on the fridge. Telling he went to TDF’s practice and he would also be home around 4. He also made me some breakfast. Well, he knew my taste.

I finished my brunch and dressed up to do some grocery shopping Wes seemed to forget to do every single month. On the market, I met Donny who was doing his grocery shop and we kind of shop together. He even offered me to go to meet up some friends of his.

“Well, I think it would be amazing if you’d just come up to my house. I don’t think Wes would mind too. He knew us well.” Donny smiled as I nodded.

Donny drove us to a house which was pretty comfortable to be at. Just when I entered the house, I saw four other guys hanging on the living room with bands equipment. And as I predicted, they are one whole band. The guys introduced themselves to me and we have JC Charles as the guitarist, John Rauda as the vocalist, and Chris Altice as the drummer, while Donny himself is the bassist.

“Well, David is our producer, so you might as well listen to our music similar as you listen to TDF’s.” JC said as he hand me a bottle of beer.
“David? The bassist of The Downtown Fiction? The band that Wes helped as their additional player?” I asked in disbelief as I resist JC’s offer. “Sorry, I don’t drink.”
“yup, that’s the David we are talking about, David Pavluk.” JC answered. “And by the way, you can always have a mineral water on the fridge.” Added him.
“What do you name yourself?”
“We named our band ‘aim for the weekend’.” Chris answered as he went to the fridge to get me that bottle of mineral water.

I spent the rest of my day at John’s house and definitely forgot to tell Wes that I was only hanging out with his mates. But it was too late when I was just about to call him, he called me first. Just the second when I answered his call, I could hear the worried voice of his that I never liked.

“Wes, don’t worry. I'm at John’s with the rest of AFTW kids, and I shall be home around 15 more minutes.” I said as I hung up the phone and took my groceries. “It was fun hanging with you all.” I added as I just ran off the street and get a cab.

Soon as I arrived at home, I found Wes was standing in the front yard of the house as if a dad worries about his daughter. I just smiled at his direction and gave him a sweet warm hug before we went inside the house and started arranging stuffs I bought on the grocery shop earlier.

Besides that, we both also catch up on all the things we missed during the last few years when we were separated pretty far. I was surprised to hear all those music experiences Wes had during the time I was gone. And he also thought it would be so much cooler if he could only be my senior and protected me from all the high school bullies. We were talking about our life while watching some random TV shows, and before we even realized, we fell asleep on each other’s shoulders with the TV on, and some snacks around the couch. But we stayed like that until the morning after, anyways.
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Comments? I try to update it as soon as possible, so a comment would be nice. And I can use some ideas too