Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

The Morning After

It’s been a while since I went on the road touring with the boys. I woke up to a really cold morning that I found it was way too cold to move out of bed. My alarm rang a few times before I decided to snooze it.

I was still in bed when Wes cracked open my room, bringing me a cup of coffee with a huge grin. He sat on the edge of my bed and gave me the fresh brewed coffee he made just a little while before.

“Why is it so cold today?” I said as I sip on my coffee as Wes stood up and opened the curtain.
“Because it is snowing” Wes shouted in excitement as he put down his coffee on my window side.

Wes pulled me out of bed, pushing me to the bathroom, motioning me to brush my teeth. He waited outside the bathroom and as I went out, he put on this huge smile on his face.

“What?” I glanced at him, knowing he wanted something from me.
“I wanted to introduce you to someone special!” He pushed me back to my room as I changed into something a little more proper and suitable for the weather.

I walked out of my room and found Wes nowhere to be found, when I decided to walk downstairs, I could heard the voice a car’s engine already started and turned out Wes was already inside the car.

In a chilly day of Virginia, Wes decided to wake me up at 8 am, even though I was on a day off, 8 am was way too early. He drove me to someplace with the huge grin plastered on his face. My stomach was filled with butterflies of curiosity on what happened with Wes. Or at least who was he taking me to meet.

I kept on asking and he kept on answering me with the same answer. We pulled off in this skate park, since it was a little early, no one but the two of the girls stood in front of the gate.

“Isn’t that Vany?” I whispered onto Wes’ ears as he nodded.

My mind went out a little, thinking if Vany cheated on Garrett with Wes, which I thought was a little dumb. Not that I didn’t like Wes any better, but I personally think Garrett’s been amazing towards her.

“That’s her cousin, her name’s Daneel Edlund.” Wes said with these sparkling eyes of his and I realized it was her he crushed on.

Wes introduced me to this cute new girl. What I still don’t get is why would he take me here, I mean, the place didn’t even open yet.

“Well, Josie, Daneel here just moved from California to Virginia because of her parents’ job. And, I just got her a job to be honest.” Vany said as she moved closer to me.
“Well, I work for the skate park, since it will be snowing and I kind of need money to some of my personal needs, I decided to work here. But I’m new, I was kind of afraid I’d be lost.” Daneel said, innocently.

Wes smiled toward her direction non-stop.

“I can be your personal guide.” Wes said as he offered a hand as Daneel blushed like mad.

I started sneezing as my nose got so runny that I realized I started to catch flu. As Vany and I let Wes and Daneel got their talk, I started to lose my balance before actually sneezed and fell down.

“Josie, are you okay?” Vany asked as she helped me to stand.
“I’m a little cold, and I think I will need something warm…” I murmured as I winked at Vany.
“Sure thing, sugar, let’s grab something from Starbucks!” Vany said as Daneel reached her hand.
“What about me?” She pouted.
“Well, I’m your personal guide, not her.” Wes joked as she let go off Vany’s hand and we went off our way.

Vany drove us to the Starbucks nearby and when we took a seat there, I realized something was different on her, not that she looks more chubby. I also spotted a ring on her left ring finger.

“Vany… does Garrett proposed you?” I asked in doubt as she blushed.

Vany hadn’t spoken any word. She was just blushing like mad as she kept on driving. I repeated the same question and more butterflies came into my stomach.

“And you look a little more chubby.. are you......” I stuttered, trying to draw something for her.
“Are you motioning I'm preggo, Jo?” Vany said in shock as I shook my head.
“You just look different, V. It kills me to know what’s up. And, your ring… I mean…” I added as she took her deep breath.
“I am engaged to Garry. He just proposed me 2 nights before. This was supposed to be a Christmas surprise for you guys...”
“And, as of the other one… are you…?” I raised my eyebrows, still being way too curious as she just looked at me with a blank stare as she just sipped her cup of chocolate.