Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

Right here waiting

Eric's POV

"Man, are you sure you can continue this tour?" I heard a voice distinctly out of nowhere.

My vision was blurry and I felt a terrible pain on my chest, it was also hard for me to breathe. I felt my pone vibrated for several times but I had no power to reach out to it. Even speaking was a hard thing for me, by that point.

"Cameron, I think we gotta take him to hospital. He's worse than you when you had that laryngitis thing." I heard David's voice clearly.

It felt so cold that time, and I felt someone tried to carry me. I was so weak, that even opening my eyes were hard enough, of course standing was the last thing I'd do that time. As some people tried to help to stand up, I fell down and my eyes were still shut.

I thought it would be my last day on earth, since everything went black right after I fell. But then, a voice in distinct got to me. I heard them mentioning Josie. In a moment, I knew she couldn't find out about me getting in this condition.She was already busy with the wedding, and I couldn't put more weight on her.

I embraced myself, using all the power I had in my guts, grabbing one hand and slowly opened my eyes. The light was too bright, but I had to tell them.

"Don't you dare telling Josie." I said, as I realized it was Cameron's hand I grab, but he let go, letting the doctor took control.

The injection got to my system, and the pain was slowly gone. It took about two whole hours until they're finally gone. I took some real good rest as the doctor then moved me to an intensive care room from the emergency unit, and the boys got in.

"I shouldn't let you smoke, I should have prevented this. Man, I should never even invite you to that party." David said in a breath. "It's just the second day of tour and you've had a terrible breakdown already." Added him in a guilty tone.
"I haven't informed Josie about anything. But she's been calling us. She knows something is wrong, Eric." Wes said as he handed me his phone. Heck he was right.

I got too busy partying with the rest of the band member. I don't drink or smoke on daily basis, but the party was too much fun and I got carried away. I smoked and drink, luckily not until I got wasted. But the smoke, it really cost me a lot.

"You gotta tell her no matter what, man." Cameron said.
"It's 3 am guys, she'd probably asleep hours ago."
"Or she could be crying her eyes out." David spoke as I started to wondered.

David might be right that time. But I couldn't imagine how she would be if she ever found out about me lying on a stupid hospital bed. Weak. She would've come across just to made sure I was okay, lacking her will of the wedding.

It was also possible if she asked me to bail the tour and come home with her, which I couldn't. As much as I love Jo, I couldn't leave the tour. Cameron showed his professionalism by carry on the show when he had that laryngitis.

"Maybe you should bail this one." Brian said out of nowhere.

I shook my head slowly but sure, trying to convince them I was okay to carry on the tour. The only thing I wasn't okay about was telling Josie. She had always hated me drinking, and even more smoking. I knew lying would bring disaster, but truth would bring chaos. They tried to convince me but nothing worked. I am always stubborn.

The boys spent the rest of the dawn in my room, sleeping. When the sunrise greeted, a nurse came into my room and gave me my medicines. The medication should take about 3 days intensive care, but leaving the band on tour for a day was already hard enough. I got to come with them.

"Hey, can you get the doctor? I need to carry on with my band's tour. And we should have been on our next city an hour ago." I said as he got to my room.

I had a little argument but managed to convince him to get me out. Something I said finally convince him, but he gave me buttloads of medicines. 5 types of different medicines I had to take daily the whole two weeks. I hate being sick.

I got up from the bed and dressed up as I woke the rest of the band. They were shock to find me up and walking but we got a time to race. We should be in the next city for at least in 4 hours. The faster we got there, the better. It was supposed to be my shift to drive, but Cameron took in my position.

I checked on my twitter, and some fans been asking me where the hell was I in the last night's show. And I had to make excuses I hate. I goof around, mentioning Wes, and just wanted to type Josie's username, but sometimes it freaks me out. I don't want people to know Jo's twitter, especially our fanatic fan girls could be horrifying. Josie had been there before.

I decided to check on her timeline, and her last update was three hours ago. Which was around the time I finally conscious. She was still up around that time, 3 am. She tweet ":(" which meanwhile her previous tweets are about how exciting the wedding preparation is.

I knew David was right. I knew she didn't go to be properly. She didn't sleep. The guilt rushed over my whole systems. Wes noticed my gloomy kind of mood as he took my phone and checked on what I was seeing. Starting to feel like he's my long-lost dad, though.

"That's it, Jones! Tell her!" Wes said as I shook my head.
"Eric! Quit being a coward.. You hurt her by doing everything you do. Imagine how much she'd hate you if she ever finds out about this through other people." Cameron spat on my direction from the driver seat.
"And also think about Kennedy. He'll beat the crap out of you if he knows you made her cry!" David said, trying to freak the hell out of me.
"Try telling Kenny. I'm sure he'll help." Wes said.

I shook my head because I didn't want Kennedy got involved. This was my problem, and my mind keep on tracking everything its own. I finally embraced myself and text her.

"I really miss you.. How's everything while I'm gone?"

I waited for 15 minutes before she got back to me.

"Three days gone and you now tell me you miss me?"

I gathered all my guts around and decided to ring her. It took about 5 dial tones before she got the phone call. But there was also 3 minutes of silence.

"I get it you're mad.." I said, trying to cool off the situation.

"I'm surprised you woke early just to call me." She answered, being so sarcastic.

"Josie, I am sorry.."

"it's only day three of tour." Her voice cracked.

"I hate hearing you cry.."

"Do you hate yourself right now?"

"You have no idea, Jo. Damn it, I wish you were here, telling me everything's fine!"

"Everything is far from fine.."

"I know. Eleven more days before I'm home. I promise we'll make things right."

"I trust you Eric.." She said, sobbing. "It's just I feel something was wrong.. what did you do?"

As much as I wanted to lie, I couldn't. I hated her sobbing voice. Always hated.

"I got hospitalized last night. We partied too hard, and I took few shots of drinks, and smoke ciggars. I didn't have the guts to tell you, Jo. I am so sorry it had to be like this."

She didn't respond anything, which made things thousands time worse. I could sense the panic by the second she breathe. I was just being a coward by not asking her why. I was afraid of her answers.

"How drunk were you till you get to hospitalized?" She said, trying to hold her emotions.

"It wasn't the drink, Jo. It's my disease.. I have a bronch disease.. It's just.. This is why I can't tell you by phone, because it's hard to explain."

From distance, I could tell Josie was crying hard. It made things even worse because I made her cry. I hated myself so bad, that time. I just wish I could come to her side and tell her I'm fine. Thing is, we weren't even fine. We were too far from fine.

"You should come home and explain.. because I am here waiting."
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