Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

Long long way from home

“You look stunning with that outfit.” John whispered onto my ear as Brian left me alone with John. “Where’s your band?” He added as I just smiled awkwardly without any word.

I bit my upper lip, indicating John how I was nervous being around him, with such crowd, and I could hear lots of girls calling for the band to came out of the hotel. Pat and Garrett anticipate the crowd by going straight toward them, while Jared was found walking to the bathroom. I still had no idea where Kennedy was, but I had John with me.

John took my hand and we walked toward the elevator, he led me in once the door was opened. But then my phone rang and it was Brian needing some major help with the hotel administration.

“We have this tiny little problem…” Brian said. “I thought I could put you on your own room, but I was wrong. You might have to share some bed with one of us.” He added in a breath.

I didn’t thought it would be such a big deal, in fact, I did spend a lot of time hanging with the band, so a sleeping case was no longer a problem to me, and even if I don’t feel like sleeping in the same room with them, I could always knock on Kennedy’s door.

Well, the very first day of tour was pretty good. I had an amazing time hanging with Brian, taking care of stuff, and I turned out to be Brian’s assistant. I got to admit, he did have a hard job, and I was just glad to help. The boys return from their sound check and I could see the hunger upon their faces.

“I demand you two to take us to any restaurant near by, cause trust me, we haven’t eaten anything.” Cameron said with all the pain in his voice.

I drove the van to the nearest downtown restaurant and gave the band all they needed, food. It wasn’t that kind of a junk food one, but it sure did have a lot kind of junk food. I was surprised to know that Eric was actually ordering a vegetable salad and hot coffee.

“Don’t give me that look. I'm a healthy person.” Eric mumbled at my way.
“Well, you sure are living health. But vegetable salad won’t be enough for the energy supply you will need. I say, lets get you some other healthy menu here…” I said grabbing away the menu off his hand.
“I'm sure I will be fine with my order!” Eric tried to convince me while Cameron started this smirking face of his.
“Why don’t you just listen to her? It’s good to finally have a mother on this tour.” Cameron smirked, just as I predicted.

I rolled my eyes over the boys’ comments on my act, and ended up ordering Eric some chicken steak plus French fries. I knew Eric was not a vegetarian, so I thought it would be perfect meal for him. We were talking about almost everything that night, we even talked about this girl David met earlier on the venue.

“Well, she was stunning with her long dark hair, and her eyes were just stunning. You should’ve met her, Jo. If only she could be a part of our crew…” David wondered around.
“Well, the dinner’s finished, let’s get back to the hotel. You four need your beauty rest.” I said.
“Well you know what they say, a beautiful man like me don’t need any rest.” Cameron said as he just stands up and end up having me smack his head by me.
“Sorry.” I said with no regret and carry on with my way.

I totally forgot the fact that I hadn’t told him, not one, about the room-sharing I needed. Just as we got back to the hotel and where we were about to sleep, it hit me. I had no room to sleep. Cameron and Eric wanted to sleep in a room while Wes, Brian, and David had already snug in to their own blankets.

“Well, in this case, we got to make an exception. Jo has to sleep with us, Eric.” Cameron smirked off as I walked in their room.

Eric rubs the back of his neck and gave me a silence look without agreeing on Cameron’s statement. Cameron took off his shirt right in front of me. Even though he had done that in front of other girls, Eric noticed my uncomfortable look.

“Cam, there’s a fucking bathroom there.” Eric said, pointing a bathroom door as Cameron rolled his eyes but followed what Eric said, anyways.

Eric told me to turn around when he was about to took his shirt off as I just did. Bad luck for us, Cameron was done with his things in the bathroom and saw us in the exact position as he busted us for the first time back in the kitchen.

“You know what, guys? I’ll sleep with the other 3 guys.” Cameron said walking off the room as I grabbed his hand.
“Don’t. Just stay here, please?” I begged him without Eric seeing it. “I don’t want tonight to be awkward. Just keep on being a jerk.” I said.

Cameron might be a total jerk toward us sometimes, but he sure was a really trust-worthy person. He walked back inside the room as Eric was just changing his jeans into short. There were two beds and one couch. I thought it would be good for me to get some sleep on the couch because the band needs their good sleep.

I did have some argue on the place to sleep with Eric. He insisted me to sleep in the bed while he would just sleep on the couch. His reason was obvious. Being a gentle man.

“Eric, I told you before. I'm not arguing over this stupid sleep position. I'm good on the couch.” I smiled.
“But…” Eric said as Cameron cut in.
“No more buts, Eric. Just sleep. She’s made her decision. And I need to sleep. It’s already midnight!” He murmured as Eric sighed and I went to kill the light.

Well, I wanted to sleep right away once the light was killed, but instead, I walked over to Cameron and Eric, giving them some goodnight kiss. Kind of strange, it is. But I felt like doing it.

“Goodnight boys.” I said as they replied me in their sleepy tone.
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Comments? I need a review though <3