Status: will try to update almost every weekend...PROMISE :D

The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You

chapter 4

I found myself in the kitchen at home, arguing with my mom. She had been in my room and taken some of my clothes, given them away to charity without my say so. The argument didn't last long. Mom stormed out of the room, leaving me there in the kitchen alone.

That's when someone knocked on the door.

''I'll get it,'' i yelled as i rushed for the door.

I wrenched back the wood and gasped, seeing the unexpected faces stood there. ''Umm...hey guys, what're you doing here?''

Mikey grinned, his pearl-white teeth glimmering in the dim light coming from my house. ''I came to give you this back.'' He held out his right hand in which he held my copy of Romeo and Juliet my heart sped up slightly as he smiled. God how i loved that smile...

''Oh Mikey, thank you,'' i flashed him a quick smile and glanced to his left where Frank was stood, leaning on my door frame, my eyes stayed on Frank's form for a little too long and Bob cleared his throat and, finally, i noticed two other guys were stood behind them, none of them looked familiar.

''No problem,'' Mikey mumbled.

''Where did you find out where i live?'' I questioned, as far as i knew, i hadn't told anyone where i lived.

''Ummm... I...I'' Mikey stuttered, looking like a fish out of water as he glanced around at his friends.

''I followed you here after school so i could look at you through the window,'' Frank grinned crookedly as he joked.

I laughed with all of the boys, one of the other guy's I'd never met before almost fell to the floor in laughter while the bushy haired one clutched at his abdomen.

''So...I'll see you tomorrow,'' i grinned, my eyes lingering on Mikey's brown eyes, then on Frank before i gave Bob and the others a fleeting glance before stepping back, moving to close the door.

Before the door hit the frame, a foot wedged between it. I frowned as i saw the black converse and opened the door again, all the guys still in place, except one of the boys i didn't know was stood with a foot in my door.

''Can i help you?'' I questioned.

''I was just wondering. Seeing as you have an obvious crush on one of my friends...which one yet I'm not so sure...'' he looked between Mikey and Frank, making me feel awkward. ''I was just wondering if you wanna come hang out.''

''I...uh, i dunno. Maybe some other time.''

''Naah, come on, we don't mind do we guys.''

There was a short chorus of agreement as the black haired male grinned, he was taller than i was, his shoulder length black hair almost covered his hazel eyes, what was it with everyone and hazel eyes? He was good looking, in a way that I'd never understood before, his round face was cute.

''It's settled then,'' he said, beaming at me before he stuck his hand out to me. ''Im Gerard by the way. Mikey's brother.''

I shook his hand, fighting the urge to laugh. I could tell i was going to like Gerard.

''Yeah, I'm Alicia.'' I shook his hand and he continued to beam. ''Where are we going?''

''Well...'' Gerard began, ''we were about to go to band practice at my house...but i guess we can do something else.''

The bushy haired guy groaned, the guys told him to shut up.

''No it's okay,'' i insisted. ''I don't mind listening in.''

''Great!'' Gerard beamed. ''Lets go!''

Before i even had the chance to turn and get a jacket, Gerard grabbed my forearm and pulled, not letting me turn to close the door before he pushed me towards a car eagerly. I climbed into the bottle green ford fiesta in between Mikey and Bob while the bushy haired guy and Frank fought over who was going to get into the passenger seat as Gerard sat in the drivers seat. Frank lost the battle and reluctantly squeezed into the back seat beside Bob, forcing me to move closer to Mikey.

I didn't look at him; i didn't want to get nervous, as it was, i was surprised that nobody was questioning who's heart was beating so loud.

The whole way to Gerard and Mikey's house, i could hardly breathe, my heart was beating so fast and it felt like someone had shoved a million bats into my stomach abandoning the idea of using butterflies. I was super-aware of Mikey beside me. I knew i liked him, the thought was set in my mind, though i knew that it was totally irrational, i just knew it. The feelings i had for Frank were nothing compared to the magnetic attraction Mikey made me feel.

As i stumbled my way out of the cramped car, i took in a deep breath of fresh air. ''You okay? You look a little...'' Gerard mumbled to me as he walked beside me up to his house. I looked over to him, noticing when his eyes widened. ''Oh my fucking god. Its Mikey isn't it?!''

My own eyes widened as i grabbed his arm and yanked him to the side out of the way of the group. ''Look, i don't know you properly yet, but I'm begging, please don't say a word.''

His right eyebrow raised as he grinned. ''Fine.'' He stuck his tongue out as i took another steadying breath before walking up to the small house.

I just hoped that he didn't say a word to his brother.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is halfway relevant. It's needed for other chapters.

The next chapter will be better...FINALLY. Im sorry for the general crappiness of the story so far, it gets more interesting in the next two chapters or so.