Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

First Kiss

The next morning, I woke up in a bed, covered with blanket. Nobody was there inside the room but me. Right on the table next to the bed, there was a note saying

“We’re having breakfast downstairs with the other band. I had to lift you to the bed, ‘cause you sleep like a baby. –Eric”

I smiled to the note he wrote, even though his handwriting was a bit hard to read on, I found out what he wrote anyways. I took a towel and cleaned myself in the bathroom, changing into more proper clothes.

I went downstairs and met John on the elevator door. The ride downstairs in the elevator was a bit awkward, until he held my hand and smile. I didn’t know what that was for, but he led me to the restaurant where the other three bands were having their breakfast. John smiled over the TDF boys and walked straight toward them.

“You wouldn’t mind if I borrow your merch girl for a while, would you?” John said, leaning down to the boys.

From the look on Wes’ face I knew he didn’t like seeing me with John. I didn’t even know why I couldn’t resist the charm of his. I thought he was taking me to his band’s table and eat our breakfast there, I was wrong.

“What time do we play today?” John asked his friends.
“We’re playing at 8, right after The Downtown Fiction.” Kennedy answered.
“What time do we do the sound check?”
“Around 3. Why so?” Pat said.
“Good. Kennedy, I'm taking your cousin off here, I'm not going to be late for the sound check.” John said.

John stopped a taxi from the lobby and we went to a park with some roadside restaurants. I love hanging at places like that, and it amazed me how John knows my kind of favorite place to be.

“Do you love it?” John said as he called a waitress. “two cups of mocha latte, one burger with bacon and extra cheese, and one omelette with a bit of milk, but more butter.” He ordered.
“You even know my favorite breakfast menu?” I dropped my jaw.
“Well, I didn’t just spend four years being around Kennedy to waste on story about you.” He winked.

Although I didn’t want to call it a date, it sure seemed like one. John knew so much about me that I even amazed with the fact I love the color blue because it was the first color I could pronounce. The rest of the time went by so fast, I found myself connected to him and I also found myself enjoying his cuddle, until one girl came up to us.

“John?” This lovely girl said.
Vany? Hey! It’s been a while since we met you, but how are you?” John said.

From the tone of their conversation, it seemed like they both have known each other for a long time. This Vany girl smiled a lot to me and she really was a nice girl.

“Is she your new girl friend?” Vany asked pointing at me as I shook my head. “Aww, that’s too bad. You two look cute though.” She smiled.
“Well, thank you. But we are just friends.” I said smiling back at her.
“For now. We’re friends for now.” John added and there were that silence. “Anyways, are you going to be at our show tonight? I'm pretty sure Garry misses you.” John said as Vany blushed.
“Well, where do you guys stay? I kind of miss Garrett too. It’s been a while.” Vany said, innocently.

John took Vany’s hands and asked her to come along with us back to the hotel. It was like 11 when we were back to the hotel. Vany didn’t have any pass to through the guards, but John helped her through, well, he was with me and John, so basically, we were good.

“Vany?” I heard a man shouted and he turned out to be Garrett. “I’ve missed you so much!” Garrett added as he pulled Vany into his arms.

John took me away from Vany and Garrett to the poolside of the hotel. John slowly took off his shirt and jeans leaving him to his boxer, well, his chest-tattoo made him super hot, and we were just there sitting on the poolside talking about Garrett and Vany.

“Well, Garrett and Vany were always in love, but Garrett took too long to say he loved her, and she had already went out with this schmuck, I forgot his name.” John explained. “But I’ll make sure Garrett did it right today. Just as I'm about to do.” John said as he leaned down and kissed my lip softly.
“That was my first kiss.” I said, kind of whispering.

John’s face was just so close to mine when I whispered it to him, that was when the TDF boys walked by the pool and saw what happened between me and John. Things didn’t turn out so well, though. I could see Cameron’s and Brian’s shock expression, also Wes’ and Eric’s disappointment. But as for Eric, I saw more than disappointment, it was almost like… anger.
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