Status: Paused until further notice.

10 Different Sides of Me


When I woke up I felt, kind of, depressed. Yeah, I'm definitely Zelda today. I don't even want to do anything. If I don't, though, mom will start asking questions. I really don't want that. I flipped through my contacts. Hmm, Cassy! She's just the type of person I need. She's really quiet and usually spends her time at the library. I called her. "Hey Cass."

"Oh, hey Zel."

"Wanna hang out?"

"Well, I can't go anywhere. Got to babysit today."

"Well. That sucks."

"If you really want to hang out, you could help." She said, hopefully.

"Eh, alright. I'm on my way."

"Okay. See ya then."

I hung up and walked to my closet. Hm, what to wear? I got a plain black tee, a black skirt, and black boots. "Mom, I'm going to Cassy's to help babysit."

"Be back in time for dinner."

"Of course." Since I didn't have a car, I had to ride my bike. It's a good thing she doesn't like far away. all of a sudden there was someone in front of me. I swerved so I wouldn't hit them, and ended up falling of my bike. "Shit." I mumbled. My palms were skinned and so was my knee.

"Rachael? Is that you?"

"Uh..." I looked up to see Taylor. He just keeps popping up everywhere! "Yes. Taylor, right?"

"Um, yeah."

"Well how's it going up there?"

"Oh, um, great?"

I threw my hands up, exasperated. "Oh!" He reached down to grab my hand. I let him help me up. "Sorry 'bout that." He chuckled. "You know, I saw a girl that looked just like you yesterday."

"Oh? Really?"


"That must've been weird."

"Yeah. She was kind of rude."

"Well maybe you ruined a nice moment." I said bitterly.

"Maybe. The guy she was with looked kind of fruity."

"Well, maybe, they're best friends. Ever think of that?"

"It's possible. Anyways, where are you headed?" He asked, uncomfortably. Good. Maybe he got the hint.

"To my friend Cassy's."


"Yeah. Cassy Davis."

"You mean the goth chick? I didn't think you hung out with girls like that?"

"Well, I do. Don't tell Gabby. She doesn't like Cassy."

"Of course. It'll be our little secret."

"Well I better go."


I got on my bike and he waved. I smiled and waved back. Luckily I didn't run into anyone else on the way there. Once I got into Cassy's driveway, I noticed the familiar black mustang. Dexter. I quickly got off my bike and ran into the house. "Hey! You didn't knock!" Justin, Cassy's little brother, yelled at me.

"Oh, hush pip squeak." I ruffled his hair. "Cassy?"

"In here!"

I walked into the living room. There he was. "Hey Smurf."

I gave him a secret smile. "Hey Dex. Watcha doin' here?"

"Just chilling. Plus I wanted to see you. Come and sit."

"Where am I supposed to do that? It's a love seat and you and Cassy have taken both seats."

"My lap, of course."

I sat in his lap, Indian style, facing him. Did I mention how tiny I am? I'm pretty sure I did. "Hi!" I waved, enthusiastically. What can I say? Just knowing he's nearby makes me happy.

"Hello." He chuckled.

I just smiled. I looked into his eyes. Those beautiful eyes. "Would you two just kiss or something?" Cassy giggled.

Dexter just gave me a huge grin. He cupped my face in his hand, and my breath got caught in my throat. Then he kissed me. Oh my God! He kissed me! No, he's still kissing me! I felt his tongue slide across my lips, asking for entrance. Which I gladly gave him. "Oh, gross! Get a room!" Justin yelled.

Dexter pulled away and smiled. All I could do was stare. So many times, Cassy has told us that. Never once has he kissed me. Sure, he acted like he was going to but he never actually did. "Don't look at me like that." He said, defensively.

"How can I not? You just kissed me!"

"What? Didn't you like it?" He sounded sad.

"Well..." I looked down, embarrassed.

"Don't look down like that. Please? Look at me." I looked up. "Annie, I love you." He whispered.

"Annie? Her name isn't Annie. It's Zelda."

"My middle name is Annie. He likes to call me that, 'cause it drives me crazy. He thinks it's 'special'."

"Oh... Okay."

"Any who. Really?" I questioned.

"What do you mean really? Of course I love you!"

"This is better than one of my books." I heard Cassy say, under her breath.

"Well, it's just, the way you act. You always made it seem like you were joking. Like you didn't actually care."

"Of course, I care. We've never been alone for me to tell you that. There's always someone around. Hell, there are people around now. I just couldn't wait any longer."

"Shh." I put my finger to his lips. "I love you, too." I whispered. Then I softly kissed him, on those delicate lips.

"I'm hungry."Justin whined.

"Shit! What time is it?"

"Almost six, why?"

"I've got to be home for dinner."

"You haven't even been here that long."

"I know. I ran into someone on the way here. Got a little skinned up." I showed them my palms.

"Well, I guess you don't need to give your mom an excuse to not like me."

I smiled. "I love you, Cassy. You're the best, you know?"

"Yes, I do." She flipped her hair, and fluttered her eyelashes. Which made me crack up.

"I'll give you a ride, so you won't be to late." Dexter and I headed towards the door.

"I'll bring you, your bike later." Cassy called from the living room.

"Thanks, Cass!"

"Anytime, Zel!"

I slid into the passenger seat and took a deep breath. It smelled just like him. He got in and started the car. He looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder. He hand slowly slid down my forearm and stopped at my wrist. He pulled my hand towards him, to look at it. "You did it again." I looked out the widow. "Why? You need to stop."

"I was stressed. I can't just stop. It's like an addiction. Like all those fucking drugs you sell to my friends!"

We were now in my driveway. "Hey! You were addicted to them and buying them from me, just like they were."

"Well I changed!"

"Sure you did. I hope you know, Tommy can't keep a secret."

"Asshole!" I slapped him across the face. I got out of the car and slammed the door. I stormed through the front door.

"Annie you're la- Annie, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I sniffled. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

"Dinner's ready."

"I'm not hungry."

"Okay... Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed, okay?"

"Alright. I love you, Annie."

"Love you, too."

I walked upstairs. I had the whole upstairs floor to myself, thank God. I walked to bathroom and again pulled out my trusty friend. Dexter can't stop me. It's my body. He can't control me. That night I fell asleep crying on my bathroom floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
Zelda's Outfit.

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