Status: Completed!

Just So You Know

Damned if I do ya (damned if I don't)

Eric’s POV

I took David away from the stupid fight he made himself into, well, at some reason he got me mad. That second he punch Josie made me feel like screaming off at his face.

“You hurt Josie, for god’s sake!” I yelled at him once we got to my room.
“I didn’t mean to, I was just angry at Garrett!” David tried to defend himself.
“You shouldn’t have fought him. He’s our fucking mate at the tour!” I still couldn’t feel any better.
“You didn’t yell at him because you’re sorry to what happened between David and Garrett, you yell at him because he accidentally punch Josie on the face.” Cameron said suddenly as he walked in.

I had nothing to say on Cameron’s comment because it was pretty much true. I didn’t even care if David kicked Garrett as long as he didn’t die. In fact, I kinda thought Garrett was worth a punch and a little kick, but I was just so mad at David for some reasons. I realized I care about Josie more than I could ever care about anything else.

I saw a swollen over David’s face and I knew I couldn’t just left it off right there, we had a show on the night and we need to get his face fixed. I left the job to Cameron and Wes while I just went out to have some air.

I wanted to go to the lobby and when I was on the elevator, I met John and Josie. They were cuddling when the elevator opened, and as much as I wanted to just turn away, I couldn’t.

“Hey, join us here.” John said once the elevator was opened and I just walked in.

There was an awkward silence between me and them, that was until John broke the silence by saying how he loved Josie. I didn’t know the feeling I had when I heard those pick up lines. I wanted to punch him in the face. But Josie wouldn’t like it.

As soon as the elevator hit the lobby, I went away from them as far as I could. I just hate the way I saw them together. Then again, I went all alone and didn’t notice it was almost the time we hit the venue. That would also mean I had to face Josie. Again. Help me, God.

Josie’s POV

I never liked a guy with too much pick up lines, well maybe it seemed weird to some girls, but I just didn’t like it. John had been pulling too much pick up lines that I kinda hate.

“John, that was some nice effort. But uh, I don’t dig on pick up lines.” I said, kind of harsh to him.
“You don’t? well, why didn’t you tell me earlier? I could’ve stop.” John giggled a bit as I just smiled.

I didn’t know what were those things we talked about, but time does flies, and I felt so much closer to him. I finally get to hug him and felt the warmth all over nerves. But it was already the time The Maine had to go, and I had to work with TDF.

I went up to the boys’ room and found David was injured pretty hard. I hate to see the baby of the band getting sick. I honestly do.

“How do you feel?” I asked as I entered the room.
“Better. But, I know someone who’s worse than me.” David said as I realized Eric wasn’t on the room.

I didn’t want to hear who was that person, because I couldn’t take too much guilt on that, ever again. As I told them it was the time we hit the venue, David got out of the bed and he wore a rayban glasses to prevent the fans seeing his swollen eyes.

Cameron called Eric and we met up at the van before heading off to the venue. The road to the venue was too much of an awkwardness. I didn’t get to talk to Eric, I didn’t even laid my head on his shoulder as I usually did.

It was around 7 and I was set on the merch table, I’ve gotten some girls walking over and been asking for some tees of the band, everything was just good. The boys played at 8 and finished off at 9, once they were done, they went straight to the merch table and hang with me.

“You guys kicked ass!” I shouted as David ran toward me.

David hugged me so tight that I couldn’t breathe. It was by then the guys from stereo skyline went up to say hi to us. Well, it was my first time talking to them, though. But still they were some sweetheart.

After The Maine it was Boys Like Girls and Stereo Skyline’s turn to rock off the stage. The first show finished right around midnight, and the girls were surrounding the merch table since they saw their idols.

I was pushed several times by some girls trying to get to Cameron. Luckily, there was this girl who kindly helped me and took me to the merch table side. I couldn’t thank her enough, though. So I started a conversation.

“Thank you so much. These girls are a bit too wild when it comes to Cameron!” I sighed as she giggled.
“Cameron sure is one hell of a boy.” She replied as she looked away as if she was looking for someone.
“so, were you here for TDF?”
“Actually, I do. But I also love The Maine though. How about you?”
“Oh, well, I'm here with TDF, I'm their new merch girl, their previous merch guy quit for some reason.” I said. “Anyways, who are you looking?”
“I wished I could meet David though. I only have like 15 minutes left here.”
“Cool, hold on.” I said as I texted David to came over me and he did.

This girl and David were as much shock as they met each other. The girl was happy because she met David, and David was hyper to meet this girl.

Josie! She was the girl I told you about earlier!” David shouted as he smiled. “Hi, it’s really nice to meet you. I'm david.” Added him as the girl blushed.
“Hi, David. I'm Rya, I wonder if maybe I could take a picture?”
“Sure! Do you bring your camera? Because if you don’t, Josie would gladly took a pic by hers!”

Rya laughed at David’s comment and told him she got her own Camera. Well, David seemed to like her a lot, and David didn’t just stop there. He asked me to take a picture with my camera and his friggin cell phone.

“Whats your IM?” David asked directly at her as she was just shocked but told him anyway, but then she had to leave. “I hope I get to see you at some of our show!” David added as he waved.