Status: will try to update almost every weekend...PROMISE :D

The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You

Chapter 1

''Go away, Luke.'' I sighed for the fourth time as I placed my algebra book in the back of my navy blue locker and flicked back my waist lengh, straight, brown hair, successfully hitting Luke in the face with it.

I glanced at him once more with disbelieving eyes, he was leaning against the locker at the side of mine, his reassured smirk still on his face. He had been following me around the entire day, asking me to go to the school dance with him. My answer had consistently the same. No. No way, no how. Never. Sure, all the other girls fell all over him and almost passed out if he so much as breathed near them, but I, on the other hand, had no interest in him whatsoever. He was the football type, not really my thing. He was into huge parties, also not really my thing. Don't get me wrong, i loved parties...just not ones that included too much alcohol, drugs, sex or a mixture of all of them. They were all fine in small doses.

''Oh come on Ally!''

''Firstly,'' I began, slamming my locker door and hitching my school bag up over my shoulder. ''Its Alicia. Secondly, i don't want to go with you!''

He raised an eyebrow and took a step closer. ''Oh come on!, just let me take you, it'll be worth it.''

''No,'' I replied curtly, before swiftly spinning around and stalking away towards the lunch room where i would sit alone. Again. Plenty of people wanted to talk to me, i had no idea why, but i just felt so uncomfortable around people. Not all people though...i hadn't always been like this, just since last summer...

Moving quickly through the crowds of people in the hallway of New Jersey Prep School in Belleville, New Jersey, I kept my head down, not wanting to catch the attention of anyone. But of course when Frank Iero was around that didn't happen. Ever. ''Hey babay!'' Frank yelled over to me. ''Looking good!''

I raised my hazel eyes, they darted to the direction of Franks voice and as usual, he was walking beside Mikey Way and Bob Bryar in the crowded hallway, walking in the same direction as you; towards the lunch room. Bob and Mikey always tried to be nice to me, and i guess Frank never meant to offend, but he was just!

I glared at him and Frank just laughed as Mikey mouthed the words, ''im sorry,'' I shook my head and continued on my way, walking behind Frank and the guys towards the caffeteria.

The stench of crusty lasagne and sweaty potatoes fills the air in the caffeteria, I headed straight to the old, broken register and got a packaged sandwich and a bottle of water before heading over to the perimeter of the room and sitting alone at one of the few two-seater tables. I did have one or two friends, but i liked the quiet, the silence. It gave me time to think, to let my thoughts run free.
I sighed, looking across the room into the white walls of the crowded caffeteria, just thinking.

Time for the real introductions. I'm Alicia Liberty, daughter of Lydia James and Henry Liberty. My dad died last year. At this time, i was 17 years old, a senior at High School, and i was very happy. I lived in a good part of Belleville, and for that i was grateful.

I did my best to avoid things such as drugs, alcohol, sex, get the point. I was quite a good girl, not that my mother had raised me that way. Quite the opposite. My mom was a drug addict who had several affairs before my dad died on August 10th last year on account of getting into a vicious fight with one of mom's boyfriends. Dad knew she had affairs, but he always took her back, being the nice, sensitive push-over that he was. I loved my dad, he had been everything to me that mom hadn't. She was never there. She was always off smoking some random shit, or injecting something, or having another sordid little affair with some guy she just met round the crack house, and now, I lived alone with her.

I sighed once more before ripping open the plastic wrapper of the salad sandwich.

''Ally?'' Came a voice from behind me.

Closing my eyes in exasperation, I sighed. ''Luke! I will not go anywhere with you!''

''It's not Luke.''

I spun around in my chair to see a tall figure standing before me with brown hair. The brown hair of Mikey Way was swept to the side, the front of his hair coming over his forehead, cutting across his left eye, his brown eyes staring down at me. I had never really spoken to Mikey much, just when i needed to in class or something, he was a senior too, and he seemed like a nice kind of guy.

''Oh hey Mikey...can I help you?'' I asked, confused as my hazel eyes met his brown ones.

He turned his head slightly, avoiding my gaze, ''i was just...uh...just wondering if you...'' he paused for a minute, unknown to me, he was chickening out of his actual question. ''I mean, do you have a copy of Romeo and Juliet i could borrow? I kinda lost mine.'' He cursed himself internally as i smiled, not noticing any of his hesitations.

''Sure,'' i reached down to grab my messenger bag which was at my feet, pulling out my paper-back copy of Romeo and Juliet; that was the book we were currently studdying in English. ''Here,'' i smiled as i handed it over, ''keep it as long as you need, i've read it a million times.''

I smiled, expecting Mikey to turn and walk back over to where Bob and Frank were waiting at a neighbouring table, staring intently into Mikey's back, a huge grin on Frank's slightly cute features. ''Uhh...anything else?'' I asked, frowning slightly as Mikey stared blankly into the floor beside him, an adorable shade of scarlett crossing his features.

His brown eyes looked up briefly, then back down again. ''Would you like to sit with Frank, Bob and I? You look kinda lonely,'' he looked up once more and laughed nervously, raising his right hand and cupped it behind his neck, pushing his glasses awkwardly up with he hand in which he held the book.

I looked around to where his friends were waiting, both staring. Bob turned away once he saw me look over, Frank on the other hand winked and grinned. I couldn't deny the smile that wanted to burst out, but i looked up at Mikey and, still smiling, replied, ''I'm sorry Mikey-''

''Please?'' He pleaded quietly, his chocolate eyes touching on my face. I sighed in defeat and rolled my eyes, standing up, much to Mikey's joy. He hid the grin as i followed him over to his table.

''Hey, Alicia right?'' Bob asked politely as i sat beside Mikey on the opposite side of Frank and Bob.

''Damn right. Nice ass.'' Frank grinned as Bob hit his forearm, Frank's eyes met mine and with a jolt, i realised they were almost the same shade of mine, just more beautiful.

''You have hazel eyes.'' I blurted out. I closed my eyes, embarassed as i turned my head, a pink blush appearing on my pale cheeks. ''I...I never noticed before.'' I mumbled, trying to save myself from complete embarassment.

Frank and Bob laughed loudly while Mikey chuckled slightly beside me.

''Nothing gets past you!'' Frank grined crookedly, i blushed deeper as my eyes met his once more, a gravitational pull forcing my hazel orbs to his.

I groaned when the boys didn't stop laughing, dying of embarassment. ''Come on guys!'' I pleaded, ''don't do this to me!''

No response. They just laughed even harder.

''I have to be somewhere,'' i mumbled as i hitched the strap of my bag up my shoulder once more before rising to my feet and making to walk away. I should have known sitting with some guys i didn't even know properly would be a bad idea. I had no idea why i had agreed in the first place.

''No...Alicia...I'm sorry,'' i heard a voice which was closely followed by someone placing their hand on my arm. I spun around at the unexpected contact, my skin tingling and burning at the touch, to find Mikey Way's hand gripping my forearm lightly.

''Oh...'' I mumbled, unable to form any other words as my gaze locked with Mikey's. I frowned, not understanding the sensation under his hand. Why was his hand causing me to tingle, my heart to slowly start speeding up.

I frowned and sat back down beside Mikey as he let go, he was secretly feeling the same connection while the other two boys were blissfully unaware. ''So where are your friends?'' Mikey questioned, avoiding my gaze again.

''Probably out by the bike shed or something,'' i replied.

''Why don't you go with them?''

''I...I don't actually know. I guess i like my quiet.''

Mikey nodded and Frank smirked for some reason.

The lunch hour passed quickly, i finally got talking to the boys properly and to my surprise, i found that they weren't so bad. Maybe except for Frank's constant flirting and innuendos...but truthfully...I didn't mind them so much. I would go as far as to say i liked them.

I realised that Mikey was different than i thought, i always imagined him to be too quiet, no personality. But he was the oposite. He was just loud enough. I found out that Mikey and I shared similar taste in music, both our favourite bands were Anthrax and both our favourite colours were red.

Bob was nice too. I didn't really talk to him as much as i did to Frank and Mikey. Frank was exactly how i knew he would be. Constant flirting, innuendo's and everything else, but that just drew me in.

I was now sat in Chemistry at my lonely table wondering where my best friend, Melody Harper was. She was usually here by now. I stared towards the door and flicked my pencil against the surface of the grey desk before i felt a presence beside me. I looked up, only to be greeted by the hard, green eyes of Luke Ainsley...once again.

''Alicia...please? Just go with me!''

''Oh Luke, just fuck off will you?!'' I sighed, exasperated.

''Why won't you come to the dance with me?''

''It's not the dance I'm so set against. It's just what you would want after the dance. I'm not that into you Luke. Sorry.'' I cupped my chin in my hand as i rested my elbow on the table top.

''What? You saying you didn't enjoy it before? It's nothing we've never done before!''

I groaned as the memories came back. I had dated Luke before, not for long but we had been together. '''s over! Forget it!''

''That doesn't answer my question.'' He raised a questioning eyebrow as he leaned onto my desk.
I blushed, desperately wanting to escape the awkward subject. On one hand, i wanted to throw it all back in his face and tell him no, i didn't enjoy it. But i hated lying. So fucking much.

''I...I...Luke, I-''

''Dude, you're in my seat,'' came a welcomed familiar voice and i sighed in relief.

''Damn Melody, what took you do long!'' I questioned as she grinned at Luke and he moved reluctantly and skulked away to the other side of the classroom.

''Needed to finish my cigarette.''

''You know its-''

''No good for me,'' she finished for me. ''I get it Ally.'' She rolled her ice blue eyes as she handed something to me. I frowned, narrowing my eyes as i caught sight of the chocolate.

''What's this for?''

''What? Can't i buy my best friend something without it being suspicious?''

''No. What do you want from me?'' I asked as she grinned, letting the act drop. One thing about Melody, I loved her like a sister and everything, but I now knew when she wanted something, she wouldn't stop until she got it.

'' know how i suck at Spanish?''


''I kinda...don't know how to do my homework.''

I giggled childishly as Mr. Hansel started the lesson. ''You fell asleep in class again, right?'' I whispered and she nodded regretfully.

''My mom is going to murder me!'' She groaned, leaning her head on her arms, her pale face towards me as her long, raven-black hair fanned out across the table.

''Problem Ms. Harper?'' Mr. Hansel called over, Melody shot up from her position and looked towards him.

''No, sir,'' she finally muttered.

''Okay!'' I told her. ''I'll do your homework!''

She grinned and threw her arms around my neck, ''thank you, thank you, thank you! I owe you!''

''Ms. Harper! Please restrain yourself,'' came the teachers, deep, croaky voice.

I giggled to myself quietly and settled in for a boring class.

''Hey...Alicia,'' Mel murmered around halfway through the hour. ''That Way kid is staring at you!''

My hazel eyes flicked up and searched around the room, finally resting on Mikey. He smiled breifly, then turned his gaze to a point just past my head. The display behind my back, i realised. I couldn't really explain the disappointment i felt in the pit of my stomach as I turned back to Mel, ''no, he's just looking at the PH scale over there.''

She sighed, ''if you say so.''

The rest of the lesson passed slowly and i couldn't help flicking my eyes to Mikey again and again. I wondered where this had all come from. This morning I didn't really give a damn about him, but now i was slightly more than intrigued.

I checked the time on my white watch, sitting delicately on my left wrist. ''Finally! 3pm!''

I almost sprinted to my car which was situated in the parking lot at the back of the school, i only slowed my pace when i caught sight of Frank Iero, standing with Bob, no doubt waiting for Mikey to make his appearance.

I stared as i passed slowly, trying not to draw attention to myself.

I then realised with a jolt that it wasn't just MIkey that intrigued me, Frank too held my interest. I bit down on my lower lip as he raised his arm, waving to someone and his shirt lifted a fraction, revealing the soft skin beneath.

I sighed as i got into my car and started the engine. I understood why Frank had caught my interest right away. I had always had my eye on him; i was usually drawn to the 'bad boy' type despite my obvious awkwardness. But Mikey...why was i drawn to him?

I sighed once more as I gripped the wheel, begging for Frank's eyes to meet mine as i drove past him, and of course they did. This was wrong...Frank was a junior, but i couldn't keep my interest inside! He grinned and waved slightly and i smiled back, until i had to take a left hand turn and he was out of sight.
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So tell me if you think it's worth writing...i have a few unexpected comment please :D